Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Obama’s Green Scheme

Green jobs are a waste of space, a waste of money, a lie, a chimera. You know that. I know that. We’re familiar with the report by Dr Gabriel Calzada Alvarez of the Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain which shows that for every “green job” that is created another 2.2 jobs are LOST in the real economy. —James Delingpole
President Barry Hussein Soetoro claims that America is going in the right direction when it comes to his vision of a new green economy.

So let me ask this simple question. If I could show you how to make $1,000 extra dollars a week, only one small thing, it would it cost you $2,200 dollars every time you made a $1,000. Would you consider that a good deal? No if you’re smart, you wouldn’t.

Yet this is the deal what the president of the United States of America is offering America with his Green jobs economy. The president Soetoro has claimed that Spain is the paradigm in creating good green jobs. It is in the direction of Spain that he plans to take America. But according to a recent Spanish report on green jobs and renewable energy their tax payer subsidized green jobs efforts are unsustainable (see report)

[A] Spanish study concluding that for every green job created in Spain resulted in the loss of 2.2 other jobs.— Doris de Guzman
It is common knowledge that the green economy is a bust. (see article)

Here is president Soetoro touting Spain as the model for good green job creation. (see 1:40mins video)

The study finds that only one in 10 renewable energy jobs created in Spain were of a permanent nature. Two-thirds consisted of temporary jobs in construction, fabrication and installation jobs; one quarter were positions in administration, marketing and projects engineering; and only one of ten was related to more permanent operations and maintenance of renewable power systems.-- Doris de Guzman

Furthermore, British reporter James Delingpole reports Green jobs are a waste of space, a waste of money, a lie, a chimera. You know that. I know that. We’re familiar with the report by Dr Gabriel Calzada Alvarez of the Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain which shows that for every “green job” that is created another 2.2 jobs are LOST in the real economy. (see article)

The study calculated that, since 2000, Spain spent $774,000 to create each "green job", including subsidies of more than $1.3 million per wind industry job. It found that creating those jobs resulted in the destruction of nearly 113,000 jobs elsewhere in the economy, or 2.2 jobs destroyed for every "green job" created. Jobs lost were mostly in the fields of metallurgy, non-metallic mining and food processing, beverage and tobacco.
"The loss of jobs could be greater if you account for the amount of lost industry that moves out of the country due to higher energy prices," Calzada said in an interview with Bloomberg News. –Doris de Guzman

Mr. Delingpole also alerts us to the fact that president Obama knows that his green jobs initiative is a fraud. When two reports came out, the Spanish one just mentioned and a Denmark report citing the inefficiency of wind farms, both totally repudiating Soetoro claims for green jobs--the Obama administration recruited left-wing lobbyists to attack both reports.

After two studies refuted President Barack Obama’s assertions regarding the success of Spain’s and Denmark’s wind energy programs, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals the Department of Energy turned to George Soros and to wind industry lobbyists to attack the studies.—James Delingpole

According to Delingpole, Via the Freedom of Information Act or the FOIA request, the Competitive Enterprise Institute has learned that the Department of Energy — specifically the office headed by Al Gore’s company’s former CEO, Cathy Zoi — turned to George Soros’ Center for American Progress and other wind industry lobbyists to help push Obama’s wind energy proposals.
Yet Soetoro sells his go green initiative and good green jobs as beneficial to the American people and the American worker. Wrong! Good green jobs are meant to benefit Corporations like BP and big money interest like George Soros. In addition to that, Soetoro persists on selling good green jobs to an unwary but increasingly skeptical American public. (see 2:26mins video)

President Soetoro’s energy plan is a job killing fraud and he knows it. And it is becoming increasingly evident that he doesn’t care that we know that it’s fraudulent. Or does he think the American people that stupid?

November will show just how stupid the American people are mr. president! I’m hoping that we are smart enough to throw Democrats out of office for their gross incompetence from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill to a green energy jobs creation initiative that will destroy 2.2 jobs for every 1 job created.

1 comment:

  1. "November will show just how stupid the American people are mr. president! I’m hoping that we are smart enough to throw Democrats out of office for their gross incompetence from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill to a green energy jobs creation initiative that will destroy 2.2 jobs for every 1 job created. "

    Let's not forget about Commie Care being rammed down our throats as well.
