Monday, July 27, 2020

This is not Our fathers’ America… not Our founding fathers’ America!

The sad truth is Americans didn’t understand the full impact of what it meant when we began teaching the cultural relativism of inclusion and multiculture curriculum. Nor did we understand the mistake of excluding our own America’s first principles.
There is no denying it America is changed. Perhaps you’ve noticed? Benjamin Franklin was asked immeditely after emerging from the Constitutional Convention of 1787 what kind of government had the founders created. History has his famous retort as, “ A Republic if you can keep it”

The story is remembered like this, “Outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it.”

Alas, after some Two Hundred and Forty-four years it seems that we have found a way to lose our beloved Republic.

Oh there are a plethoria of reasons why but all of them are tied to this one truth, we have elected people, representatives (locally, State and Federally) over time who do not share, nor have they upheld the values of the men that created the Republic, which Dr. Franklin warned could be lost.

Every Fraternal Order and every Sororal Order, knows to continue their Order’s traditions they must pass on the first principles of their Order. Who were it’s founders, where was  the Order founded, and what were the reason(s) and principles of it’s founding. This is fundamental.

In our United States military, the traditions of Navy, Marines, Army and Air Force are taught to every enlistee in bootcamp. Not only are enlistees taught the science of warfare they are taught the proud traditions of the branch of military they have chosen to service in. This again is fundamental.

How does a Nation became Fundamentally Transformed? Disconnect that Nation’s people from the knowledge of their heritage. Their foundings.

This is most evident in the way slavery disconnected America’s Black people from their heritages. Blacks were cut off from their father’s languages, cultures and historical memories.

Any objective observer can see the same thing has been done to America. And it has been done at all levels of education in this country.

The sad truth is Americans didn’t understand the full impact of what it meant when we began teaching the cultural relativism of inclusion and multiculture curriculum. Nor did we understand the mistake of excluding our own America’s first principles.

We failed to teach generations of students why the United States came into being. We failed to teach whose ideas made the United States the country we are. We failed to teach what those men sacrificed. We failed to teach their deeds. These are the first principles of America! In many of our schools and universities these lessons are no longer taught.

We’ve allowed America’s first principles or heritage to be excluded from our schools and universities for decades.

Why? To appease people with globalist international values. People who believe in cultural relativism, the equal standing of all cultural perspectives and values that co-vary with our own .

As a result of that gross error Americans are being cut off from our own language, our own culture and our own historical memories.

Should we celebrate the 4th of July? Should we honor Columbus Day? These questions unimagable some years ago are here now. These questions and more are meant to disconnect us from our first principles.

We have even gone a step further by allowing new immigrates or refugees to keep the cultures they bring with them to the United States. Their culture remains completely intact to the exclusion of our culture as they live among us or chose to isolate themselves. They then use our system against us to make their culture the law in our country and many times those new laws are at variance with the U.S. Constitution, worse those laws may even conflict with or supplant the culture of the United States their host country.

Dearborn Michigan is a prime example of this. Dearborn is home of the largest congregant Muslim population in the United States and it has adopted it’s very own culture separate from and some would argue at odds with Amercia’s culture. Dearborn has the reputation of being a Muslim no-go-zone. Meaning they are an autonomous zone. America keep out! Muslim no go zone

Then there is language, our culture in the United States was of a common unifying English Language. That is no longer reality. We are now a polyglottic society with all of the misunderstandings found in any third world nation.

Also consider that America’s historic icons are being removed. Just take a look into the streets of America, our symbolic culture is being defaced and torn down by radical Marxist street mobs. As well as this our symbolic culture is being ordered taken down by law by radical Marxists who have been elected to office, Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot for instance. Some suspect these street and elected Marxists alike are agents who are funded by our foreign enemies like Iran, China and Russia. here and here

We have arrived at a point in our country which our founding fathers are no longer being extolled as they should. Instead they are being defamed and slandered as Racists, bigots and White supremacists then they are execrated. Afterwards they’re tossed onto a trashheap of cancelled curriculum. Leaving millions of Americans, current and former students, ignorant of our country’s first principles and great heritage. Whitewashing History

How did we allow this? I’m old enough to remember immigrates who came to America wanting to learn English to become a part of our American tradition. In the past they did not come here to create autonomous no-go-zones as they are doing today.

Today because learning English no longer required or expected, one of the lost first principles I’ve written about, it’s almost like every voting ballot must be printing in the over 350 languages spoken in the United States.* This clutturing of our language tears at the very cohesion of our Nation even to the level of erasing the very standard of having the English language as America’s primary Language.

For example the English Department at Rutgers University recently announced a list of “anti-racist” directives and initiatives for the upcoming fall and spring semesters, including an effort to deemphasize traditional grammar rules.

*U.S. Census Bureau 2013 “Census Bureau Reports at Least 350 Languages Spoken in U.S. Homes” U.S. Census

Exactly what does this mean? Hopefully it means Twitter Language amd grammer police will cease and desist from “grammer shaming”!

But seriously, without the unifying influence of a common language America has become a tower of babel. The New Woke culture’s (formally the “Politically Correct”) principles of inclusion and multiculturalism has permitted this chaotic linguistic tower. The Wokeness of inclusion and multiculturalism is responsible for this linguistic ‘state of confusion’ that we find our country in presently. Rutger deemphasize grammer

These are the unintend consequences of celebrating cultural relativism or as it has been renamed, cultural diversity in America’s multiculture experiment. Multiculturism or Diversity as it is presently being forced on Americans has resulted in our own country’s culture being relegated to second class status.

Now, what is even more astonishing is our American culture is being demonized altogether. This is NOT what our founding fathers intended as clearly seen by America’s motto ‘E Plubius Unum’, “out of many one” approved by Congress in 1782. No other country or peoples in the world no matter how primitive or uncivilized except maybe E.U.’s Europeans have willingly allowed their culture to be erased as we are doing.

How has all of this happened? How have we allowed the vision of the founding fathers to be so desecrated?

By our own miseducation, ignorance and manipulation.

We’ve allowed schools and universities to stop telling America’s story and telling that story from our perspective. And because we did America’s enemies found it easy to manipulate our people with lies through our education system. They have been doing this for generations now. What we are witnessing in America’s streets and in our politics is due to decades of miseducation and lies about America’s beginnings due to the teachings of cultural relativism via inclusion and diversity.

How is that you ask? Most of what we are seeing in the Marxists’ street revolts of 2020 (which are coordinated to lead up to our Presidential election) are rioters’ with justifications for their acts of criminality. They claim America is unjust and is Racist and was orginated in White Supremacy. So they have the right to tear it all down.  These Marxist revisionist lies are what is actually being taught in the majority of America’s schools and Universities.  Hatred against White people, U.S.  culture and U.S. history is what is taught now. End Whiteness

The violent Marxist ANTIFA, BLM anarchists in our streets claim America is guilty of the sin of slavery and therefore America must be destroyed. In fact these miseducated rebels claim if it wasn’t for slavery there would be no America. According to these anarchists Slavery is America’s orginal sin therefore the United States is Racist, the U.S. is based on White Supremacy therefore the U.S. must be destroyed.

With regards to slavery. No doubt a terrible institution.  However, it is still practiced through the world today, America was neither slavery’s author nor its end.

There are Muslims still enslaving Christians, women and children in the Middle East and Africa today. America didn’t invent slavery and obviously after America ended it’s practice of slavery, slavery continued. Therefore again slavery did not end nor did it begin with America.

According to Wikipedia, Slavery operated in the first human civilizations (such as Sumer in Mesopotamia, which dates back as far as 3500 BC). Accounts of Slavery features in the Mesopotamian Code of Hammurabi (c. 1860 BCE), which refers to it as an established institution.

So what is the United States role in all of this?

The United States began to form in 1776. That is 5,276 years after the institution of slavery began. Slavery was practiced throughout the known world since 3500 BC. The Bible has several references to slavery even in the New Testament. In one particular citing, a slave is sent back to his master. (Philemon12)

This is not a justification for slavery. However to understand slavery, slavery must be put in it’s proper context. If you judge slavery as an unpardonable evil, an original sin then you must condemn the whole world. All history and every accomplishment that man has ever made could be attributed to slavery of some kind.

So what about the United States? Was the United States built on the backs of slaves?

In the misleading and historically inaccurate claims of New York Times reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones’, 1619 project (which is being adopted and taught as curriculum in U.S. schools) she attempts to place slavery at the start of the American experience.

So let’s examine her claim. Her thesis is Slaves were introduced in America in 1619, therefore slavery is at the root of the American system. In other words, Racism and White Supremacy both coming from the practice of slavery are systemic in the United States.

The facts are, in 1619 the colony of Virigina was under British rule by King James I(1603–1625) The first slaves where brought there by the Portugese ruled by King Philip III of Spain and II of Portugal(1598–1621) Instituting Slavery in the Americas was an entreprize between England, Spain and Portugal.

As previously stated the United States did not begin forming until 1776 by declaring it’s independence from British rule, King George III.  In 1777, the Articles of Confederation  established a decentralized government that operated until 1789. In 1783, American sovereignty was internationally recognized.

At the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 the writing of the United States Constitution took place. The Constitution was ratified in state conventions in 1788. Thereafter the federal government was reorganized into three branches, on the principle of creating salutary checks and balances, in 1789. The Bill of Rights, forbidding federal restriction of personal freedoms and guaranteeing a range of legal protections, was adopted in 1791.

Becoming the United States was a continuous growth process. Like every nascent thing whether plant, animal or human there is a period of nescience as the fledgling country was developing.

Was slavery introduced on this continuent by the British, the Spainish and the Portugese? Yes. But slavery was introduced years before the inception of the United States.

Moreover, the colony of Virginia ,as well as, other subsequent colonies were under British rule in 1619 until 1776. Therefore slavery in actuality started in the British colony if Virginia in the Americas not the United States of America. Rightly so the start of slavery in the Americas should be attributed to Britian, Spain and Portugal and their citizens not the people of the United States.

The actual time period Slavery existed in the United States under the U.S. Bill of Rights is 72 years, 1791-1863. 1863 because the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1861. Subsequently slavery was abolished three years later in 1863.

According to Wikipedia, The Emancipation Proclamation, issued on September 22, 1862, and effective January 1, 1863, affirmed the freedom of slaves in 10 states not then under Union control, with exemptions specified for areas under such control. Lincoln's comment on signing the Proclamation was: "I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper.”

So what have I established? If what is driving this push for fundamenal change in this country is the belief that America, the United States is an evil country and must be made to atone for it’s orgin sin of slavery which Racism, White privilege, White Supremacy and bigotry all spring from.

Then my answer to this false narrative is this. Slavery was and still is a world-wide phenomena. Introducted at the inception of humankind and slavery continues on until this day.

The practice of slavery was brought to and planted in the Americas by the British, Spaniards and Portugese in the British colony of Virginia in 1619.

The United States began 157 years later in 1776 we were not a fully functioning government until 1791 that is 15 years after we declared independence and even then as a nation we were still in an embryonic stage.

In 1863 three years after electing a Republican President and 73 years after the bill of rights Republican Abraham Lincoln, in line with the intentions of the founding fathers that all men are created equal, abolished slavery in the United States of America, an act he was murdered for by Democrats.

Yet BLM and ANTIFA are justifying change in the United States based on misrepresentations of our culture and our history regarding slavery. We have undergone massive changes based on the lie that the United States is inherently a Racist, bigoted country that has White Suprmacy and Slavery at our core.

That was not the country our founding fathers envisioned, nor was it the country they laid out in our founding documents. And resoundingly that is not the country we are today!

One President, the President which history cites as the greatest President in the history of the United States was murdered because he dared to insist that people of the United States who owned slaves live up to the ideas of the founding fathers with regards to equality.

Make no mistake what we have seen in Portland, Oregan, New York City, Seattle, Washington, and Chicago, Illinois is not our founding father’s America. What is happening in those locations and throughout America in the names of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA is not who we are America!

As American citizens we don’t spy and tattle on one another (people under Nazi regimes do that), we don’t impeachment our president because we didn’t get the person we preferred. That is not who we are America.

As American citizens we don’t use elected office to impose individual’s wills or partisan groups’ wills on the majority of our citizens.

As American citizens we don’t mandate healthcare by fiat,  we don’t change immigration laws by unconstitutional executive orders, we don’t use our courts to protect unconstitutional executive orders and we certainly don’t misuse the judiciary for legislating. None of this is our father’s or our Founding father’s America! and this is not who we are America.

Yet we have recently seen all of this and more. Election fraud, non-citizens voting, voting fraud and on and on.

The people  perpetrating and allowing these unAmerican acts have taken America to a place we have never been. This is not our father’s America. No! This is not our founding fathers America. And  this not who we are as Americans.

With every riot brick, molatov cocktail, rock that is thrown, with every building graffitied, every building burned and looted we are witnessing the final throes of the spirit of our founding fathers seeping out of the ideas of a government derived from the people and for the people.

What America has became and the direction, which the resistance, ANTIFA and BLM is attempting to take the United States is not the direction, which our founding fathers would have America go. The forces behind BLM and ANTIFA know this.

They have an open disdain for our culture, our history and our founding fathers. They have said as much and that much is seen in their destructive actions.

I conclude with this idea. The inclusion multicultural Woke America is not the E Puribus Unum, one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all our founding fathers envisioned.

No!  This new Woke America will end as all utopian socialist dreams end. It will end an animal farm. The George Orwell book depiction where some animals end up more equal than other animals in their plan for total equality. In fact they are already there! See… Black Lives Matter. Understand?  "Whose Lives Matter?, Black Lives Matter!" Animal Farm we have arrived!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Hate for Trump: Is it because he’s White…

Yet one has to wonder, how many of these hateful displays are because our President is a White man. Americans were led to believe if we elected a Black man for President in 2008 such a vote would go a long way to show that America is attempting to reconcile and come to gripes with our past.
As a trained observer it does not escape me that elements within our society are attempting to regulate White people, especially White men into a second class status. They are doing this for two reasons one revenge for the past and two to gain unmerited power.

These actions are attempted erasures of White people and their history. At the forefront of these erasures are a whole genre of anti-White Books and trainings. For instance, Author Robin DiAngelo’s 2018 Book entitled, “White Fragility” is a primer teaching the author’s opinion that White people can’t face their own Racism because the “White” senses of fairness and equality are shattered and broken. This very popular book is poisoning minds with Racist hate against White people all across our country in schools, universities and corporate meetings.

Likewise in Cities like Seattle, Washington there are Race trainings also known as sensitively trainings or diversity workshops. In Seattle their Race Training is called, “Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness.” The City just recently called all of it’s White employees into city wide meets to put “them” White people in touch with their inter Racist bigotry. Seattle's training session

These infectious anti-White sentiments are spread throughout popular culture’s psyche right now. They are the basis for calls to defund the police, to open the United States’ borders and they are the reason for the resistance to the White man in the White House. In effect these are Racially charged attempts by the ‘Woke Left Cancel Culture’ to ‘cancel out’ White people.

They mean to accomplish this by pulling down the self worth, the dignity and the accomplishments of White people in our country like they’ve already pulled down statues throughout our country. It’s almost like the Woke Left believes that White people’s self-identities are monuments to the confederacy.

In Today’s Wokeness Culture the only Racism and discrimination that enjoys overall societal approval and acceptance is that which is practiced against White men, the White Race in general and White people’s historic legacy.

The reality is White men, the White Race and White people’s historic legacy have all been blitzkrieged by the Left’s philosophies of multiculturalism, cultural relativism, inclusion and diversity. This lethal mix of Wokeness acts like a cocktail of gateway drugs. Pushers of this Woke hatred distributes these “drugs” to Woke junkies in our corporations, schools and Universities. These mind dulling psychotropic ideas have prepped our current generation for the far more addictive Heroin of open hatred of White men.

What is so ironic is, White men and the documents of their collective geniuses are the guarantees that allow the “new Woke hate addicts’” their misused rights, of peaceful protest and free speech, which are too often used for riots and slander.

It’s evident now this Heroin of hatred for White men has been injected straight into “Woke” America’s open veins and has resulted in “BLM and ANTIFA hate addicts” roaming U.S. streets looking for statutes of White men to tear down expressing their total disdain for the creators of the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, freedom and equality.

What is so ironic is, White men and the documents of their collective geniuses are the guarantees that allow the “new Woke hate addicts’” their misused rights, of peaceful protest and free speech, which are too often used for riots and slander.

Yet, there is absolutely nothing found in any of America’s founding documents, which gave rights to mob violence, “protest looting”, wanton mob destruction of property, or to illegally and unconstitutionally occupy Autonomous Zones .

Unfortunately, no one on the Right realized that the Woke Left saw electing the first Black President, as the end of White men in authority in the United States. It remains to be seen if they see it as the end of White people period.

The acts I just mentioned are bastardizations of the rights enshrined in our most sacred documents. The acts of violence, looting, destruction and occupation must be condemned bipartisanly by everyone both citizens and elected officials and these destructive acts must end.

Yet one has to wonder, how many of these hateful displays are because our President is a White man. Americans were led to believe if we elected a Black man for President in 2008 such a vote would go a long way to show that America is attempting to reconcile and come to gripes with our past. So we did, and then in spite of his many anti-American acts, we re-elected the Black man.

Unfortunately, no one on the Right realized that the Woke Left saw electing the first Black President, as the end of White men in authority in the United States. It remains to be seen if they see it as the end of White people period.

In hindsight I suppose all of the signs were there. Forty years of academia teaching students that White men equals White Supremacy and Racism. Forty years of the entertainment industry changing the American paradigm from White male dominated to Female and minority orientated and dominated. And forty years of Anti-Americanism taught in schools and universities.

These incremental and insidious changes were a fundamental transformative perfect storm meant to change the America mind and pit Liberal Woke Leftists and minorities against the “White man”.

But alas, apparently America didn’t get the memo. You see we were supposed to elect a woman in two thousand sixteen right after the first Black president, and then in the spirit of true multiculturalism, diversity and intersectionality then we were supposed to elect a Hispanic, then a gay, then an Asian, then a Trans, then a… (Yeah! It was supposed to continue on like that.) But what did Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, xenophobic, Trans phobic uneducated basket of deplorable American people do?

You’all went and elected a White man. Totally unacceptable to the “Woke”. (Y’all know better that that!) Not just any White man. A successful White man. A White man who could show (and did) how incompetent his predecessor, the Black man, was. A White man who broke all of the stereotypes the Left had been so duteous creating about White men for years.

He wasn’t dumb and stupid like they labeled President George W. Bush. Donald Trump was a self-made Billionaire. He wasn’t a Racist, Trump has a solid history of working well with minorities and there is plenty of pictorial evidence to prove it. He was none of the stereotypes that the Left had spent the last forty years creating.

But there is that one thing. He is a White man and the Left had spent all that social capital demonizing White men, via academia, via media and via social conditioning so regardless of the facts and regardless of Trumps personal life the plan became to use his “Whiteness” and gender against him. So they did.

But you say, “Joe Biden is White. Yes but Biden is a malleable old senile Beta male that will do the bidding of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi. In fact that is the only kind of White man the Woke Left will tolerate. You see a “man” on the Left...Yeah he’s a Beta male!

Getting back to my point, What made the “Woke’s” diabolical idea so easy to execute was Trump’s decision to run for President as a Republican. The Left had already spent at least forty years demonizing Republicans. They were so successful at it that Republicans were and are a shell shocked and punch drunk feckless group mostly because of the Left’s constant drubbing. As a result of these attacks Republicans have been made so feckless it’s like they ask Nancy Pelosi’s permission every time they want to run for office as Republicans.

In other words the establishment GOP Republican is completely sold out to the Left. As proof recently they’ve all come out of the closet and said they are voting for the Democrat, dementia Joe Biden in 2020.
Like we didn’t know that!

Here’s the thing, Conservative Republican voters realized we were continually being betrayed by those feckless losers and in 2016 after being sold out by so-called elected Republican Politicians and Republican picked Supreme Court Justices (Justices Roberts, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) time and again Republican voters tried someone new.

So out of seventeen Republican candidates in the 2016 Republican primaries Conservative Republican voters selected Donald John Trump. After all what did we have to lose? We had been betrayed countless times by John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell “Republicans” who visited our churches during election years but once they arrived in Washington D.C. they didn’t know us nor did they vote for our interests.

But their greatest sin is, they never advance a Republican social agenda, ever! Democrats advance their social causes whether they were in power or out of power but Republicans...not so much. No not ever! Yet they always help Democrats advance the Democrat agenda. This is the reason America is so screwed up today Bill Kristol !

These GOP establishment Republicans, RINOs were quick to tell us that Donald Trump was no Republican. Thank God! We were hoping as much!

Here’s the point, the Left’s plan was to begin a post White man era in the United States of America. George Bush was supposed to be the last White male president. And the GOP approved!

That notwithstanding, our other political foes, the Democrat Woke Left used weapons against candidate and then President Trump that had always been successful against Republicans. Sexual accusations, accusations of incompetence, and accusations of Racism, the usual stuff.

When none of that worked they then went for the big guns (though all made up lies). ‘Trump is a traitor who colluded with Russia to win’, ‘Trump is Unfit’, ‘Trump is not Presidential’, ‘Trump is a crook businessman, we need to see his taxes’, ‘Trump is a buffoon’, ‘Trump is inexperienced’. Everything that would have destroyed a typical Republican candidate only seemed to make our support for Trump stronger.

Here’s the point, the Left’s plan was to begin a post White man era in the United States of America. George Bush was supposed to be the last White male president. And the GOP approved!

According to the Woke Left, because White men created the Bill of Rights and the Constitution all references of this must be destroyed if Democrats are going to have the “Animal Farm” equal society they propose.

Hillary was supposed to have won and then their multicultural, non-binary, diverse, intersectional parade of Presidents was to commence.

But you White racists voters stopped the Left’s Utopian dream of leadership for America. That is why they hate you and that is why they hate President Trump.

That can't be the reason can it? Yes! Because President Trump hearkens back to the history and to the era when White men built this country, explored this land and created the greatest economy the world has ever seen. You can’t have the memory of those facts popping up in the middle of a cultural revolution of change from White patriarchal power to that of Multi-cultural matriarchal power.

According to the Woke Left, because White men created the Bill of Rights and the Constitution all references of this must be destroyed if Democrats are going to have the “Animal Farm” equal society they propose.

The reality that the President is White and male are images and actualities that destroys decades of social and academic engineering. These engineered lies are the lies the Woke Left have been erecting in America for decades. This is why they hate him. Donald Trump’s presidency alone tears those false anti-American, anti-White and anti-male monumental lies down.

Yes Virginia, the radical Left wing of the country, the Democrats, the cancel culture, the Progressive “Woke”, all hate President Trump because he is White. More specifically they hate him because he is a completely competent alpha male, White man!

What they had planned for and thought they had brought into being was the end of White men. In their reality there would never be another White man in national leadership ever again.

Thank God they were wrong!

God bless America, God bless the men who founded this great Country. And God bless men, women, and every ethnicity that contributed to and continue to help make America Great!

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

In Defense of White Supremacy

By Contrast what we are seeing today is not this textbook defination. What we see today is people who hate America and are railing against the idea of “White Supremacy” not actual White supremacy. And they do it in senseless diatribes much like Don Quixote of La Mancha attacking windmills thinking the windmills are dragons. So what are these Haters actually attacking? They are attacking the history and accomplishments that created the United States. The very things that have made us the successful country we are today.
How unlikely is it to see a defense of White Supremacy? Very unlikely in normal times but I’m sure you would agree these are not normal times.

These are Orwellian like times made so by the Left. Times which, words and meanings are skewed, times which meanings are obscured and these are times which history is misunderstood. What I am saying is these are times which Left Wing Democrats are using language to deceive the rest of us either by concealment or misrepresentation of truth. Simply stated these are times both of language corruption and language corrupters.

For instance consider the terms White Supremacy, Racism and Systemic Racism. These words are regularly misused by people who hate America. These words are meant to create deceptions in our minds. We are supposed to be convinced that we are battling the same foes and conditions of the Nineteen fifties and sixties. Okay you may ask, "Just what is really meant when Haters use these words as cudgels to bludgeon White people?" You ask, "just what is White Supremacy? What is Racism? What is Systemic Racism?"

What is White Supremacy?

White supremacy according to Merriam Webster, is the belief that the White race is inherently superior to other races and that White people should have control over people of other races.

By Contrast what we are seeing today is not this textbook defination. What we see today is people who hate America and are railing against the idea of “White Supremacy” not actual White supremacy. And they do it in senseless diatribes much like Don Quixote of La Mancha attacking windmills thinking the windmills are dragons. So what are these Haters actually attacking? They are attacking the history and accomplishments that created the United States. The very things that have made us the successful country we are today. This history and these accomplishments or this White supremacy, made the very system which America Haters enjoy. White men made life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness possible in this country.

Upon further thought it is White supremacy that allow the people who Hate America the privilege to be educated, White Supremacy provides for their relative safety, White supremacy allows for their rights of free expression, their abundant supplies of foods and shelters. All of this abundance and access was created within a system designed by the Supremacy of the White people who's statues Haters are pulling down even now.

Yet, the Anti-American Left is attacking this excellence or White Supremacy because this excellence is an affront to their anti-American values. America Haters might as well say they hate excellence. So in actuality these haters are attacking White excellence and are calling it hate for “White Supremacy.”

The reality is, supremacy based merely on the White Race hasn’t been an actual thing for decades in this country. In America excellence or Supremacy is based on hard work, quality, and merit. If someone excels in an area of expertise or skill in America that person will most likely succeed. That is why so many foreigners wish to come here.

Even so, there are those who wish to turn our attention to the white hoods and sheeted ghosts of “White Supremacy” past which they habor in their own minds. These haters are attempting to relive the injustices of the past. They misapply past attitudes to today’s world for their own political power and gain. The White Supremacy they fight are figments, mere boogeymen of their own imaginations.

What is Racism?

Racism is the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Racism is discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Yet the truth is, the only people who are solely focused on and are actively seeking to distinguish American along Racial and Sexual identities are the Racist Democrat radical Left wing of our Country. Contrarily, Conservatives and Republicans much rather follow Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr.’s admonishments to focus on content of character rather than color of skin.

What is Systemic Racism?

A theory Developed and put forth, with the 2006 book of the same title, by sociologist and professor Joe Feagin that falsely and erroneously asserts that the United States was founded in racism since the Constitution classified black people as the property of whites.

Therefore people who hate America believe, Systemic Racism is in the Constitution and therefore is prevalent thoughout the American idea.

In actually they are wrong. The United States was founded on values of liberty and freedom. If that wasn't the case there would be slavery in the United States now. In other words, slavery would still exist as it does in much of the Eastern World. You see the sole owners of Slaves in America were Democrats and Democrats meant for that most inhumane of institutions to exist forever.

What is fact is, American Non-Democrats used the ideas as written in the U. S. Constitution, and on the strength of those constitutional ideas, they demanded an end to that most vile of Democrat practices. Republicans demanded Democrats give up their practice of slavery. Democrats refused to do so. Democrats then seceded from the United States. Democrats withdrew from the Union to keep their dreams intact of a permanently enslaved underclass of Blacks in America.

Democrat slave holders fought the Civil War against American non-slave holders. A war that Democrats lost. Republicans freed Democrat’s Black slaves and united the country. From that time forward Democrats have resisted our Constitution and resisted our American ideas, as they continue to do to this very day. These facts prove Racism is not Systemically embedding in our Constitution.

On the contrary, it is because of the freedoms our Constitution promises that slavery was ended in America.

So today’s definitions of White Supremacy, Racism and Systemic Racism are not rooted in reality. White people no longer view themselves superior solely based on race. White people as a group haven’t held that view for decades in the United States. Did some White people believe they were superior to others in the past. Yes.

However, a nation doesn’t elect a Black president for two terms and still hold White Supremacists, Racists and Systemic Racist views. That is impossible according to the fundamental denotations of the words, White Supremacy, Racism and Systemic Racism, themselves.

It is virtually impossible to view oneself Superior too, be Racist against and have a system based on Racism against Black people and still elect a Black man as President of One’s Country. What other European country has done that? Elected a Black man? (I suspect one will now in response to my comments!)

Ultimately, the Progressive Democrat Left is not giving the United States credit for the change in the our collective psyche that has allowed for equality for all people. And that is a grave slight which speaks of mental and social dishonestly on Democrat’s part.

Therefore, the entirely of the idea and statement that the United States is a White Supremacy, Racist country based on Systemic Racism is a Lie.

If not White Supremacists, if not Racists then what is the United States?

If you have a favorite Sports team you may understand the concept of Supremacy as I see it, when I state it in allegorical terms. First allow me this question, what do all the following sports teams have in common?

Montreal Canadiens: 1956-60, 1965-69, 1976-79
New York Islanders: 1980-83
Boston Celtics: 1956-86
Minneapolis/Los Angeles Lakers: 1949-54, 1980-88, 2000-10
Chicago Bulls: 1989-98
Green Bay Packers: 1960s
Pittsburgh Steelers: 1972-84
New England Patriots: 2001-04
San Francisco 49ers: 1981-94
Dallas Cowboys: 1970-82, 1991-97
New York Yankees: 1996-03
Oakland Athletics: 1971-75
Cincinnati Reds: 1970-76

All of these listed teams were not just good teams they were dynasties. These organizations operated vastly superior to other teams not just for one game, not just for one season but they held supremacy and excellence in their respective sports for vast swats of years.

No one is decrying their supremacy, no one is questioning their excellence. Excellence is expected in sports. Shouldn't excellence be expected in life? In sports you work hard dedicate yourself and work within a system and if you are lucky, if you are surrounded by excellent people and if you keep winning you become a dynasty reigning supreme in your sport.

Here is the thing. No other teams in your sports league tries to steal your world series or super bowl rings, the other teams don’t attempt to burn your team flag, the other teams don’t break into your team facilities and ransack and burn them down.

What the other teams do is they work, sweat and plan to be one day as good as the superior teams. Supremacy is something to be valued, supremacy is excellence and that is something to be proud of.

But alas, Left Wing Progressive Democrats have made Supremacy dirty. For example see how CNN reporter Leyla Santiago sullies American history, Mount Rushmore and President Trump in one fell swoop.

“Kicking off the Independence Day Weekend, President Trump will be at Mount Rushmore, where he'll be standing in front of a monument of two slave owners and on land wrestled away from Native Americans told that uh, be focusing on the effort to 'tear down our country's history,'"--CNN reporter Leyla Santiago

In defense of White Supremacy

The Western World has brought the world unparalleled advancement. Through West’s skills, knowledge and innovations this world has benefited greatly. Mostly everything that has made the world what it is today is attributable to, I’m going to say it, the White man.

Here’s something we all should learn. No one can make themselves great by tearing down someone else’s greatness.

The world has became envious and jealous to the extreme that they would rather destroy everything the Western world has created rather than live in harmony going forward.

Again exactly what is meant when Haters use the words White Supremacy, Racism and Systemic Racism? Haters are merely expressing their envy and jealousy which has now transformed and manifested into hatred of White people. Haters then project thier hatred on those who have created the world they live in. Their hatred condemneds the whole country a country they claim they wish to burn down and destroy. To justify Hater's hatred they blame White Supremacy, or Racism or White Privilege or Systemic Racism.

Did some White people commit wrongs in the past? Did some White people own slaves. Were some White people racist? Yes, but in what human society in history did people not own slaves or mistreat one another. Are all White people expected to bare the wrongs of the entire species of humankind?

Here's the point, Haters are envious and jealous of the achievements of White people therefore they label White people Supremacist, Racist, and Privileged yet Haters have not shown they are willing to do the hard work that White people have done historically or presently to achieve the excellence that White people have.

In other words, Don’t tear down Statues, Erect statues of your own! The symbolic act of tearing down a statue is in effect speaking to your desire to tear down the history and accomplishments of White people. Haters you can not make yourself great by tearing down someone else’s greatness.

If you wish to be great create your own history and your own accomplishments, erect your own monuments. Don’t change someone’s else’s history.

The people who hate American greatness are attempting to fundamental change our American society. A society that has been the envy of the world because of it’s supremacy, Ne'er-do-wells demanding a fundamental change in a excellent society as America already is, is fundamentally ludicrous.

Not one person calling for change in the United States can write a better Constitution. Not one can create a better system or can bring about better worldwide outcomes. If it could have be done, one would think, in all of these years it would have been done.

Finally, the whole Radical Left wing has had two hundred and forty-four year to create the perfect Utopian Socialist State. They could have created their Laputan dream. I imagine it would have been better than what we have in America, better than what the founders created for the United States. Why haven’t they? Where is their perfect Socialist State in the world? Where is it?

This is why there must be a defense of White Supremacy. There is nothing being created better in the world. There are no other people capable of creating, what the men who's statues have been upended by their lessers, have created. We are really speaking about American excellence, world improving excellence. Here's the message. Create your own excellence don't tear someone else's excellence down.

The world has been made a better place because of White people’s excellence.

The Minneapolis/Los Angeles Lakers won Basketball Championships over several extended periods of NBA history, 1949-54, 1980-88, 2000-10. Establishing their organization as a Superior Basketball organization, a dynasty. One might even say the Lakers demonstrated Basketball supremacy. The Lakers are lauded for those acccomplishmens. There is a lesson to be learned from this!

It may not be popular to say it in today’s culture of hate against White people. White Supremacy is excellence and we should all work to achieve our own excellence not try to tear down and destroy someone else’s excellence!

Someone has to speak truth to “Cancel Culture power”! Someone has to say it! So there I’ve said it!

Friday, June 26, 2020

America is Changed Fundamentally

But wait Sixty-Three million Americans saw the same scenarios I saw in 2016 and from out of a group if 17 Republican beta males we selected an Alpha male, Donald J. Trump. Then we elected him President of the United States.
I run scenarios in my mind. You know the, ‘What if this would happen then what?’ kind of stuff. I have long anticipated a scenario which all of the Left’s dreams would be realized in America.

You know the ones. Dreams of a disarmed America, dreams of Americans with no rights to free speech, dreams of a Godless America. A country where worship is prohibited, and dreams of a feminized America. An America where all masculinity is removed. One which, if an invading force of men where to attack America there would be no men left to defend America’s weakest.

Crazy kind of scenarios like that… Or are they?

Since the George Floyd murder weeks ago we have seen a concerted effort to disarm police all across our country. Coincidence?

And against the back drop of our 2020 elections we see social media platforms taking away rights of free expression. What has been seemingly innocuously developing in America is a cultural authoritarian vibe. A socially enforced rule in which some words and ideas are now forbidden.

Tweet a disapproved of tweet or post an unpopular view on Facebook and after you are deplatformed and relegated to social obscurity you could also lose your livelihood or worse your life. Is this by happenstance?

We are told because of COVID-19 it isn’t safe to gather and worship in Christian Churchs. So Christians have complied and churches have willingly shuttered.

So there it is! The Progressive Left’s vision for America is already here. America we have been fundamentally transformed.

And then there are the protests and occupations in America’s streets marked by destruction, violence, lawlessness in many cities. Many of these “protests” are excuses for international invading organizations of ANITFA and BLM to take over city blocks or conquer and claim abandon police stations, or loot and pillage businesses at will.

Have you noticed there are a lot of young viral men in the ranks of these invading forces while defending America are women mayors and women governors or the beta males that are allowed to ascend to political power.

So there it is! The Progressive Left’s vision for America is already here. America we have been fundamentally transformed.

But wait Sixty-Three million Americans saw the same scenarios I saw in 2016 and from out of a group if 17 Republican beta males we selected an Alpha male, Donald J. Trump. Then we elected him President of the United States.

And ever since that 2016 election we, American patriots, have been attempting to beat back the Left’s dystopian dreams of what they think America should be.

We have been resisting the Left’s ideas of a 2nd amendment-less America and their dreams of an America without a 1st amendment.

We have been fighting for the right to worship God as revealed by His only begotten Son Yeshua ha Mashiach.

And we have been fighting to let men be men and women be women.

Why do they hate us so much? We are in the way of their dystopian dream for fundamental transformation of America. They hate President Trump because he represents our hopes to preserve this country in the form which the founders meant it to be for us and our posterity.

The reality is because of our push back the Left has released their full wrath upon us. This is exactly what we are seeing! From the Deep State in our Government, to the Radical Leftwing Democrats in Congress and in the Senate, to the RINOs inside and outside of government to the rogue Justices, Judges and Attorney Generals to their Antifa and BLM comrades in the streets we are witnessing the concerted efforts of the Left in their attempts to annihilate the Constitution and the government of the United States of America. Don’t be fooled the Left wants to destroy us.

Why do they hate us so much? We are in the way of their dystopian dream for fundamental transformation of America. They hate President Trump because he represents our hopes to preserve this country in the form which the founders meant it to be for us and our posterity.

If we allow the Left to prevail, if we allow the street occupations to continue and if we let the Left to steal the 2020 election this time, as they failed to do so in 2016, the Left will have the chaos they so desire. But so will we! The Nancy Pelosi Left’s fatal mistake is they have allow us a glimpse of how life would be if she and Alexandria Ocasico-Cortez fulfills their vision of America.

It has been said that everything that happens in an election year happens to affect the outcome of the election. If so then everything we are witnessing, the investigations of President Trump, his impeachment, the Chinese Virus COVID-19, and the COVID economic crisis are all related to impact the 2020 election. What if all of this uncertainly is all the desperate attempt of America’s enemies to change the outcome of the 2020 election and change America into an America of their Dreams.

Let’s face it after all the Left has done these four years and after all that we have seen we are a changed Nation. America has changed. And we will never be the naïve, “we are all Americans and we are all in this together,” America again.

It doesn’t matter that you are Congressmen or women, it doesn’t matter that you are Governors, mayors, judges, journalists, television news readers, we see your blatant attacks against America. You are domestic enemies of our nation and you have succeeded in changing us. America is changed fundamentally.

We now know there are those among us who are planning to destroy everything that has made America who we are. We see you putting down our monuments, we see you unlawfully occupying our city streets, and we see you using our own government against us to attack our President and to attack our constitution and finally to attack us, the people of the United States.

It doesn’t matter that you are Congressmen or women, it doesn’t matter that you are Governors, mayors, judges, journalists, television news readers, we see your blatant attacks against America. You are domestic enemies of our nation and you have succeeded in changing us. America is changed fundamentally.

But as the 2020 election results will show we have not changed in the manner which you wished. No our change will be that of a course correction that will put the United States back on track to be the country our founders intended. We have changed and the enemies of America both foreign and domestic will find out that we have rejected your vision for the United States and you will find yourselves on the trash heap of history...once again. That is the scenario I see playing out in my mind.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

George Floyd Riots and lessons on Racism, White supremacy and White Privilege

The Floyd murder was an unimaginable and heinous act. A slow agonizing death by asphyxiation is an absolutely horrific torture. According to my friend this type of act is what was necessary before a Conservative, White or Black, can or will acknowledge something is wrong.
One thing that has universal agreement in America. What we all saw leading to the subsequent death of George Floyd was wrong. You don’t have to be a Liberal or Progressive to see that.

What motivated me to blog about this is what a long time friend and mentor posted on Facebook. My friend is a long time advocate for civil rights and he has worked on the national level to advance the cause of Rights. However, what he said in essence is if a black Republican Senator can see what happened to the late Mr. Floyd was wrong then what happen is worse than what it seemed.

Why do Liberals continue to perpetrate the falsity that Conservatives and Republicans are innately Racist, uncaring, unjust and are White supremacists?

I don’t know Senator Tim Scott (Scott is heading up the President’s response to the injustice we all saw befall George Floyd) however I don’t believe that Senator Scott, the only Black man in the Senate, has racial animosity or bigotry against Blacks nor do I believe Senator Scott is a White Supremacist as my friend intimated.

Yet my long time friend and mentor suggested in his Facebook post that it takes something as extraordinary as former officer Derek Chauvin balancing on the neck of a restrained Black man, George Floyd, for eight minutes, a Black man who was laying on his stomach on the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back, from which several nights of riots and violence erupted, before a Republican could see that something is wrong in America.

The Floyd murder was an unimaginable and heinous act. A slow agonizing death by asphyxiation is an absolutely horrific torture. According to my friend this type of act is what was necessary before a Conservative, White or Black, can or will acknowledge something is wrong.

I vehemently disagree and oppose the stereotyping the Left and my friend has made of the Right. Republicans and Conservatives are not Racists, White Supremacists or beneficiaries of White privilege as the Left so mischaracterizes the Republican Party to be. This stereotyping is the basis and justification for the undeserved hatred Liberals foment against Conservatives, the Republican Party and the Right.

In today's Democrat psycho-neurotic lexicon the meaning of words have changed. Racism now means ‘I think you don’t like me because I wear my Race and sexual identity on my sleeve.’

Yet this, in fact, is the hatred the Left has unleashed on America in the name of the murdered George Floyd and in the guise of the Black Lives Matter movement. The hatred we have seen for the past several weeks have nothing to do with the deceased Mr. Floyd but has everything to do with Democrats’ own delusions of racism, White Supremacy and White privilege.

In today's Democrat psycho-neurotic lexicon the meaning of words have changed. Racism now means ‘I think you don’t like me because I wear my Race and sexual identity on my sleeve.’

And so it is. The new meaning of Racism is the negative reaction a person receives when that person flamboyantly and in an in-your-face manner demands another person’s complete yielding to, and complete acceptance of a Racial identity and/or a choice of Sexuality. But if one doesn’t submit to demands to submit then one is labeled a Racist. What I’ve just described is the Democrats’ new definition of Racism.

In the same respect Democrats’ new definition of White Supremacy means, ‘White people you have created a civilization unmatched on the planet. Therefore you must think yourselves better than others of lesser accomplishments.’ This is what is meant when the specter of White Supremacy is used by Democrats.

Finally, White privilege means, ‘Because White people have built a society, like the Chinese, like the Japanese, like the Arabs, like the Mexicans, like all other nations of the world, you White people feel that your society is yours to live in and enjoy.’

These are the words and attitudes attributed to White people by others. These are not word or ideas of today’s White person. These are words of hate projected on White people. Every time there is a spurious charge of Racism, White Supremacy and White Privilege these are the new meanings and ideas behind these false and maligning epithets cast by Democrats.

Yet in spite of Democrat hatred this is what I have learned about Racism, White Supremacy and White Privilege. If anyone thinks someone better than themselves, they should work to make themselves equal or better. In the same respect, if anyone think themselves better than you, you work to make yourself equal or better.

What you don’t do is try to tear them down or try to tear down their accomplishments to bring them down, in your mind, to your level. Neither do you ask them for special allowances so that you may not feel inferior. But not today. Today Democrats are taught to pull down statues and the history those statues represent so not to feel inferior.

In the 1936 Summer Olympic games Adolph Hitler intended to show that his master race of White blond blue-eyed Aryan Athletes were superior in every aspect to everyone else in the world.

We now know that Hitler got the under-girding of his ideas of Aryan Supremacy or Racial supremacy from the Democrat Slave holding South in the United States.

According to Wikipedia, Jesse Owens, born James Cleveland Owens in Oakville, Alabama achieved international fame at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany, by winning four gold medals: 100 meters, long jump, 200 meters, and 4 × 100-meter relay. He was the most successful athlete at the Games and, as a black man, was credited with "single-handedly crushing Hitler's myth of Aryan supremacy". (White Supremacy)

Mr. Owens didn’t accomplish his momentous victory over Racism, White Supremacy and White Privilege by protesting, non-participation or asking for the end of the Olympics. No, much to the contrary, Mr. Owens trained and worked to better himself in spite of living at the time of the apex of Worldwide White Supremacy.

If Black people are so enraged by systemic Racism then why aren’t there more Black attorneys and politicians who are working to change conditions for American’s Black people?

Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamt of a day when Racism, Supremacy and Privilege would be supplanted by the better ideas of righteous character and brotherly good will. Dr. King give his life for those ideas.

Somehow the real lessons of Mr. Owens and Rev. King, Jr. have been obscured from generations of American youth. We see that evident in the streets of Seattle to Georgia in the United States.

If Black people are so enraged by systemic Racism then why aren’t there more Black attorneys and politicians who are working to change conditions for American’s Black people? Every other minority group has used the courts to advance in this society; Women, Homosexuals, Illegal Aliens, and Trans-gendered people.

Everyone of those so-called disenfranchised groups have used the law and the courts to affect the change they desired.

Sometimes we forget, though it was Dr. King doing the marching in streets, it was Attorney Thurgood Marshall winning the court battles that actually changed legal status for United States’ Black people.

So what lessons should we have learned? Black people need less protesters and more attorneys. If Black people are not satisfied with their lack of advancement in the last forty years. Then learn the lessons of Jesse Owens, Rev. King and Justice Marshall, work to better yourselves, then dream of yourselves achieving everything your hearts desires and finally learn to use the system to legally get what you are legally entitled to.

The above is how we have always effected change in America, not the pulling down of statues, not by looting, not by rioting and not by creating faux independent lawless zones which are the fronts for international anti-American organizations of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

These organizations are infiltrating our country with the intent to destroy the traditions and customs passed down to us by men who by the grace of God created a country that has the ability to self correct by legal and Constitutional means. Self correct by our Constitutional Representatives if we keep them true to our original documents.

As Benjamin Franklin remarked, this is a Republic if we can keep it! The Democracy that people like Nancy Pelosi speak of, well that is the mobs we are seeing in the streets! America is not a Democracy! We are a Constitutional republic and it’s time we start acting like it! That is the greatest lesson which we have learned from the death of George Floyd.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Co-Founder of Green Peace Dr. Patrick Moore debunks Climate Change and the New Green Deal

Dr. Moore also exposes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s New Green Deal as the non-scientific fraudulent legislation that it is!
Here in discussion with Mike Huckabee Dr. Patrick Moore the co-founder of Green Peace, environmentalist and Climate activist debunks the false claims upon which the Left’s beliefs in Climate change are built. Dr. Moore also exposes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s New Green Deal as the non-scientific fraudulent legislation that it is!

These astonishing truths make Dr. Moore’s book, “Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist”, perhaps the most important book of the 21st century.

See this very important life changing fifteen minute interview!

Thursday, March 05, 2020

Can Democrats Win The White House Without The White Vote? The underbelly of Identity Politics

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: (White) People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied, they were relieved – such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time." --Barack Obama, Dreams From My Father A Story of Race and Inheritance
Can Democrats win the White House without the White voter that supports traditional American values? This is the unspoken question being played out right before us. This is the question hidden just underneath the political currents in our country today. It is the unspoken postulate, the elephant in the room so to speak. So let’s talk about it!

To put it another way, Are White people dispensable? That is the underlying preposition of today’s identity politics, held by the Democrat Party. This very question is the reason for the United States’ immigration and border crisis. The idea is this: If enough non-White, non-traditional people can be cobbled together based on the identity politics of Race, Gender, Sexual orientation, foreign nationality, or anti-Americanism this group will simply out number White Americans who have traditional values with a created new majority, multi ethnic ‘Intersectional world citizens’, if you will.

The overall intent in the minds of Democrats is to replace White people who have traditional American values. Democrats believe these people are currently in economic and political power. Democrats plan to replace these White people with a new group of ‘Socialist anti-American Intersectional world citizens’. The bottom line is, if you are an American White person that holds traditional values, Democrats have no use for you. They feel they no longer need you. You see this is the secret ultimate goal of diversity as Democrats are implementing it, and this is the ultimate goal of inclusiveness. Democrats intend to replace White voters who have traditional values, these are people who disagree with the Democrat agenda, with people who Democrats can manipulate.

This new multi-cultural ‘Intersectional America’ will be based on skin color, sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender, and Socialist Left-wing ideology. This idea is already being propagated in our society. It has been programmed into Corporate, Education, Media and Entertainment environments by the Left. This idea of disenfranchising White people who have traditional values is presented every time we view a “family” television drama or every time we buy a ticket to a ‘big screen mass indoctrination’ where a tub of popcorn and a drink cost fifty dollars.

In the following video a young Democrat millennial expresses the ultimate goal of the identity politics of the Democrat Party, which is to put the Party under the control of non-White people. Though Democrats have not achieved this goal for their own party. They do intend to someday put all White people in the minority.

'Just went to a Southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support.’ --Peter Strzok, Former FBI agent

This is the idea that Hillary Clinton was counting on to win the White House in Two-Thousand sixteen. She thought she could exclude the “White vote” or as she called them the basket of deplorables, “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamophobic. You know White people who have traditional values and who live in the blue collar rust belt States of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

On August 26, 2016, FBI official Peter Strzok told FBI counsel Lisa Page via email on an occasion that he went to Walmart in southern Virginia he could “SMELL the Trump support." Another negative Left wing Deep State epithet aimed at White people.

Strzok’s smelly Walmart shoppers are the very voters who are Obama’s ‘bitter clingers’ who cling to guns and religion. According to Obama these are, ‘People filled with antipathy toward minority people or ‘intersectional beings’ who aren't like them.’ Obama’s clingers are people filled with anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations, you know, ‘typical’ White people like his White Maternal Grandmother!

Yet, Clinton’s miscalculation regard the 2016 election was she thought she no longer needed White voters who have traditional values to win the Presidency. Unfortunately for her she arrived at that assumption to soon on the Left’s time table. And based on that faulty assumption her open rejection of deplorables was much too soon. Many believe the deplorable statement contributed greatly to her loss. That mistake in judgment cost her dearly and it kept her from realizing her dream of being the first woman President of the United States and it cost her the title of Madam President.

In addition, this idea of identity supremacy that is laden within identity politics is a complete departure from the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream of people uniting around ideas and values contained within our characters. As well, it is a departure from Dr. King’s dream of human acceptance and unity based on character to the exclusion of the body piercings and the hair dyeing superficiality that some woke people on the Left currently use to virtue signal their false tribal unities around. These are the fake Democrat tribal loyalties we see so prevalent today.

“Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy – all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside.” ―Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Another principle idea behind identity politics is to have people focus on what divides Americans rather than people focusing on what we have in common as a nation.

So the Left’s tactical ploy is to amass a greater number of people than White people who vote traditional American values . This is why Democrats and Globalists alike prefer open borders and non-citizen voting in the United States. This undermining of America’s identity is the underbelly of Identity Politics.

Obama was also a proponent of identity politics. What made Obama different from today’s identity supremacist who practice identity politics is Obama knew that he had to hide his true intentions or he won’t be allowed to infiltrate America’s body politic and launch what we know today as identity politics or the intersectionality identity movement.

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.--Barack Obama

Obama wrote in his book, ‘Dreams From My Father A Story of Race and Inheritance’, that he had learned early on the method of how to dupe White people while running a subversive agenda. A method he used skillfully to get elected twice and throughout his presidency. He wrote: "It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: (White) People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied, they were relieved – such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Obama’s very subtle 21st century shuffle and jive or grin and buck was a throwback to the days when Black people had to act ignorant to survive so that “Massa” didn’t know the Black man was listening to Massa’s plans and then behind Massa’s back use the spied information in plots against good ole’ Massa.

Hmmm... just like Obama did to America!

Today’s Democrat identity supremacists sees no need to be as opaque as Obama with their true intentions. These identity politics Fascists believe, like Hillary did, our society has reached a political zeitgeist in which they can openly advocate for their identity supremacist views. They believe themselves to be in the majority. And if not they will fix the 2020 election to make it so. This time around they will get the majority they need to finally put the “White man“ in America in the back of the bus.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” ―Martin Luther King, Jr.

So this is, ‘Identity Politics’. And that is the Democrat’s strategy of winning the White House without White voters who vote traditional American values.

How will Democrats accomplish their grand scheme? Democrats intend to use the intersectionality they have found on College campuses, in Corporate culture, in Media and in our Left wing culture to wrestle political power away from White voters who have traditional American values. What’s more, Democrats are using the element of hate of the ‘other’ as motivation to accomplish their identity politics.

This is why President Trump is hated by Democrats and the Left. And this is also why America is hated, this is why you and I are hated, this is why the Constitution is hated, and this is why American traditions are hated.

There is no room in the new ‘Socialist anti-American Intersectional world of Democrat identity politics for traditional Americans like you and me. Nor is there room in their world for President Trump or for Conservative bible believing gun owning Walmart shopper patriots. In Democrat’s view we will either conform to their new Intersectional world order of identity politics or be annihilated. This strikingly is the dirty little secret of identity politics. This hatred for White people we see in Europe, South Africa and is nascent in America is a global pandemic!

Whether they are conscious of it or not Democrats and the Left are participating in the global anti-colonial movement against White people. Again, just look at what is happening in Europe, in South Africa and in Australia. Oh you didn’t see this coming? Or no you don’t believe it? It’s right here hiding in plain sight?

A part of this hatred of Westerners or anti-colonial movement is hidden within The Green New Deal. The GND is meant to destroy Western economic power and transfer that power to the third world. Globalization is meant to bring equality through impoverishing all nations equally. Meaning, this hatred of White people in the guise of identity politics is meant to impoverishing the United States. And just who will be in charge of Globalization? At first the European Union but not for long. We see the smashing success the European Union is having in Europe.

What we are all witnessing is the transference of power from Western Nations and White people to that of Global powers that will be enviably controlled by non-White people. Does this sound alarmist to you? Then you haven’t been paying attention. These ideas are the emphasis driving identity politics.

All that it will take to activate Democrat’s ‘Socialist anti-American Intersectional identity political world is Democrats winning the White House as they plan to do with their ‘Socialist anti-American Intersectional agenda of race, sexual orientation, and identity supremacy.

And if not now in 2020, then in 2024? As Democrat identity fascist see it, it is inevitable White people will become the minority in America. This is what the Global migration movement is all about. This is also what identity politics is all about. You didn’t know?

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Deep State is Still in Power; Lessons in Power

Some may argue, ‘well we have to wait until every "I" is dotted and every "t" is crossed.’ May I tell you that is not how power works.
I think it’s time we do some honest assessment as to what we are seeing from our government.

For three years we have witnessed a government wide rebellion against President Donald Trump and against the People of the United States.
We are also seeing several government agencies in open resistance; DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Dept, NSA, the Federal Courts, the FISA court and more.
We have seen a Democrat controlled House in Congress attempt an Overthrow of our Government, thinly veiled as an “Impeachment”.
Also, we’ve seen Democrats in the Senate plus one “Republican” coconspirator complicit in the Democrat House Overthrow of the President. And we see media and cable media complicity in the whole matter.

Allow me to be quick to remind you that what we have not seen is a single Democrat or Deep State operative get indicted for obvious crimes; lying before Congress, of treason, subversion, violation of the Logan act, or attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America in this an unprecedented attempt to overthrow a President.

To any trained observer such as myself these events could only lead to one conclusion. Deep State is still in power.

First understand power. It is simple, If power is possessed, power is used. It is just that simple. Paul Manafort indicted, sentenced and imprisoned. George Papadopoulos indicted sentenced and imprisoned. Gen. Michael Flynn indicted awaiting sentencing, Roger Stone indicted sentenced awaiting corrupt Deep State judge Amy Berman Jackson’s decision on a new trial or imprisonment. Power is used if power is possessed.

It should be noted that all of the above trials were orchestrated manufactured and unconstitutional actions against Trump associates with the ultimate purpose of attempting to find a reason(s) to bring criminal charges against President Trump. These indictment have nothing to do with false claims of Russia Trump collusion or for that matter, any wrong doing of the Trump administration.

Deep State needed something, made up or not, so that Democrats and Establishment Republicans could justify overturning the votes of over 63 million citizens that voted for the President.

There are many Q aficionados among us. I follow the predictions and postings as well. However as an observer I am greatly concern of the lack of power that Q has demonstrated.

This is not to slam Q. What I am saying is I see power and I am observing power but not from Q. Power is being used against our President, the President’s allies and against the people of the United States and we see the results of what is being done with that power. However I also see there is no power emitting from the Q faction.

Some may argue, ‘well we have to wait until every "I" is dotted and every "t" is crossed.’ May I tell you that is not how power works.

Democrats just impeached the President of the United States on a bogus and specious coup d’ e’tat attempt, one which not every "I" was dotted and every "t" was cross, they couldn’t get a single Republican to support them in the House, but they did it anyways because they had the majority or the power to do it.

Right or wrong, that is how power is used.

Allow me to give another example. Power is like momentum. One can see who has the momentum in a game of tennis, in a game of baseball or in a game of darts. We also can see when and if the momentum shifts. It is the one who is driving, the one who is scoring, the one that has field position and advantage. That one or they are the ones who have the momentum. Same with Power. If power is possessed it is in motion in one way or the other.

Recently Andrew McCabe received notification from the DOJ that charges where being dropped against him. How did that happen? In light of the fact that McCabe lied numerous times before Congress.

Well apparently a Deep State mole still working in the DOJ known or unknown to AG William Barr decided, all on her own or conspiring with other Deep State operatives, to drop the charges. You see that is how power is used. (Charges dismissed)

According to Paul Sperry Investigative reporter, Former D.C. bureau chief for Investor's Business Daily.
Molly Gaston, assisstant US Attorney and Deep State mole signed the letter to McCabe's lawyer informing McCabe she was closing criminal case against him. Did AG William Barr Know?

Molly is a Democrat who has given thousands of dollars of donations to Democrat campaigns including Obama. She also once worked for House Democrats on their Oversight committee.

Molly had the power to dismiss the criminal charges against Andrew McCabe and she did. Was she right? Was that the right thing to do? Did she have approval of AG Barr? We don’t know. All that we do know is she had the power to do it and she did!

On the other hand, do you see any Democrats indicted for falsifying documents to the FISA court? Do you see the FISA court even complaining?
Do you see Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, James Comey,Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Lt. Col. Vindman, Amb. Marie Yovanovitch, Christopher Wray, James Clapper, or John Brennan, under indictment for crimes committed against the United States? Why not ? There is just as much evidence against these coconspirators as any one that has been indicted in relations to President Trump.

The reason that absolutely no Democrat has faced equal justice under the law is, yes you guessed it, Deep State is still in power!

Just days ago President Trump ordered that all flights from China and areas possibly affected with the Coronavirus be stopped and not allowed into the United States. (Coronavirus unleashed on America by State Dept.)

However someone in the State Department countermanded the President’s order and allowed 14 Americans who tested positive for Coronavirus to return to the United States from Japan on a flight filled with other passengers who didn't know the danger the State dept. put them in, this was done after the President was assured they’d stay in quarantine overseas.

How did this happen? Deep State is still in power!

If Durham and Barr do not return indictments against all who have gotten away with the greatest political crime that we have ever seen in the United States then it is just as we all fear.

President Trump has been virtually robbed of three going on four years of presidential power by Obama plants and Deep State holdovers. Obama allies and Federal Court Deep Staters have unconstitutional blocked Trump E Os and have otherwise hindered the President’s agenda.

Deep State State and Federal Attorney Generals have sued the Trump administration in attempts to stop and/or hinder the President’s agenda. All of this is Deep State showing us that they are still in Power.

The only things that would indicate to us that Deep State’s grip is loosing on America is if there are indictments for the blatant and obvious crimes that Democrats and Progressives opposing this President have committed. And I don’t mean some low level in the basement throwaway somebody who is a fall person.

I mean, indict Comey, indict Hillary, indict all of them that were complicit or who directly participated on the seditious plan and plot to overthrow the government, our government. Indict them who are still meddling and attempting to influence the 2020 election.

If Durham and Barr do not return indictments against all who have gotten away with the greatest political crime that we have ever seen in the United States then it is just as we all fear.

Deep State is and will still be in power. And unless Durham and Barr start indictments, other than a second revolutionary war by the people of the United States, then in power is where Deep State will remain.