Monday, October 28, 2019

Neo-Progressive Bigotry, the new big Hate from the Left.

Do Liberal Progressives really believe what they are saying about the President and about us Conservatives is true? In a word. Yes!
For the last three years I have listened to Liberal Progressives’ characterizations of Republicans and President Trump using the most vile and pernicious of slurs imaginable. Pejoratives like Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, Xenophobes, Misogynists, or Russian Asset. To borrow a phrase from Hillary, “you name it.”

It is true Liberal Progressives demonize Conservatives with every negative epithet and negative invective known to the modern lexicon. What has also become increasingly clear to me is Liberals believe the things they say to be true. No matter what the evidence against such harsh malicious maligns Liberals refuse to relent or give quarter to the idea that perhaps what they believe is not true.

President Trump was just awarded the 2019 “Bipartisan Justice Award” from a bipartisan organization of black leaders because of his work on criminal justice reform, affecting minorities. This award was given over the weekend of October 25, 2019. Instead of Democrats and the Left accepting the News as evidence that just maybe they have wrongly assessed the President, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris, a candidate for the Democrat nomination, doubled down on hatred and refused her invitation to speak at the event which the President received this auspicious award.

In the Liberal Progressive view Conservatives are nothing more than a heaping basket of deplorables. Yet none of their claims remotely match up with the reality of what we on the Right know first hand about Conservatives. Yet you nor I can convince a Liberal otherwise. What does that sound like? It sounds like a re-adaptation on the Left of the old colonial slavery and Jim Crow White Superiority and bigotry that for the last sixty-nine years this nation has been fighting so hard to throw off.

When I hear some of the fantastical mischaracterizations and slanders coming from Liberals these days first I think no one can be that self deluded.

Do Liberal Progressives really believe what they are saying about the President and about us Conservatives is true? In a word. Yes!

It is only after they stop talking that I see they are absolutely genuine in their convictions. Mind you being genuine in no way means they are right in their beliefs. And in addition, it struck me, I have seen these attitudes before. They are the attitudes of Archie Bunker. More succinctly these are the attitudes of Racism and bigotry but in a terrible new form. To better describe these attitudes they are like a new strand of influenza that has mutated into something similar but different.

Some of you will undoubtedly remember the Archie Bunker character played by Carrol O'Connor on that TV sitcom comedy, ‘All in the Family’ Archie’s prejudice and bigotry was based in White Superiority. It was those characteristics that were the hallmark of that show. The moral of that 1970’s show was to teach America that prejudging, stereotyping and White Superiority are repugnantly ignorant characteristics and should end.

So it is surprising that this new Left wing hatred or Neo-Progressive bigotry is like White superiority used to be. Liberal Progressives are always talking about White superiority. They insist they want to eradicate superiority. But what we are seeing from the Liberal Progressive is similar but altogether different from the White Superiority of the past. It’s like out of a Stephen King novel, a test-tube of White Superiority seems to have dropped and shattered on a lab floor thereby infecting every Liberal Progressive in the United States and the world. However the virus mutated, instead of skin color Superiority this strand of Superiority mutated and has changed into the belief that Liberal Progressive ideals and ideology, are Superior to Patriotism and Conservatism. This mutated strand of hate is, as I coin it, Neo-Progressive Superiority.

This means that Liberal Progressives are the new prejudged bigots. They believe they are superior to the new N-words. The New N-words in their view, are Conservative Republicans! And just like it’s progenitor, White Superiority, this neo-Progressive Superiority or neo-Progressive bigotry is just as hate fulled and just as toxic as White Superiority.

This would explain why President Trump, Conservatives, Christians, Veterans, White men, Straight men, Conservative women, Conservative Blacks, any tradition binary hetero identifying minority and patriots are hated by the neo-progressive Supremacist or neo progressive bigot.

Like the White Supremacist, the Neo-progressive supremacist is driven by hatred.

Neo-Progressive hatred is real. It is this hatred that is motivating everything happening with the Democrats faux impeachment. As well it is what is motivating the hatred which fuels their overall resistance of everything this President does. It is on that point Kamala Harris refused to attend the event she was invited to. A bipartisan Black organization saw the President has done a good thing for minorities and awarded him on his actions. But Harris’ neo-progressive hatred will not allow for her to relent in any way whatsoever. Not even to acknowledge something good.

It’s quite extraordinary actually. It is similar to the day nothing could convince a White person filled with White Superiority that a N-word person was not his inferior. This is what has happened with Sen. Harris and Liberal Progressives today, Conservatives are N-words if you are a Liberal you can’t be seen with Republicans at football games, Republicans can’t eat in restaurants, they can’t speak on college campuses, they can’t be allowed on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and if you are Kamala Harris, you certainly can’t speak at an event honoring the achievements of a Republican. It’s the whole discrimination sickness that has plagued the United States for Two Hundred and Fifty years come back to haunt us. Yet, not based on color this time, no it is based on whether or not one has Conservative views. Conservatives are the new N-words! The inferiors!

So what can be done to solve this divide?

First Neo-Progressives must own their hatred. They must admit to themselves, that it is they who are the progenitors of the current Racist rancor and polarization developing in our Nation today. They must admit they are the cause of the division and hatred in the United States. Second the Neo-Progressives on our Courts, and in government, either elected or civil servants, must be accountable and made to pay for their subversive and extra-Constitutional acts.

Last we must all decide we will not travel this road again. We must decide that neither White Superiority nor Neo-Progressive Superiority shall be tolerated in this country. Hate based on skin color or political beliefs and association are not American values.

I find it telling that no one on the Left has called for peace and unity behind the President. Rather their words have only been laced with the strychnine of division and sedition

In order to start the healing this nation so desperately needs, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, HaKeem Jefferies, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Barack and Michelle Obama must abandon hatred for this country and the people in it.

They, in one united voice, must call for the end of the war which they have created by the hate filled words they have used against this President and the people who voted for him.

I find it telling that no one on the Left has called for peace and unity behind the President. Rather their words have only been laced with the strychnine of division and sedition

That is exactly why we find ourselves in the cultural and political civil war we are in today. We are fighting the civil war of Neo-Progressive Bigotry, the new big Hate from the Left.

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