Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why California is so Gay

California Assemblymember Tom Ammiano

The Extreme polarizing of politics by Democrats

Congressman Joe Wilson. Just the name strikes up conversations of proper decorum and how one should speak to an elected official. Elected Republicans threw Rep. Wilson under the bus while braying about how wrong is was for the Congressman to shout out “You lie!” while president Barry Hussein Soetoro lied to the American people and to Congress about health care in a rare televised specially called bicameral setting.

California Assemblymember Tom Ammiano. Nothing? Nothing comes to mind? Oh you didn’t hear about this?

We just went over a national civics lesson on decorum and civility we all know this. No matter what your politics we can all agree that rude behavior though speech detracts from the National conversation. Rep. Wilson called the White House and apologized for his critique of the president’s speech and the White House accepted his apology.

Assemblymember Tom Ammiano is a homosexual San Francisco California politician. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is his Governor. It was reported that Democrats were holding a fundraiser in a hotel in San Francisco where the Governor was staying.

Schwarzenegger, realizing this and believing that in America even if we are affiliated with different political Parties we are still Americans and can respectfully disagree, went into the meeting to pay his respects. He was even invited to the podium to say a few words by Willie Brown a long time California Democrat politician and activist. As the Governor addressed this California Democrat crowd he was booed and hissed by many Democrats in the room. But it was Assemblymember Ammiano who shouted out to the Governor, “You can kiss my faggot ass!” "Kiss my ass!"
"The Member did not use the term 'faggot' at any time in his comments towards the Governor. This story has been reported on widely already and his comment was 'You can kiss my gay ass', he did not and would never use the pejorative term that you listed." -Quintin Mecke, Communications Director for Assemblymember Tom Ammiano
Ammiano stated that he was upset with the Governor’s policies in general as well as his policies regarding homosexuality in particular. Ammiano refused to apologize for his boorish behavior.

Later a spokes mouth for the Assemblymember attempted to lie about the occurrence saying that the Assemblyman did not use the word ‘faggot’ a word apparently considered an affront to homosexuals but after all it was captured on video. (see remark about 1:03mins in)

Attempting to make the best of this ugly display of radical homosexual partisanship Schwarzenegger, in a statement, aimed to laugh it all off, saying of his San Franciso Democratic reception that it "compared to the reaction I got in Hyannis Port when I told the Kennedys I was marrying Maria, it was fantastic." Next time you send your spokes mouth out to lie Assemblymember make sure your voice isn't recorded saying what you're denying you said!

We all witnessed the rioting in the streets of California when the citizens of that state voted Yes on prop 8 in the middle of the 2008 presidential election. Prop 8 reversed the California Supreme Court’s unconstitutional ruling that voter initiative prop 22 defining marriage was itself unconstitutional.

After prop 8 passed there were attacks against churches and anyone who supported prop 8 that’s how homosexuals reacted against the people of California.

So shouting out, “Kiss my faggot ass!” as California Assemblymember, Tom Ammiano did in reaction to the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is apparently the norm in Democrat politics.

I see a disturbing pattern of intimidation here. The people of California didn’t bow to the homosexual agenda but its elected officials and Courts certainly have.

Tom Ammiano is just an example of why the civil discourse in this country has deteriorated and has become so polarized. Also homosexuals like Ammiano are the reasons why California is so Gay!

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