Friday, October 06, 2017

Freedom of speech and Cam Newton

"It's funny to hear a female talk about routes. It's funny." -Cam Newton, Carolina Panthers Quarterback

So will the NFL take a knee and/or link arms in solidarity with Newton? No, they sided with the reporter and the social influencers of today. They claim what Cam said is Sexist, Racist, and Misogynistic. They have issued a statement, which they state they do not support neither do they agree with Mr. Newton’s view. A sampling of NFL players have players scattered all over the support of Newton, or the non-support of Newton, terrain.
May I confess something? I grew up in America and as a child I heard things. Things such as ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.’ And things such as, ‘ This is a free country I can say what I want to say!’ I remember hearing many remarks, philosophies, beliefs and points of view, which I did not agree with, but it was always my thought that the person speaking had the right to express herself/himself in whichever way they wished. And equally I had the right to agree or disagree with what was said.

I believe everyone in America understood freedom of speech in the way I just described. If the majority of people didn’t believe that way, not any of the socially accepted behaviors that are anti- Conservative or anti-Christian would be in existence today. Why? When I was coming up Conservatism and Christianity were the dominant influencers of our society. If Conservatives and Christians were as closed minded as the present social influencers are, there would be no open Homosexuality, no Illegal Aliens among us, no Abortions, and no Progressivism. All of those things would have been shut down quicker than one can say Antifa or Black Lives Matter!

It is only because of the people of my generation’s understanding of freedom of speech that any of the present, socially engineered accepted practices exist day. Why do I say this? Simple, if Conservatives and Christians had the same closed minded attitudes as the social influencers of today, they would have used their substantial power to stop those then nascent ideas from entering social consciousness or from gaining social acceptance, just as present day social influencers are doing today against any ideas that are different than what these influencers deem socially permitted.

This brings me to my subject, the remark of Cam Newton quarterback for the Carolina Panthers and freedom of speech. In a recent news conference Cam observed that he found humor in the instance of being questioned about receiver routes, the planned position a receiver will run to in order to catch a pass, by a woman. See That’s Funny

What Cam said is, "It's funny to hear a female talk about routes. It's funny." As a result of stating his personal observation out loud Cam is facing a firestorm of public condemnation. As of this writing he has lost his Dannon Yogurt endorsement. See Dannon Cancels

So will the NFL take a knee in behalf of and/or link arms in solidarity with Newton? No, they've sided with the reporter and the social influencers of today. They claim what Cam said is Sexist, Racist, and Misogynistic. They issued a statement, in which they state they do not support, neither do they agree with Mr. Newton’s view. A sampling of NFL players have players scattered all over the support of Newton, or the non-support of Newton, terrain.

Newton is the same guy who just last week lifted Black power fist in air after scoring a touchdown in solidarity with the NFL and Colin Kaepernick protest against America.

My point is this. It is sad to see Constitutional freedoms being eroded. In my day Cam’s statement would have been his opinion. And since it is a completely harmless personal observation it would have been forgotten as quickly as it was said.

The difference is, today’s social influencers are trying to control speech and thought so that their agenda can be advanced. Mr. Newton’s comment is in violation of what today’s social influencers deems one can say or think, which is another Orwellian tendency of the Left.

For those of you that can’t tell the difference between freedom of speech as claimed by those in the on going NFL Player’s protest and as related to what Mr. Newton said, allow me to spell it out for you. The NFL protest is an abuse of its platform and its audience. For example, I’m sure you will agree that if someone enrolled in a course, let’s say English 101 and the instructor spent the entire class or semester espousing their personal political views, that would be wrong and totally inappropriate. Does the instructor have the right to speak her/his beliefs? Of course they do, however I think we can agree that in English 101 is not the appropriate venue,in which to do it. That is not what the person enrolled in the class paid their fee for. That person expected and is entitled to English and that is what they should get. The instructor is clearly abusing her/his platform and abusing her/his captive audience. Same with the NFL Player’s protest. The players are abusing the NFL's platform and abusing the NFL's audience

In contrast, Mr. Newton simply, in the course of an interview, expressed a sentiment. Right or wrong, it was his personal observation. In America we used to hear other’s point-of-views and either agreed, disagreed or disregarded the point-of-view completely. Why? Because this used to be a free country in which you and I had the freedom to speak our minds. It isn’t any longer.

What present day social influencers are doing is, they are attempting to control Mr. Newton by affecting his income and rebuking him publicly. Such a public flogging will keep the rest of us from thinking or saying anything that is unacceptable. As it will also correct the wayward Cam Newton from ever finding anything funny, which is approved as the social norm by the social influencers of today!

The lesson for anyone who will learn from this situation is this, this attack against Cam Newton is the same politically correct attack made against President Trump. It is the same politically correct attack used against Conservative Republicans. And it is the same politically correct attack used against Christianity.

This is an attack against Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech. These attacks must be recognized for what they are, a vile attempt to rob Americans of their rights to think and express themselves freely as guaranteed by the US Constitution, and consequently these attacks must be stopped if freedom of speech means anything any longer in the United States of America.

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