Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tim Pawlenty breaks the back of the “inherited” Argument

The two wars were taking place under president Bush on a larger level in Iraq. So again, when president Bush left office there was a $500Billion dollar deficit now it’s about $1.5trillion. Under president Obama’s watch, he tripled the deficit of this country; he looked the American people in the eye in March of 2009 after he knew full well about the wars. After he knew full well about the economic collapse, after he know full well about the Medi Care part D subscription drug expansion and he looked the American people in the eye and said, ‘I will reduce the deficit in half in my first term.’ And then he tripled it. That is just one of his many broken promises, one of his many false statements and he needs to be held accountable for it —Presidential Hopeful Tim Pawlenty
In a recent CNN interview presidential hopeful, Tim Pawlenty took on the Obama “inherited” excuses and uncovered the lies that the president told to win election. Pawlenty’s factual stating of the case was done much to the chagrin of a hapless CNN reporter who seemed to be wincing in pain when Pawlenty eviscerated her feeble inherited talking points.

According to Pawlenty, the president knew full well what the country’s condition was while he was campaigning for the job. And in spite of that knowledge, the president knowingly lied saying that he would cut the deficit in half in his first term.

He(the president) looked the American people in the eye in March of 2009 after he knew full well about the wars. After he knew full well about the economic collapse, after he know full well about the Medi Care part D subscription drug expansion and he looked the American people in the eye and said, ‘I will reduce the deficit in half in my first term.’—Tim Pawlenty

(see 1:57min video)

Now the president’s favorite fallback position is that he’s Black and he didn’t know that things were so bad in the economy. The White man fooled him and messed up things so bad because the White man didn’t want a Black man to succeed.

Of course, the above is my interruption of the president’s excuses for not being able to fix the economy with failed Progressive Socialist ideas and policies in tow. However, you must admit with Congress woman Sheila Jackson Lee‘s tirade on the floor of the House regarding, “only this president” Democrats are getting pretty darn close to blaming Barry Hussein Soetoro’s failure on the fact that he is Black. (see 2:07 min video)

Ms. Jackson Lee maybe this president is having difficulty because only this president voted against raising the debt ceiling when he was in the Senate. What is more he openly admitted that he was playing politics against president George W. Bush when he did it. (see 1:13min video)

In any event, Tim Pawlenty has it right. president Soetoro looked the American people in the eye and lied, stating that he would cut the deficit by half in this first term. Instead, the president and his Democrats allies, set about to spend more American taxpayer money than any previous administration in American history.

Broken promises and lies, that about sums up this presidency. Not to mention that Democrats continue to play the Race card when convenient for them to do so. And it is always convenient for them to do so!

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