Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bain Capital is all about Media Manipulation

I suspect that great liberties will be taken with the story of what Mr. Romney did while working at Bain Capital. At the same time, Democrats will pretend that the last for years of failed president Soetoro policies were somehow the fault of George W. Bush or some other absurdity.
Democrats pride themselves on messaging. Hope and Change. Or Republicans hate women. It doesn’t matter democrats believe that they can say anything, sale anything and it will be accepted by everyone. Those who don’t accept it are unenlightened or phobic or worst yet Republican. They wouldn’t say it but they believe that there is a political sucker born every hour. Democrats believe that all that is required is to pick a subject or a person create an artificial composite of like or dislike.

So it is with Mitt Romney. Democrats plan to use the contrived argument that Mr. Romney’s business experience is not valuable because Mr. Romney was an “evil” venture capitalist. Their claim will be that Mr. Romney destroyed jobs rather than create jobs. (see 6:53 min video)

Reality is pure invention to Democrats. Whether it’s the high cheek bones of Elizabeth Warren or born in Kenya, and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii Democrats take liberty with facts more so than Republicans.

I suspect that great liberties will be taken with the story of what Mr. Romney did while working at Bain Capital. At the same time, Democrats will pretend that the last four years of failed president Soetoro policies were somehow the fault of George W. Bush or some other absurdity. or they will simply ignore Soetoro's failures altogether. In reality as Democrats see it, Soetoro had nothing to do with the job losses at Solyndra and the other Green Businesses that went bankrupted after the Soetoro administration force-fed them hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

That anyhow, is the way the media will report it because politics are not about truth for Democrats they are about keeping power by manipulating the American people. With the media’s help Democrats just may get the Kenya born raised in Indonesia and Hawaii president reelected without showing an original birth certificate or unsealing any of his vital records that would give the America people answers about who they have allowed into the people’s house.

Thanks establishment media for your help in establishing an environment in which supplanting the constitution was achieved. Your bias liberal campaigning rather than impartially reporting of the facts got us into this mess.

Thank God that not all of the people can be fooled all of the time!

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