Thursday, February 27, 2020

Deep State is Still in Power; Lessons in Power

Some may argue, ‘well we have to wait until every "I" is dotted and every "t" is crossed.’ May I tell you that is not how power works.
I think it’s time we do some honest assessment as to what we are seeing from our government.

For three years we have witnessed a government wide rebellion against President Donald Trump and against the People of the United States.
We are also seeing several government agencies in open resistance; DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Dept, NSA, the Federal Courts, the FISA court and more.
We have seen a Democrat controlled House in Congress attempt an Overthrow of our Government, thinly veiled as an “Impeachment”.
Also, we’ve seen Democrats in the Senate plus one “Republican” coconspirator complicit in the Democrat House Overthrow of the President. And we see media and cable media complicity in the whole matter.

Allow me to be quick to remind you that what we have not seen is a single Democrat or Deep State operative get indicted for obvious crimes; lying before Congress, of treason, subversion, violation of the Logan act, or attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America in this an unprecedented attempt to overthrow a President.

To any trained observer such as myself these events could only lead to one conclusion. Deep State is still in power.

First understand power. It is simple, If power is possessed, power is used. It is just that simple. Paul Manafort indicted, sentenced and imprisoned. George Papadopoulos indicted sentenced and imprisoned. Gen. Michael Flynn indicted awaiting sentencing, Roger Stone indicted sentenced awaiting corrupt Deep State judge Amy Berman Jackson’s decision on a new trial or imprisonment. Power is used if power is possessed.

It should be noted that all of the above trials were orchestrated manufactured and unconstitutional actions against Trump associates with the ultimate purpose of attempting to find a reason(s) to bring criminal charges against President Trump. These indictment have nothing to do with false claims of Russia Trump collusion or for that matter, any wrong doing of the Trump administration.

Deep State needed something, made up or not, so that Democrats and Establishment Republicans could justify overturning the votes of over 63 million citizens that voted for the President.

There are many Q aficionados among us. I follow the predictions and postings as well. However as an observer I am greatly concern of the lack of power that Q has demonstrated.

This is not to slam Q. What I am saying is I see power and I am observing power but not from Q. Power is being used against our President, the President’s allies and against the people of the United States and we see the results of what is being done with that power. However I also see there is no power emitting from the Q faction.

Some may argue, ‘well we have to wait until every "I" is dotted and every "t" is crossed.’ May I tell you that is not how power works.

Democrats just impeached the President of the United States on a bogus and specious coup d’ e’tat attempt, one which not every "I" was dotted and every "t" was cross, they couldn’t get a single Republican to support them in the House, but they did it anyways because they had the majority or the power to do it.

Right or wrong, that is how power is used.

Allow me to give another example. Power is like momentum. One can see who has the momentum in a game of tennis, in a game of baseball or in a game of darts. We also can see when and if the momentum shifts. It is the one who is driving, the one who is scoring, the one that has field position and advantage. That one or they are the ones who have the momentum. Same with Power. If power is possessed it is in motion in one way or the other.

Recently Andrew McCabe received notification from the DOJ that charges where being dropped against him. How did that happen? In light of the fact that McCabe lied numerous times before Congress.

Well apparently a Deep State mole still working in the DOJ known or unknown to AG William Barr decided, all on her own or conspiring with other Deep State operatives, to drop the charges. You see that is how power is used. (Charges dismissed)

According to Paul Sperry Investigative reporter, Former D.C. bureau chief for Investor's Business Daily.
Molly Gaston, assisstant US Attorney and Deep State mole signed the letter to McCabe's lawyer informing McCabe she was closing criminal case against him. Did AG William Barr Know?

Molly is a Democrat who has given thousands of dollars of donations to Democrat campaigns including Obama. She also once worked for House Democrats on their Oversight committee.

Molly had the power to dismiss the criminal charges against Andrew McCabe and she did. Was she right? Was that the right thing to do? Did she have approval of AG Barr? We don’t know. All that we do know is she had the power to do it and she did!

On the other hand, do you see any Democrats indicted for falsifying documents to the FISA court? Do you see the FISA court even complaining?
Do you see Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, James Comey,Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Lt. Col. Vindman, Amb. Marie Yovanovitch, Christopher Wray, James Clapper, or John Brennan, under indictment for crimes committed against the United States? Why not ? There is just as much evidence against these coconspirators as any one that has been indicted in relations to President Trump.

The reason that absolutely no Democrat has faced equal justice under the law is, yes you guessed it, Deep State is still in power!

Just days ago President Trump ordered that all flights from China and areas possibly affected with the Coronavirus be stopped and not allowed into the United States. (Coronavirus unleashed on America by State Dept.)

However someone in the State Department countermanded the President’s order and allowed 14 Americans who tested positive for Coronavirus to return to the United States from Japan on a flight filled with other passengers who didn't know the danger the State dept. put them in, this was done after the President was assured they’d stay in quarantine overseas.

How did this happen? Deep State is still in power!

If Durham and Barr do not return indictments against all who have gotten away with the greatest political crime that we have ever seen in the United States then it is just as we all fear.

President Trump has been virtually robbed of three going on four years of presidential power by Obama plants and Deep State holdovers. Obama allies and Federal Court Deep Staters have unconstitutional blocked Trump E Os and have otherwise hindered the President’s agenda.

Deep State State and Federal Attorney Generals have sued the Trump administration in attempts to stop and/or hinder the President’s agenda. All of this is Deep State showing us that they are still in Power.

The only things that would indicate to us that Deep State’s grip is loosing on America is if there are indictments for the blatant and obvious crimes that Democrats and Progressives opposing this President have committed. And I don’t mean some low level in the basement throwaway somebody who is a fall person.

I mean, indict Comey, indict Hillary, indict all of them that were complicit or who directly participated on the seditious plan and plot to overthrow the government, our government. Indict them who are still meddling and attempting to influence the 2020 election.

If Durham and Barr do not return indictments against all who have gotten away with the greatest political crime that we have ever seen in the United States then it is just as we all fear.

Deep State is and will still be in power. And unless Durham and Barr start indictments, other than a second revolutionary war by the people of the United States, then in power is where Deep State will remain.

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