Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s posse: Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery!

It will become clear to even the most nil among us that the very people that they opposed, the very people that they disdained and ridiculed, Conservatives, were the ones who attempted to warn the nation that Democrats and their illegitimate president were attempting to bring the constitution to ruin.
In an hour long press conference which concluded with reporters attempting to refute the evidence presented by Arizona’s Maricopa county Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s cold case posse, it was stated that the president’s birth certificate and selective service card, which registers one for the armed services, were fraudulent documents. Arpaio and a representative of the cold case posse carefully laid out findings of their months of investigative work taking great care not to accuse the president of involvement in the forgeries.

The group of former law officials and investigators concluded that the electronic document that President Barry Hussein Soetoro presented to the world as a copy of his authentic birth record, which was posted on the White house website, is in fact an electronic created document instead of a copy of an original document that had been scanned into a computer.

To date that means that every document that the president has presented as a legitimate representation of his original birth certificate has been proven to be a forgery. Leaving the president’s eligibility in question once again. This time his illegitimacy is being regarded as doubtful as he attempts to be reelected. The president is attempting to be re-elected while withholding his background from the American people.

If one remembers the president first presented a short form certificate of live birth that was invalid on it’s face because the document stated if it were altered in any way that was cause of invalidation. However, it was presented as valid eventhough sequence numbers in the upper right of the document were blacked out making the document believable to only the very partisan of the president supporters.

After almost three years into his presidency and fearing that the “birther” issue would undo him in a reelection bid the president presented the “real” long form birth certificate in a transparent effort to shut up Americans who wanted to know the truth. This transparent ploy to present a fake long form birth certificate was also meant to shut up the media and it worked.

That notwithstanding, it has been determined that once again the president has presented a document that fair-minded people cannot accept in good faith. (See 57:39min video)

Of course, the Obama media complex, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, will not be reporting these findings because they have too much invested in the Liberal Progressive agenda and the face of that agenda, Barry Hussein Soetoro.

In all likelihood this story will die only to be remembered when former Americans years from now look back wondering what happened to their country and how did they lose it.

It will become clear to even the most nil among us that the very people that they opposed, the very people that they disdained and ridiculed, Conservatives, were the ones who attempted to warn the nation that Democrats and their illegitimate president were attempting to bring the constitution to ruin.

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