Monday, November 12, 2012

Don’t take advice about walking from a Dolphin

Democrats have proven to be treacherous political operatives winning/stealing a second term for a failed president, yet that doesn’t put gloating Progressive, Liberals or Democrats in any position to tell Conservatives or Republicans how to win a free and fair election.
Dolphins are smart. They are perhaps one of the most intelligent of sea mammals. However, with all of the sea experience dolphins possess I know of no dolphin that can tell a human being how best to put one foot in front of another to walk.

Likewise Democrats have proven to be treacherous political operatives winning/stealing a second term for a failed president, yet that doesn’t put gloating Progressive, Liberals or Democrats in any position to tell Conservatives or Republicans how to win a free and fair election. Just as a dolphin couldn't advise us about walking, Democrats wouldn’t know how to begin to tell Conservatives anything about freedom or fairness.

So I’m almost laughing if it weren’t so sad at the various offerings of advice coming from radicals on the Left regarding how Conservatives or the GOP must proceed from here if they wish to win elections in the future.

But shall we go by the example that the president and the radical Left has set? Let see there is the tactic of falsely demonizing an opponent beyond any rational bounds of reality or as the Clinton’s used to call it, “The Politics of Personal Destruction.”

Both Misters Romney and Ryan fell victims to this very powerful tactic. The mischaracterizing of their positions and policies left the general supporter of the president to one over broad and false conclusion about Mr. Romney, “Romney sucks!”

If the GOP is considering taking the torrents of advice coming from the Left, regarding winning in 2016 and the future, I ask in that likihood should the GOP use the Left’s most powerful tools of mass manipulation, tactics such as lies, mischaracterizing, falsifications, pandering and political assassinations of woes and opponents.

Should the GOP became as the Left and look the American people in the eyes and tell them that they have shovel ready jobs and not have them? Should the GOP secretly raise taxes on the middle class thorough a clandestine John Roberts approved healthcare law known as Obamacare while all along telling the middle class that they will not raise one dime of taxes on them if Obamacare is passed.

Should the GOP devalue citizenship of all legal Americans so that scores of illegal citizens of other countries may benefit from US systems of welfare, healthcare, education and US meager jobs markets? This is an action, according to all accounts, which will eventually cause the total collapse of the entire system.

Dolphins are pretty smart sea creatures however; they know nothing about walking on dry land. A dolphin cannot tell me how to walk on dry land. Likewise, Liberal Democrats, Progressive Partisans, RINOs, Social Republicans and the likes know nothing about winning free and fair elections therefore they cannot tell me how to win a free and fair election their advice should and must be rejected.

Only those who know how to walk in Constitutional integrity and know how to how to fight as in wartime the lies, obfuscations, deceit, character assassinations and otherwise sinister plans of the left need apply for the job of advising the GOP on what they must do for the future. And while you’re at it read the Left’s game plan, George Lakoff’s “Don’t Think of an Elephant.”

This is just one of the ways the Left has gotten so good at defeating Conservatives.

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