Monday, March 21, 2011

President Obama and Charlie Sheen both Bi-winning!

We know something about Barack Obama; he can hold two totally contradictory things in this mind at the same time and claim allegiance to both of them. You know we saw it when the D.C. gun ban was over turned and he said he was all for it when ah...but before he had been against ah…before he’d been in favor of the band and when most of it was turned over he said he was in favor of that too. --Fred Barnes
Victor Hansen’s piece entitled President Hamlet emphasizes the bi-polar yet schizophrenic presidency of Barry Hussein Soetoro. (see story)

President Soetoro like Charlie Sheen has a little tiger blood in him and is bound ultimately to the same fate in 2012 as Sheen. A fate which he will be blaming his employers (the American People) for canning him for the crazy and whacked out way he is mismanaging the U.S. Government as Sheen blamed his employers who fired him for his own irresponsible self-destructive and career ending behavior.
Hansen makes plain the danger that the United States faces with a presidency that is marked by inter ideological conflicts and contradictions or as Sheen sees such self-confliction, “Bi-winning!”.

For example, Hansen cites several duplicitous actions of the Barry Hussein Soetoro administration that would make Charlie Sheen appear sane. First, the president forces into law Universal Health care that “everyone” in America would be forced to buy. Then the Soetoro administration issued over 1,000 waivers so that only a select few, the president’s supporters, are not forced to comply with buying “Universal Health care.” What a mess! This is patently unfair. Moreover, if it is unconstitutional for the government to force citizens to buy healthcare it has to be unconstitutional to force some to comply and not others.

President Obama wanted to give us all universal health care. But then he discovered that the country was broke and that most people did not like his massive federal takeover. So we got both his health care and, so far, more than 1,000 exemptions from his landmark plan for unions, corporations, and entire states.-- Victor Hansen

The American people are primarily concerned about two things, lack of jobs and out of control government spending. This present administration has borrowed and spent a historical record 4 trillion dollars within two years of its presidency. Need I remind you that this is more spending than eight years of the Bush administration and more borrowing and spending than any other American government.

The president wished to please his liberal supporters with more government redistributive programs and higher taxes on the wealthy. But such entitlements cost lots of money — more than $4 trillion in new borrowing in just three years – and scare to death the job-creating private sector. So the president not only borrows at record levels, but also sets up a commission to warn us that his borrowing will soon bankrupt the country. He damns the “fat-cat bankers” and the rich who “at some point” have made enough money, even as he courts them for campaign donations and begs their companies to start hiring new employees.—Victor Hansen

The president has stopped oil drilling and gasoline has shot up to $4-per gallon. Simultaneously he is touting “New green” energy and has borrowed billions of dollars to seed his green energy venture into wind and solar energies. Yet when Americans are feeling the squeeze of $4.00 gasoline Soetoro began to brag that American is drilling more oil under his administration than ever in its history.

Obama warned us that we could not drill our way out of the ongoing gas crisis and needed instead to develop new green energy. As proof, he borrowed billions to promote wind and solar power, and stopped most new leases for fossil-fuel exploration in Alaska, the west, and offshore. But it turned out that we still need lots of oil as gas nears $4 a gallon. So the president brags that America is now pumping more oil under his green administration than ever before — but neglects to mention that this is true only because Presidents Clinton and Bush long ago approved the sort of oil leases that Obama had rejected.—Victor Hansen

So why is the president and his administration acting out like Charlie Sheen? It’s called bi-winning. The bipolar behavior witnessed from this administration is typical for Liberals who pride themselves on keeping two contradictory ideas in mind at the same time and believing both. Some would call this schizophrenia. It can also be called double think an expression coined by George Orwell in his classic story of government using language to facilitate Fascism, 1984.

We know something about Barack Obama; he can hold two totally contradictory things in this mind at the same time and claim allegiance to both of them. You know we saw it when the D.C. gun ban was over turned and he said he was all for it when ah...but before he had been against ah…before he’d been in favor of the band and when most of it was turned over he said he was in favor of that too. --Fred Barnes

Soetoro’s ability to contradict is so astonishing that Rachel Maddow who is usually blinded by her super partisanship takes exception when Soetoro announces an unconstitutional government program right in the middle of a speech honoring the constitution. (see 9:47min video)

You think Charlie Sheen is messed up? Mr. Soetoro is a walking contradiction. He promised to be the most transparent presidential administration in the history of the country yet he has denied more freedom of information request than his predecessor , to further compound the air of secrecy around this man his personal life is under seal. Soetoro promised to end the Iraq war to date he hasn’t what he has done is escalated the Afghanistan war for reasons only clear to him and just committed the United States to a third war in Libya.

The contradictions in Barry Hussein Soetoro are endless. At this point in 2012, I’d vote for anyone but Soetoro. Charlie Sheen included.


  1. Transparency reveals truth. Truth transforms. There was something about Obama I never trusted. Now we all know!

  2. I never trusted Obama Bin Lyin to start with.
