Monday, July 27, 2020

This is not Our fathers’ America… not Our founding fathers’ America!

The sad truth is Americans didn’t understand the full impact of what it meant when we began teaching the cultural relativism of inclusion and multiculture curriculum. Nor did we understand the mistake of excluding our own America’s first principles.
There is no denying it America is changed. Perhaps you’ve noticed? Benjamin Franklin was asked immeditely after emerging from the Constitutional Convention of 1787 what kind of government had the founders created. History has his famous retort as, “ A Republic if you can keep it”

The story is remembered like this, “Outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it.”

Alas, after some Two Hundred and Forty-four years it seems that we have found a way to lose our beloved Republic.

Oh there are a plethoria of reasons why but all of them are tied to this one truth, we have elected people, representatives (locally, State and Federally) over time who do not share, nor have they upheld the values of the men that created the Republic, which Dr. Franklin warned could be lost.

Every Fraternal Order and every Sororal Order, knows to continue their Order’s traditions they must pass on the first principles of their Order. Who were it’s founders, where was  the Order founded, and what were the reason(s) and principles of it’s founding. This is fundamental.

In our United States military, the traditions of Navy, Marines, Army and Air Force are taught to every enlistee in bootcamp. Not only are enlistees taught the science of warfare they are taught the proud traditions of the branch of military they have chosen to service in. This again is fundamental.

How does a Nation became Fundamentally Transformed? Disconnect that Nation’s people from the knowledge of their heritage. Their foundings.

This is most evident in the way slavery disconnected America’s Black people from their heritages. Blacks were cut off from their father’s languages, cultures and historical memories.

Any objective observer can see the same thing has been done to America. And it has been done at all levels of education in this country.

The sad truth is Americans didn’t understand the full impact of what it meant when we began teaching the cultural relativism of inclusion and multiculture curriculum. Nor did we understand the mistake of excluding our own America’s first principles.

We failed to teach generations of students why the United States came into being. We failed to teach whose ideas made the United States the country we are. We failed to teach what those men sacrificed. We failed to teach their deeds. These are the first principles of America! In many of our schools and universities these lessons are no longer taught.

We’ve allowed America’s first principles or heritage to be excluded from our schools and universities for decades.

Why? To appease people with globalist international values. People who believe in cultural relativism, the equal standing of all cultural perspectives and values that co-vary with our own .

As a result of that gross error Americans are being cut off from our own language, our own culture and our own historical memories.

Should we celebrate the 4th of July? Should we honor Columbus Day? These questions unimagable some years ago are here now. These questions and more are meant to disconnect us from our first principles.

We have even gone a step further by allowing new immigrates or refugees to keep the cultures they bring with them to the United States. Their culture remains completely intact to the exclusion of our culture as they live among us or chose to isolate themselves. They then use our system against us to make their culture the law in our country and many times those new laws are at variance with the U.S. Constitution, worse those laws may even conflict with or supplant the culture of the United States their host country.

Dearborn Michigan is a prime example of this. Dearborn is home of the largest congregant Muslim population in the United States and it has adopted it’s very own culture separate from and some would argue at odds with Amercia’s culture. Dearborn has the reputation of being a Muslim no-go-zone. Meaning they are an autonomous zone. America keep out! Muslim no go zone

Then there is language, our culture in the United States was of a common unifying English Language. That is no longer reality. We are now a polyglottic society with all of the misunderstandings found in any third world nation.

Also consider that America’s historic icons are being removed. Just take a look into the streets of America, our symbolic culture is being defaced and torn down by radical Marxist street mobs. As well as this our symbolic culture is being ordered taken down by law by radical Marxists who have been elected to office, Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot for instance. Some suspect these street and elected Marxists alike are agents who are funded by our foreign enemies like Iran, China and Russia. here and here

We have arrived at a point in our country which our founding fathers are no longer being extolled as they should. Instead they are being defamed and slandered as Racists, bigots and White supremacists then they are execrated. Afterwards they’re tossed onto a trashheap of cancelled curriculum. Leaving millions of Americans, current and former students, ignorant of our country’s first principles and great heritage. Whitewashing History

How did we allow this? I’m old enough to remember immigrates who came to America wanting to learn English to become a part of our American tradition. In the past they did not come here to create autonomous no-go-zones as they are doing today.

Today because learning English no longer required or expected, one of the lost first principles I’ve written about, it’s almost like every voting ballot must be printing in the over 350 languages spoken in the United States.* This clutturing of our language tears at the very cohesion of our Nation even to the level of erasing the very standard of having the English language as America’s primary Language.

For example the English Department at Rutgers University recently announced a list of “anti-racist” directives and initiatives for the upcoming fall and spring semesters, including an effort to deemphasize traditional grammar rules.

*U.S. Census Bureau 2013 “Census Bureau Reports at Least 350 Languages Spoken in U.S. Homes” U.S. Census

Exactly what does this mean? Hopefully it means Twitter Language amd grammer police will cease and desist from “grammer shaming”!

But seriously, without the unifying influence of a common language America has become a tower of babel. The New Woke culture’s (formally the “Politically Correct”) principles of inclusion and multiculturalism has permitted this chaotic linguistic tower. The Wokeness of inclusion and multiculturalism is responsible for this linguistic ‘state of confusion’ that we find our country in presently. Rutger deemphasize grammer

These are the unintend consequences of celebrating cultural relativism or as it has been renamed, cultural diversity in America’s multiculture experiment. Multiculturism or Diversity as it is presently being forced on Americans has resulted in our own country’s culture being relegated to second class status.

Now, what is even more astonishing is our American culture is being demonized altogether. This is NOT what our founding fathers intended as clearly seen by America’s motto ‘E Plubius Unum’, “out of many one” approved by Congress in 1782. No other country or peoples in the world no matter how primitive or uncivilized except maybe E.U.’s Europeans have willingly allowed their culture to be erased as we are doing.

How has all of this happened? How have we allowed the vision of the founding fathers to be so desecrated?

By our own miseducation, ignorance and manipulation.

We’ve allowed schools and universities to stop telling America’s story and telling that story from our perspective. And because we did America’s enemies found it easy to manipulate our people with lies through our education system. They have been doing this for generations now. What we are witnessing in America’s streets and in our politics is due to decades of miseducation and lies about America’s beginnings due to the teachings of cultural relativism via inclusion and diversity.

How is that you ask? Most of what we are seeing in the Marxists’ street revolts of 2020 (which are coordinated to lead up to our Presidential election) are rioters’ with justifications for their acts of criminality. They claim America is unjust and is Racist and was orginated in White Supremacy. So they have the right to tear it all down.  These Marxist revisionist lies are what is actually being taught in the majority of America’s schools and Universities.  Hatred against White people, U.S.  culture and U.S. history is what is taught now. End Whiteness

The violent Marxist ANTIFA, BLM anarchists in our streets claim America is guilty of the sin of slavery and therefore America must be destroyed. In fact these miseducated rebels claim if it wasn’t for slavery there would be no America. According to these anarchists Slavery is America’s orginal sin therefore the United States is Racist, the U.S. is based on White Supremacy therefore the U.S. must be destroyed.

With regards to slavery. No doubt a terrible institution.  However, it is still practiced through the world today, America was neither slavery’s author nor its end.

There are Muslims still enslaving Christians, women and children in the Middle East and Africa today. America didn’t invent slavery and obviously after America ended it’s practice of slavery, slavery continued. Therefore again slavery did not end nor did it begin with America.

According to Wikipedia, Slavery operated in the first human civilizations (such as Sumer in Mesopotamia, which dates back as far as 3500 BC). Accounts of Slavery features in the Mesopotamian Code of Hammurabi (c. 1860 BCE), which refers to it as an established institution.

So what is the United States role in all of this?

The United States began to form in 1776. That is 5,276 years after the institution of slavery began. Slavery was practiced throughout the known world since 3500 BC. The Bible has several references to slavery even in the New Testament. In one particular citing, a slave is sent back to his master. (Philemon12)

This is not a justification for slavery. However to understand slavery, slavery must be put in it’s proper context. If you judge slavery as an unpardonable evil, an original sin then you must condemn the whole world. All history and every accomplishment that man has ever made could be attributed to slavery of some kind.

So what about the United States? Was the United States built on the backs of slaves?

In the misleading and historically inaccurate claims of New York Times reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones’, 1619 project (which is being adopted and taught as curriculum in U.S. schools) she attempts to place slavery at the start of the American experience.

So let’s examine her claim. Her thesis is Slaves were introduced in America in 1619, therefore slavery is at the root of the American system. In other words, Racism and White Supremacy both coming from the practice of slavery are systemic in the United States.

The facts are, in 1619 the colony of Virigina was under British rule by King James I(1603–1625) The first slaves where brought there by the Portugese ruled by King Philip III of Spain and II of Portugal(1598–1621) Instituting Slavery in the Americas was an entreprize between England, Spain and Portugal.

As previously stated the United States did not begin forming until 1776 by declaring it’s independence from British rule, King George III.  In 1777, the Articles of Confederation  established a decentralized government that operated until 1789. In 1783, American sovereignty was internationally recognized.

At the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 the writing of the United States Constitution took place. The Constitution was ratified in state conventions in 1788. Thereafter the federal government was reorganized into three branches, on the principle of creating salutary checks and balances, in 1789. The Bill of Rights, forbidding federal restriction of personal freedoms and guaranteeing a range of legal protections, was adopted in 1791.

Becoming the United States was a continuous growth process. Like every nascent thing whether plant, animal or human there is a period of nescience as the fledgling country was developing.

Was slavery introduced on this continuent by the British, the Spainish and the Portugese? Yes. But slavery was introduced years before the inception of the United States.

Moreover, the colony of Virginia ,as well as, other subsequent colonies were under British rule in 1619 until 1776. Therefore slavery in actuality started in the British colony if Virginia in the Americas not the United States of America. Rightly so the start of slavery in the Americas should be attributed to Britian, Spain and Portugal and their citizens not the people of the United States.

The actual time period Slavery existed in the United States under the U.S. Bill of Rights is 72 years, 1791-1863. 1863 because the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1861. Subsequently slavery was abolished three years later in 1863.

According to Wikipedia, The Emancipation Proclamation, issued on September 22, 1862, and effective January 1, 1863, affirmed the freedom of slaves in 10 states not then under Union control, with exemptions specified for areas under such control. Lincoln's comment on signing the Proclamation was: "I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper.”

So what have I established? If what is driving this push for fundamenal change in this country is the belief that America, the United States is an evil country and must be made to atone for it’s orgin sin of slavery which Racism, White privilege, White Supremacy and bigotry all spring from.

Then my answer to this false narrative is this. Slavery was and still is a world-wide phenomena. Introducted at the inception of humankind and slavery continues on until this day.

The practice of slavery was brought to and planted in the Americas by the British, Spaniards and Portugese in the British colony of Virginia in 1619.

The United States began 157 years later in 1776 we were not a fully functioning government until 1791 that is 15 years after we declared independence and even then as a nation we were still in an embryonic stage.

In 1863 three years after electing a Republican President and 73 years after the bill of rights Republican Abraham Lincoln, in line with the intentions of the founding fathers that all men are created equal, abolished slavery in the United States of America, an act he was murdered for by Democrats.

Yet BLM and ANTIFA are justifying change in the United States based on misrepresentations of our culture and our history regarding slavery. We have undergone massive changes based on the lie that the United States is inherently a Racist, bigoted country that has White Suprmacy and Slavery at our core.

That was not the country our founding fathers envisioned, nor was it the country they laid out in our founding documents. And resoundingly that is not the country we are today!

One President, the President which history cites as the greatest President in the history of the United States was murdered because he dared to insist that people of the United States who owned slaves live up to the ideas of the founding fathers with regards to equality.

Make no mistake what we have seen in Portland, Oregan, New York City, Seattle, Washington, and Chicago, Illinois is not our founding father’s America. What is happening in those locations and throughout America in the names of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA is not who we are America!

As American citizens we don’t spy and tattle on one another (people under Nazi regimes do that), we don’t impeachment our president because we didn’t get the person we preferred. That is not who we are America.

As American citizens we don’t use elected office to impose individual’s wills or partisan groups’ wills on the majority of our citizens.

As American citizens we don’t mandate healthcare by fiat,  we don’t change immigration laws by unconstitutional executive orders, we don’t use our courts to protect unconstitutional executive orders and we certainly don’t misuse the judiciary for legislating. None of this is our father’s or our Founding father’s America! and this is not who we are America.

Yet we have recently seen all of this and more. Election fraud, non-citizens voting, voting fraud and on and on.

The people  perpetrating and allowing these unAmerican acts have taken America to a place we have never been. This is not our father’s America. No! This is not our founding fathers America. And  this not who we are as Americans.

With every riot brick, molatov cocktail, rock that is thrown, with every building graffitied, every building burned and looted we are witnessing the final throes of the spirit of our founding fathers seeping out of the ideas of a government derived from the people and for the people.

What America has became and the direction, which the resistance, ANTIFA and BLM is attempting to take the United States is not the direction, which our founding fathers would have America go. The forces behind BLM and ANTIFA know this.

They have an open disdain for our culture, our history and our founding fathers. They have said as much and that much is seen in their destructive actions.

I conclude with this idea. The inclusion multicultural Woke America is not the E Puribus Unum, one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all our founding fathers envisioned.

No!  This new Woke America will end as all utopian socialist dreams end. It will end an animal farm. The George Orwell book depiction where some animals end up more equal than other animals in their plan for total equality. In fact they are already there! See… Black Lives Matter. Understand?  "Whose Lives Matter?, Black Lives Matter!" Animal Farm we have arrived!