Monday, June 04, 2012

There is no Such Thing as a Fiscal Conservative

[O]ne cannot be a fiscal conservative “only.” One will always spend on cost of the liberal social issues, which one supports. At best, a more appropriate name for a “Fiscal Conservative” who is not a Democrat is a RINO. And a Democrat who claims to be a “Fiscal Conservative” is simply running for office in a conservative majority election.
When someone self designates as a Fiscal Conservative that person is attempting to state that, he or she is fiscally responsible. That person is further stating that while he or she holds to principles of fiscal restraint and best fiscal practices they reserve the right to range from socially compassionate, socially moderate or just plain socially liberal in other areas and views. Usually two types of persons identify as such, a Liberal who attempting to pass himself or herself off as a Conservative. Another is Liberal who is attempting to win in a Conservative election.

However, my friends I’m sorry to pull back the veil of illusion but there is no such thing as a fiscal conservative. It is absolutely impossible to be a fiscal conservative and here’s why.

Progressives are identified by their issues homosexuality, healthcare, abortion, global warming/climate change/the green movement, open borders and all other social net causes. Without exception, everything on the progressive agenda has tremendous cost involved. Therefore, it is impossible for a fiscal conservative to support any or all of the progressive agenda without supporting the cost those agenda items incur. If you identify as a Fiscal Conservative it is more than likely that you identify with one, some or all of the progressive agenda.

We now know that in the last decade entitlement spending or the progressive agenda outpaced national security cost plus the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined by 65% to 19% respectively. That’s right about 65 percent of federal expenditures over the last ten years have gone toward entitlements not defense or war.(see chart below) (see article)

What that means is that “Bush’s Wars” did not get the economy in this mess. Rather it was the out of control entitlement spending typically associated with Democrats. And what that means to this argument is if you are a “Conservative” but you lean toward Liberal social issues you cannot, I repeat you cannot be a fiscal conservative because your issues whatever they are, are going to be funded, actually they have been for a decade and at an astronomical rate of expenditure. These are the costs that are bankrupting the country.

Therefore, one cannot be a fiscal conservative “only.” One will always spend on cost of the liberal social issues, which one supports. At best, a more appropriate name for a “Fiscal Conservative” who is not a Democrat is a RINO. And a Democrat who claims to be a “Fiscal Conservative” is simply running for office in a conservative majority election. Both these individuals will vote for Liberal social issues in turn those issues will have to be funded therefore cancelling out any conservative claim.

Either one should embrace Conservatism fully or one should drop the pretense of Conservatism altogether. Just stop perpetrating if you support Liberal causes you are going to fund them. Again, there is no such thing as a fiscal conservative.

Otherwise, we continue on this road of fiscal suicide while the biggest spender in the history of American government points his bony finger at Conservatives and falsely state that he’s just cleaning up the mess that they, the Conservatives, made. And the deficits were here when he got here. (Notice how convenient he can lump all Conservatives in one pile.)

With the prospect of fiscal Armageddon upon us, we can ill afford to give any quarter to the big spenders of the left. Neither to those who hide themselves in titles such as Fiscal Conservative while at the same time they embrace the issues of the left that have made this once great nation a debtor nation because of the excess social spending of the Left.


  1. There is no such thing as a fiscally responsible political party in the first place, correct me if I am wrong but Bush added benefit programs without paying for them (Medicare part D). You will just use the fallback excuse of oh he is a RINO, yet fail to realize a good chunk of the party followed him on that policy. Even if I accept that excuse, how do you explain the God of the right Ronald Reagan's track record? How do you explain Rick Perry's track record in Texas (did well until a recession gave them a Texas sized budget deficit)? Where are all of this fiscally responsible politicians you seem to think are out there.

    I would rather buy into tax and spend then spend and cut taxes, at least one of those is honest.

    1. You are confusing terms Scott. I'm speaking of persons not Parties. So your opening statement sets the wrong tone for your entire argument. As to your attack on Bush. Bush self Identified as a Compassionate Conservative did he not? Meaning that he was not a Conservative but someone who would spend money in unConservative ways.
      As for your mentions of Reagan and Perry you intimate slander but offer no proof or context of what you believe is a bad "track record". I assume you're suggesting that their records are bad because of the manner which you speak of them.

      Your last statement only confirms your bias Scott you ARE a tax and spend Progressive Liberal and you believe Conservativism to be less than honest.

      You are not as openmind as you pretend. Anyone can see right through your attempt to discredit Conservativism.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
