Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Who are “Nuestra Gente” Señora Solis and Department of Labor?

One of the things at the Department of Labor is that we strongly believe in the protection of all workers. Whether you are born in this country or whether you come here to work. Our laws and our Constitution guarantees protection for every worker in the work place.
And that has been the law under previous Republican and Democratic administrations, so I want to make that very clear, this is not a new law this is just a prioritization of our work force…--Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor
Hilda Solis President Barry Hussein Soetoro’s Latina Labor Secretary States clearly states to the NCLR, the National Council of La Raza, an exclusive Latino Racist group that the ultra-progressives of the Soetoro administration have succeeded in changing the direction of the department of labor. From what to what is the question?

Solis’ carefully crafted message attempted to veil the fact that the American government, Department of Labor has changed from a government agency that protects American laborers to one of a Racist government Organization with an exclusive agenda to protect illegal Latino workers. Of course, Solis thinks by adding politically correct jargon Americans are too dumb to notice her true meaning and intent. (see 1:31min video)

And we have a campaign that we’ve rolled out. And we’ve rolled it out in the state of Texas deliberately because we wanted the message to come home to the neighborhood to the barrio. And it’s a program that we are calling, Podemos Ayudar, We can help, that’s all. Simply put, we want to help our community to better understand the laws that govern and protect them. And everything that is given to us in terms of information is kept confidentially so there is no compromise.
We have changed the direction of the Department of Labor!—Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor

In plain language the Barry Hussein Soetoro administration is practicing institutional racism and treason against the citizens of the United States of America by giving preferential treatment to foriegn born invaders over citizens of this country.

How is this done? The method is called lying in plain sight for example Señora Solis makes an over broad statement such as, “One of the things at the Department of Labor is that we strongly believe in the protection of all workers. Whether you are born in this country or whether you come here to work. Our laws and our Constitution guarantees protection for every worker in the work place.

And that has been the law under previous Republican and Democratic administrations, so I want to make that very clear, this is not a new law this is just a prioritization of our work force…”

This type of language is particularly insidious because it plays on weak imprecise listeners' abilities. Generally listeners will accept the false premise in order for the speaker to establish an equally false conclusion. For example in the statement, “we strongly believe in the protection of all workers.” Señora Solis has laid the ground work which to include illegal workers under the veil of “all workers.” The idea slips past the consciousness of most listeners and that's how it's done.

However when one takes in account Señora Solis’ audience, the National Council of La Raza, and when one takes in consideration her statement, “Whether you are born in this country or whether you come here to work.” In is clear that Señora Solis is speaking about subverting American Labor laws by redefining them to include illegal workers.

This type of language manipulation is prevalent in Progressive Liberals, from president Barry Hussein Soetoro to Nancy Pelosi to Robert Gibbs to Hillary Clinton all Progressives engage in this method of "Lying". The way this language is used is subversive and treasonous.

The Constitution and the Laws of the United States certainly do not afford protection for illegal invaders who live illegally and work illegally in the United States. For a government official to suggest such a thing is a bald-faced lie and an act of soft treason against the United States of America.

This type of soft treason should be prosecuted with the full extent of the law for all who practice it. The president included.

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