Monday, August 14, 2017

Kiss the Pope’s Ring or Bend the Knee to Liberal ideology

This whole scenario is a production of Left wing radicals. It is meant to defeat Conservatives first psychologically and then politically. If you accept the Left’s false premise that the Right or White Supremacists caused this tragedy then you are already deceived and the Left has already won because you have kissed the Pope’s ring and bowed the knee to Liberal ideology!
Hearing the media hysteria concerning Charlotteville Virginia one would think that Skinheads, White Nazi Nationalist, White Supremacists and a KKK lynch mob descended on Charlotteville last weekend and terrorized the local residents of the little sleepy Southern township.

But that’s not what happened. The facts are groups on the Right organized a march entitled Unite the Right. One of the organizers lives in Charlotteville. This effort was organized to bring speakers in to help the Right iron out its internal differences. This effort was set against the back drop of recent actions Local Left wing Charlotteville government is taking to remove historical monuments and statues that depict Virginia’s history.

Unite the Right claims they are offended at this historical revisionism. So they planned a march against this politicizing of Charlotteville’s history. Also, Unite the Right thought they too had the same right to march as Mexican Nationals who march in American streets protesting for American rights, Gays who march, Black, Lives Matter who march and Antifa who march.

What happened next is an example of creeping Left wing Fascism that has permeated the United States of America. Left wing organizations Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others planned a counter protest. What was their objective? The same objective as seen on college campuses at UC Berkeley, California State University Los Angeles, Claremont College and Brown University to name only a few. That objective is to silence all voices on the Right.

The Black Lives Matter, Antifa counter protest had the backing of Liberal local and State governments of Charlotteville and Virginia, whereas after months of working with government entities the legally permitted United the Right march did not. As a matter of fact, Charlotte’s local government canceled United the Right permit just before the march. UTR was forced to go to court and prove that Charlotte’s mayor and city council acted in a biased and discriminatory way against them.

Seeing the evidence a judge ordered UTR permit reinstated but the damage had already begun. Surreptitiously the city granted permits to two counter protest groups. In addition to that, they pulled the original security assignments that were agreed to and paid for on UTR's permit.

On top of all of the above, on the day of the march, the city dispatched police to shut the UTR march down prematurely. This act forced UTR into an area where counter protesters were gathered and ready to attack. Police then left the groups to face off with one another. Police simply left.

What happened next was classic Liberal street mayhem tactics. Animal waste, paint, and mace was thrown and sprayed on UTR people. Fights incurred and ultimately one death resulted from the clashes that ensued. Someone in government gave police orders to stand down. Who? Someone on the Left organized this resistance. Who? But what is being reported via the media is “Right wing hate groups cause mayhem.”

Now let’s just do a hypothetical. What if UTR was allowed their first amendment rights like everyone else in America. What if they were allowed to march and what if the State and local governments did their jobs and protected UTR from the inference of counter protesters. And what if the Left wing agitators never showed up? Would there be one death resulting from the peaceful march UTR planned?

I can say emphatically no! However, every Conservative politician, every Conservative pundit, and every reporter is made to kiss the Pope’s ring. What do I mean by this? Liberals have leaped to conclusions that White Supremacist's hate fueled the violence seen on Saturday. That is what they are reporting. And they are demanding all Conservatives tow the false story line and jump to the same conclusion. They are also demanding that Conservatives avow that White Supremacist caused this violence. As well, Liberals are demanding that Conservative disavow White Supremacist, the KKK, Skinheads, the Confederate Flag, Conservatism and anything else that is not Liberal ideology. Nothing new here Liberals do this all the time. This is why for the life of me I can’t understand why Conservatives continue to fall for this tactic. First, the president resisted by blaming both sides, which was technically wrong, but even he was made to bend the knee in his most recent comments concerning Charlotteville. He was made to blame White Supremacists only.

What is bowing to the Pope or kissing the Pope’s ring? In other words, it is forced group think or 2017 peer pressure on steroids. Liberals are well versed in getting and keeping the Right on offense. As well they are masters at getting Conservatives to agree with their language and their arguments.

Conservatives when you play Liberals’ psychological game of Kiss the Pope’s ring you bow a little deeper to Liberal ideology. That is the idea! You accept their language and their arguments then you can’t possibly win any argument with them because you've accepted their false premises.

White Supremacy, Rednecks, White Nationalism or Skinheads had nothing to do with with the violence perpetrated against Unite the Right on Saturday. This entire misfortune was the Left's doing! This is what they do, Occupy Virginia, resist Trump, Shut down the Right, No Conservative speech on College campus, no Conservative speech in America, Russian Collusion and Impeach Trump.

For all of you Conservatives, that prematurely come out and denounced White Nationalism, White Supremacy or whatever the Left or its surrogates told you to say, whether you are on Fox News or in Political office you are wrong. The Charlotte incident is not about White Supremacy it’s actually the Orwellian opposite. It’s about Left wing Progressive Supremacy! Denounce that! Denounce Left wing Progressive Supremacy!

This whole scenario is a production of Left wing radicals. It is meant to defeat Conservatives first psychologically and then politically. If you accept the Left's false premise that the Right or White Supremacists caused this tragedy then you are already deceived and the Left has already won because you have kissed the Pope’s ring and bowed the knee to Liberal ideology!

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