Wednesday, July 08, 2020

In Defense of White Supremacy

By Contrast what we are seeing today is not this textbook defination. What we see today is people who hate America and are railing against the idea of “White Supremacy” not actual White supremacy. And they do it in senseless diatribes much like Don Quixote of La Mancha attacking windmills thinking the windmills are dragons. So what are these Haters actually attacking? They are attacking the history and accomplishments that created the United States. The very things that have made us the successful country we are today.
How unlikely is it to see a defense of White Supremacy? Very unlikely in normal times but I’m sure you would agree these are not normal times.

These are Orwellian like times made so by the Left. Times which, words and meanings are skewed, times which meanings are obscured and these are times which history is misunderstood. What I am saying is these are times which Left Wing Democrats are using language to deceive the rest of us either by concealment or misrepresentation of truth. Simply stated these are times both of language corruption and language corrupters.

For instance consider the terms White Supremacy, Racism and Systemic Racism. These words are regularly misused by people who hate America. These words are meant to create deceptions in our minds. We are supposed to be convinced that we are battling the same foes and conditions of the Nineteen fifties and sixties. Okay you may ask, "Just what is really meant when Haters use these words as cudgels to bludgeon White people?" You ask, "just what is White Supremacy? What is Racism? What is Systemic Racism?"

What is White Supremacy?

White supremacy according to Merriam Webster, is the belief that the White race is inherently superior to other races and that White people should have control over people of other races.

By Contrast what we are seeing today is not this textbook defination. What we see today is people who hate America and are railing against the idea of “White Supremacy” not actual White supremacy. And they do it in senseless diatribes much like Don Quixote of La Mancha attacking windmills thinking the windmills are dragons. So what are these Haters actually attacking? They are attacking the history and accomplishments that created the United States. The very things that have made us the successful country we are today. This history and these accomplishments or this White supremacy, made the very system which America Haters enjoy. White men made life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness possible in this country.

Upon further thought it is White supremacy that allow the people who Hate America the privilege to be educated, White Supremacy provides for their relative safety, White supremacy allows for their rights of free expression, their abundant supplies of foods and shelters. All of this abundance and access was created within a system designed by the Supremacy of the White people who's statues Haters are pulling down even now.

Yet, the Anti-American Left is attacking this excellence or White Supremacy because this excellence is an affront to their anti-American values. America Haters might as well say they hate excellence. So in actuality these haters are attacking White excellence and are calling it hate for “White Supremacy.”

The reality is, supremacy based merely on the White Race hasn’t been an actual thing for decades in this country. In America excellence or Supremacy is based on hard work, quality, and merit. If someone excels in an area of expertise or skill in America that person will most likely succeed. That is why so many foreigners wish to come here.

Even so, there are those who wish to turn our attention to the white hoods and sheeted ghosts of “White Supremacy” past which they habor in their own minds. These haters are attempting to relive the injustices of the past. They misapply past attitudes to today’s world for their own political power and gain. The White Supremacy they fight are figments, mere boogeymen of their own imaginations.

What is Racism?

Racism is the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Racism is discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Yet the truth is, the only people who are solely focused on and are actively seeking to distinguish American along Racial and Sexual identities are the Racist Democrat radical Left wing of our Country. Contrarily, Conservatives and Republicans much rather follow Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr.’s admonishments to focus on content of character rather than color of skin.

What is Systemic Racism?

A theory Developed and put forth, with the 2006 book of the same title, by sociologist and professor Joe Feagin that falsely and erroneously asserts that the United States was founded in racism since the Constitution classified black people as the property of whites.

Therefore people who hate America believe, Systemic Racism is in the Constitution and therefore is prevalent thoughout the American idea.

In actually they are wrong. The United States was founded on values of liberty and freedom. If that wasn't the case there would be slavery in the United States now. In other words, slavery would still exist as it does in much of the Eastern World. You see the sole owners of Slaves in America were Democrats and Democrats meant for that most inhumane of institutions to exist forever.

What is fact is, American Non-Democrats used the ideas as written in the U. S. Constitution, and on the strength of those constitutional ideas, they demanded an end to that most vile of Democrat practices. Republicans demanded Democrats give up their practice of slavery. Democrats refused to do so. Democrats then seceded from the United States. Democrats withdrew from the Union to keep their dreams intact of a permanently enslaved underclass of Blacks in America.

Democrat slave holders fought the Civil War against American non-slave holders. A war that Democrats lost. Republicans freed Democrat’s Black slaves and united the country. From that time forward Democrats have resisted our Constitution and resisted our American ideas, as they continue to do to this very day. These facts prove Racism is not Systemically embedding in our Constitution.

On the contrary, it is because of the freedoms our Constitution promises that slavery was ended in America.

So today’s definitions of White Supremacy, Racism and Systemic Racism are not rooted in reality. White people no longer view themselves superior solely based on race. White people as a group haven’t held that view for decades in the United States. Did some White people believe they were superior to others in the past. Yes.

However, a nation doesn’t elect a Black president for two terms and still hold White Supremacists, Racists and Systemic Racist views. That is impossible according to the fundamental denotations of the words, White Supremacy, Racism and Systemic Racism, themselves.

It is virtually impossible to view oneself Superior too, be Racist against and have a system based on Racism against Black people and still elect a Black man as President of One’s Country. What other European country has done that? Elected a Black man? (I suspect one will now in response to my comments!)

Ultimately, the Progressive Democrat Left is not giving the United States credit for the change in the our collective psyche that has allowed for equality for all people. And that is a grave slight which speaks of mental and social dishonestly on Democrat’s part.

Therefore, the entirely of the idea and statement that the United States is a White Supremacy, Racist country based on Systemic Racism is a Lie.

If not White Supremacists, if not Racists then what is the United States?

If you have a favorite Sports team you may understand the concept of Supremacy as I see it, when I state it in allegorical terms. First allow me this question, what do all the following sports teams have in common?

Montreal Canadiens: 1956-60, 1965-69, 1976-79
New York Islanders: 1980-83
Boston Celtics: 1956-86
Minneapolis/Los Angeles Lakers: 1949-54, 1980-88, 2000-10
Chicago Bulls: 1989-98
Green Bay Packers: 1960s
Pittsburgh Steelers: 1972-84
New England Patriots: 2001-04
San Francisco 49ers: 1981-94
Dallas Cowboys: 1970-82, 1991-97
New York Yankees: 1996-03
Oakland Athletics: 1971-75
Cincinnati Reds: 1970-76

All of these listed teams were not just good teams they were dynasties. These organizations operated vastly superior to other teams not just for one game, not just for one season but they held supremacy and excellence in their respective sports for vast swats of years.

No one is decrying their supremacy, no one is questioning their excellence. Excellence is expected in sports. Shouldn't excellence be expected in life? In sports you work hard dedicate yourself and work within a system and if you are lucky, if you are surrounded by excellent people and if you keep winning you become a dynasty reigning supreme in your sport.

Here is the thing. No other teams in your sports league tries to steal your world series or super bowl rings, the other teams don’t attempt to burn your team flag, the other teams don’t break into your team facilities and ransack and burn them down.

What the other teams do is they work, sweat and plan to be one day as good as the superior teams. Supremacy is something to be valued, supremacy is excellence and that is something to be proud of.

But alas, Left Wing Progressive Democrats have made Supremacy dirty. For example see how CNN reporter Leyla Santiago sullies American history, Mount Rushmore and President Trump in one fell swoop.

“Kicking off the Independence Day Weekend, President Trump will be at Mount Rushmore, where he'll be standing in front of a monument of two slave owners and on land wrestled away from Native Americans told that uh, be focusing on the effort to 'tear down our country's history,'"--CNN reporter Leyla Santiago

In defense of White Supremacy

The Western World has brought the world unparalleled advancement. Through West’s skills, knowledge and innovations this world has benefited greatly. Mostly everything that has made the world what it is today is attributable to, I’m going to say it, the White man.

Here’s something we all should learn. No one can make themselves great by tearing down someone else’s greatness.

The world has became envious and jealous to the extreme that they would rather destroy everything the Western world has created rather than live in harmony going forward.

Again exactly what is meant when Haters use the words White Supremacy, Racism and Systemic Racism? Haters are merely expressing their envy and jealousy which has now transformed and manifested into hatred of White people. Haters then project thier hatred on those who have created the world they live in. Their hatred condemneds the whole country a country they claim they wish to burn down and destroy. To justify Hater's hatred they blame White Supremacy, or Racism or White Privilege or Systemic Racism.

Did some White people commit wrongs in the past? Did some White people own slaves. Were some White people racist? Yes, but in what human society in history did people not own slaves or mistreat one another. Are all White people expected to bare the wrongs of the entire species of humankind?

Here's the point, Haters are envious and jealous of the achievements of White people therefore they label White people Supremacist, Racist, and Privileged yet Haters have not shown they are willing to do the hard work that White people have done historically or presently to achieve the excellence that White people have.

In other words, Don’t tear down Statues, Erect statues of your own! The symbolic act of tearing down a statue is in effect speaking to your desire to tear down the history and accomplishments of White people. Haters you can not make yourself great by tearing down someone else’s greatness.

If you wish to be great create your own history and your own accomplishments, erect your own monuments. Don’t change someone’s else’s history.

The people who hate American greatness are attempting to fundamental change our American society. A society that has been the envy of the world because of it’s supremacy, Ne'er-do-wells demanding a fundamental change in a excellent society as America already is, is fundamentally ludicrous.

Not one person calling for change in the United States can write a better Constitution. Not one can create a better system or can bring about better worldwide outcomes. If it could have be done, one would think, in all of these years it would have been done.

Finally, the whole Radical Left wing has had two hundred and forty-four year to create the perfect Utopian Socialist State. They could have created their Laputan dream. I imagine it would have been better than what we have in America, better than what the founders created for the United States. Why haven’t they? Where is their perfect Socialist State in the world? Where is it?

This is why there must be a defense of White Supremacy. There is nothing being created better in the world. There are no other people capable of creating, what the men who's statues have been upended by their lessers, have created. We are really speaking about American excellence, world improving excellence. Here's the message. Create your own excellence don't tear someone else's excellence down.

The world has been made a better place because of White people’s excellence.

The Minneapolis/Los Angeles Lakers won Basketball Championships over several extended periods of NBA history, 1949-54, 1980-88, 2000-10. Establishing their organization as a Superior Basketball organization, a dynasty. One might even say the Lakers demonstrated Basketball supremacy. The Lakers are lauded for those acccomplishmens. There is a lesson to be learned from this!

It may not be popular to say it in today’s culture of hate against White people. White Supremacy is excellence and we should all work to achieve our own excellence not try to tear down and destroy someone else’s excellence!

Someone has to speak truth to “Cancel Culture power”! Someone has to say it! So there I’ve said it!