"LTC Lakin's own deployment orders to Afghanistan included a requirement for him to bring 'copies of his birth certificate,'" the statement from Hemenway said.— Bob UnruhLt. Col. Terrence Lakin did not report for duty to Fort Campbell, Ky. as ordered [to on April 12, 2010] and a spokesman for the post said it's not likely he will, reported Bryant Jordan on Military.com.
Lt. Col. Lakin refused orders to deploy for a second time to Afghanistan, and refused to be dispatched to Fort Campbell ... in preparation for the overseas assignment."
It is indeed ironic that a part of the process for the Army to deploy the Lt. Colonel to Afghanistan is for the Army Officer to show is birth certificate.
The [Obama birth certificate] issue has prompted a number of state legislatures to work on proposals that would require presidential candidates to submit proof of their eligibility. And a similar proposal has been introduced in Congress by Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla.--Bob Unruh
Lt. Col Lakin is a decorated Army surgeon who is now branded with the Liberal pejorative “birther” for asking the commander in chief (CIC) to do the very same thing that the Army ordered Lakin to do. Report and bring copies of his birth certificate. (see article)
How interesting that the Army can be “birthers” as indicated their asking Lt. Col. Lakin for his Birth Certificate and conversely attempt to label Lt. Col. Lakin as a “birther” for being the only one in this situation that is fulfilling his military oath as an officer to "support and defend the United States Constitution," including the article demanding that only a "natural born citizen" can be president.
[Lt. Col. Lakin] said, however, he was compelled to act as he did because of his oath as an officer to "support and defend the United States Constitution," including the article demanding that only a "natural born citizen" can be president.—Bob Unruh
President Barry Hussein Soetoro, Democrats and their sycophants are betting that the American people are equally as partisan and corrupted as they. They believe that the America people couldn’t care less that the constitution is being trifled with just as long as there is some immediate gratification in it for them.
If the American people are as lawless has president Soetoro and Democrats believe them to be then it doesn’t matter whether or not Barry Hussein Soetoro is constitutionally eligible to be president just as long as he gives them the unemployment and health care trinkets that they want.
If that is a true and accurate reading of the American people then equally the American people shouldn’t care if a Military Officer disobeys orders. For that matter why should any of us obey any laws whatsoever if we can pick and chose which laws we feel are relevant or irrelevant?
Obama's actual response to those who question his eligibility to be president under the Constitution's requirement that the U.S. president be a "natural born citizen" has been to dispatch both private and tax-funded attorneys to prevent anyone from gaining access to his documentation.—Bob Unruh
I’m betting that president Soetoro is wrong. I’m betting that the American people care about the Constitution, they care about the rule of law and they care that about legitimate government.
If the president is betting that the American people are corrupt and self-serving as Democrats and that Americans will allow the constitution to be destroyed then I believe he is on the wrong side of history and he has grossly mis-characterized the American people.
Lt. Col. Terrance Lakin is an example of the American spirit. He is an example of those of us who believe in truth. Lt. Col. Lakin is defending the constitution and that act is bigger than any one of us or any president.