Friday, October 29, 2010

Yes Mr. President I am Your Enemy

The heavy-handed actions against Obama critics and opponents that occurred before he had government institutions firmly under his control should have had public interest watchdog groups up in arms-- Mark Hyman
Al Qaeda declared war on the United States of America in 1998. Americans, in general, were ignorant about being at war with al Qaeda until September 11, 2001.

Likewise, America seems to be ignorant about two other wars being waged against it. No not the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, according to president Barry Hussein Soetoro Americans are the enemies of his administration and enemies of Hispanic people. Who knew? (see article)

Well, no need for another Boeing 757 to strike before we realize that the 40 million illegals that are presently in the United States combined with the Soetoro administration’s refusal to uphold Immigration laws mean undeclared war against the people of the United States. Ergo the president’s remarks that Hispanics should punish their enemies, who are law abiding Americans and reward their friends, who are unscrupulous unethical, unlawful and pandering Soetoro Democrat sycophants.

"If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We're going to punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,' if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's gonna be harder and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2."—president Barry Hussein Soetoro

So if this is the way that this one term mistake of a president feels, so be it! I, a citizen of the United States of America, am an enemy of the president of my own country, made so by his words, deeds and actions. Therefore, Mr. president below is my response to your declaration of war.

Mr. President I am an American Citizen and according to you that makes me your enemy.

I believe in the U.S. Constitution, that makes me your enemy
I believe in limited government, that makes me your enemy
I believe in corruption free and fair elections, that makes me your enemy
I believe that only citizens should vote in U.S. elections that make me your enemy
I believe Universal Health Care law is wrong, that makes me your enemy
I believe that American traditions and values should be preserved, that makes me your enemy
I believe that people who break U.S. Immigration laws are criminals that make me your enemy
I believe that refusal to enforce U.S. Immigration is criminal, that makes me your enemy
I believe that suing a State of the U.S. for enforcing Immigration law is criminal that makes me your enemy
I believe that failing to prosecute Black Panthers on violations of U.S. voting right laws is criminal and that makes me your enemy
I believe that selecting Supreme Court Justices based on gender and their opposition to the Constitution is wrong, that makes me your enemy
I believe that taxing and spending Six Trillion dollars in 20 months is wrong, reckless, malfeasant and derelict that makes me your enemy
I believe that a U.S. president should not bow to any other world power that makes me your enemy
I believe using Class and Race warfare against the American people is wrong, that makes me your enemy
I believe that allowing a question to remain open regarding your own citizenship is wrong, that makes me your enemy
I believe that 32 unconstitutional unaccountable Czars making decisions over that of the U.S. Congress is wrong and that makes me your enemy
I believe that using a heavily partisan Congress to push through the most partisan Liberal agenda in the last 50 years was wrong and that makes me your enemy
I believe that your ultra-partisan politics are unbecoming of the Office and they are wrong and that makes me your enemy

Mr. president we all remember your secretary of state (who will never be president because she is a less radical version of you) saying, "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."

Mr. president unlike Al Gore you can’t just call a fake consensus and declare the debate over. This is America and until Leftwing Liberal Fascists establish complete control, America is an on-going debate. For you to characterize 50% of the American people your enemies because we disagree with you is like putting on a suicide-bomber’s dynamite jacket.

However, Mr. president if you insist on alienating the American people by calling us enemies we will do what all viable enemy combatants should do. First, we’ll disarm you by voting Democrats out of Congress Tuesday November 2, 2010. Then we’ll end your one term in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I voted early to help disarm our Manchurian President.
