Friday, June 29, 2012

Obama lied on Mother’s grave in 2008 election

Effectively the president lied about this own mother’s death in order to endear himself with the voting public. Liberals now have mixed feelings that they didn’t allow for the vetting of Barry Hussein Soetoro in 2008. They are now simply confused. Attempting to defend their own collusion in the Soetoro 2008 election in addition to defending the newly uncovered lies in the autobiography of face of Democrat Party can’t be easy.
To say that Democrats are liars is never enough because the ignorant Liberal will retort, “Bush lied and people died.” The so-called opened minded but ill-informed Independent will offer that both sides lie.

Those ridiculous assertions aside let’s look at the facts. The elder statesman, William Jefferson Clinton of the Democrat Party is a convicted liar (perjurer), the Democrat inventor of Global warming, Al Gore lied frivolously and unnecessarily about everything during his 2000 bid for the presidency. Not to mention his now debunked claims predicting a global carbon fueled catastrophe. The Democrat 2004 presidential nominee John Forbes Kerry lied about the nature of his Vietnam service. In addition, he lied about what he did with his medals upon his return to the states. When confronted about his lies by veterans who were there in Vietnam then he lied and said he was swiftboated.

Democrat presidential contender Jon Edwards is a lying philanderer all while his wife was dying of cancer, Democrat minority leader Nancy Pelosi is a psychotic liar, Democrat Senate Leader, Harry Reid is a self-important political apparatchik and liar.

All of the above notwithstanding the Democrat president of these United States, Barry Hussein Soetoro is a delusional liar. Biographer David Maraniss has uncovered 38 factual discrepancies in the president’s autobiography, “Dreams from my Father.” Mr. Maraniss has chosen to typify the Soetoro lies as literary devices. However, you know that a Republican would not be given the same benefit of the doubt in today’s highly partisan Democrat media complex.

Listen to Soledad O’Brien’s panel and Ben Smith discuss Maraniss' discovery and attempt to comfort themselves in the knowledge that they have been supporting a serial liar who as lied himself into the highest political office in the world. (see 2:41min video)

The president implied that his mother died because of healthcare insurance refusing to pay for her treatment. He used that claim repeatedly in the 2008 elections. We now know that claim and at least 37 others were lies. The mother’s healthcare was paid for.

Effectively the president lied about this own mother’s death in order to endear himself with the voting public. Liberals now have mixed feelings that they didn’t allow for the vetting of Barry Hussein Soetoro in 2008. They are now simply confused. Attempting to defend their own collusion in the Soetoro 2008 election in addition to defending the newly uncovered lies in the autobiography of face of Democrat Party can’t be easy.

As a result, the Democrat Media Complex is complicit in Soetoro a Democrat candidate achieving the presidency without the proper media vetting. Soetoro was in effect allowed to lie on this mother’s grave to win in 2008 thus counting Soetoro in a long list of Democrat political liars.

As Maraniss concluded the America’s composite president wrote a book of literature in his autobiography Dreams from my Father. Any other person the media would be calling it a book of lies. James Frey’s A Million Little Pieces was exposed for the fraud it is by Oprah Winfrey because she featured it on her book club. Winfrey featured Soetoro’s book Dreams from my Father as well.

Oprah we await your rebuke of the president’s autobiography since you featured it on your book club because the president's book is a work of fiction just as much so as A million Little Pieces is.

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