Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Enemy Mine, Maybe?

Chris Matthews, enemy mine!
I've gotten some very tough calls from parents of Cadets and from former Cadets at West Point about my saying last night that the President had gone to speak to "maybe the enemy camp."

I was talking about the skepticism I saw on the faces in the crowd as President Obama spoke, also how West Point was where President Bush went in 2002 to make his most hawkish speech before the Iraq War.
–Chris Matthews
West Point is the enemy camp? Not the first or only outrageous thing that Chris Matthews has said but clearly the most unpatriotic and most dangerous. Yet I just love it when Liberals say what they really think and even they realize what they think is so outrageous that maybe they should apology for it. Even though it is a fake apology.

Remember for Democrats the CIA, Returning war veterans, Christians, gun owners, Conservatives and Proponents of traditional marriage are potential enemies of the state. (see here and here)

So I have no doubt that Chris Matthews feels that West Point IS the enemy camp. He reaffirms as much in his apology when he said, “ I was talking about the skepticism I saw on the faces in the crowd as President Obama spoke, also how West Point was where President Bush went in 2002 to make his most hawkish speech before the Iraq War. “ In liberal math skepticism about president Barry Hussein Soetoro plus a place that approves of president Bush (as Matthews perceives West Point to be) adds up to the enemy camp!

But first what Matthews really thinks (see 31 sec. video)

Now I've found that an apology that is forced can be one of necessity. And after hearing Matthews’ apology I find it was forced. He may have also felt that his career depended upon an apology. I also have experienced that an apology full of explain rather than a concise acceptance of wrong doing is not an apology at all. Instead it is an attempt to justify one's position under the guise of, “I’m sorry.” (see 1:59min video)

I've gotten some very tough calls from parents of Cadets and from former Cadets at West Point about my saying last night that the President had gone to speak to "maybe the enemy camp." I was talking about the skepticism I saw on the faces in the crowd as President Obama spoke, also how West Point was where President Bush went in 2002 to make his most hawkish speech before the Iraq War.

Now I've heard too many politicians say things like "oh that was taken out of context" to explain something they wish they hadn't said. Let me just say to the cadets, their parents, former cadets, and everyone who cares about this country and those who defend it, I used the wrong words and worse than that I said something that is just not right. For that I deeply apologize.

As those who watch me regularly probably got right away, my point was that the military up at West Point was probably a skeptical audience for President Obama given his strong position against the war in Iraq and generally more dovish image.
I was wrong to make that conclusion based on the lack of applause or apparent enthusiasm in the ranks of officers and cadets last night. Cadets, one former cadet and friend just told me, aren't supposed to show that kind of reaction to a speaker.

He reminded me that soldiers, including those now in training to face the enemy, want wars to be fought effectively and ended as quickly as possible. I had no reason to assume that the cadets at West Point or the officers present last night are more hawkish than the President.

People who have watched me over the years know, I think, of my strong devotion to this country and strong gratitude toward those who serve it in the military. It's because our military is so good and true, I want the civilians who make the policies, and set the missions, to get them right, in this country's best possible interest. And it's something we're allowed to argue about in this country
Whenever I meet someone with a service record, I always say "Thank you for your service." They know I say it and I hope they know I mean it. –Chris Matthews (source)
As Matthews readily admits Liberals speak a special language among themselves.
As those who watch me regularly probably got right away, my point was that the military up at West Point was probably a skeptical audience for President Obama given his strong position against the war in Iraq and generally more dovish image.
Yes we all got you Chris. The military hence West Point is pro-Bush, pro-war and Conservative by Liberal definition, therefore they would naturally be skeptical of a dovish and anti-war president like Barry Hussein Soetoro.

Your Liberal bias, prejudice and ignorance are once again showing Mr. Matthews. Even though president Soetoro exploited the cadets of West Point, using them as a back drop and photo op for his most unfortunate exit Afghanistan speech, nevertheless the cadets showed him the utmost respect.

The Cadets of West Point showed the president the respect that they would show any president. Just because you didn’t perceive tingles up the Cadets legs or the “Oh my gosh Mr. President, thank you for taking time out of your busy day,” unmerited adulation for Soetoro that you think he deserves doesn’t mean that West Point was in any way hostilely negative toward Soetoro.

But thank you Chris for pointing out once again that you consider any and all things traditionally American the enemy. That also explains a lot about you and your viewers.

Again what it explains without question is like al Qaeda's declared war on America in 1998 for the most part Americans didn’t know it, in like fashion Liberals have declared war on Conservatives.

The twin towers of Conservative power have already been devastated in 2006 and 2008 when Conservatives loss both houses and Congress and the presidency. When will Conservatives realize that they are at war with Liberals and in fact we ARE the ENEMY CAMP!

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