Monday, September 16, 2019

Do not think that the Bell tolls for Trump, it tolls for thee!

Conservatives did not riot in the streets nor did they protest when Obama (I'm so thankful I don’t have to refer to him as president) deconstructed constitutional norms by Executive fiat.
Some Conservatives are the proverbial illustrative frog in a slowly heating petri dish. They haven’t seemed to notice that the world around them is heating up to an extreme. Neither do they seem to realize that Conservative ideas and principles are being burned in ever-increasing destructive flames of Progressive Liberalism and Left-wing intolerance.

They seem to have accepted the Left’s poisonous rhetoric and it’s progressive beliefs, which says that the sustainable virtues and morals, of the last two hundred-plus years can simply be cast away and replaced by the more trendy windmill and solar panel-like untested progressive belief systems, which are championed by today’s shallow and ill-educated Ocasio-Cortez Millennials.

Conservatives did not riot in the streets nor did we protest when Obama (I'm so thankful I don’t have to refer to him as president) deconstructed constitutional norms by Executive fiat. Many of our elected Republicans, however, aided and abetted him and his fellow Democrats as they reconfigured the United States government into that of an authoritarian surveillance state. In Obama's Deep State America Congressmen and women, the DOJ, Intelligence heads and Supreme Court Justices could and were being co-opted and controlled. We have good reason to believe this controlling continues even now in the DOJ, the FBI and with respect to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Obama and this anti-American cabal then turned their attentions to the 2016 election. Thinking they had enough of their Deep State operations in place, via their media, cultural support and Worldwide Leftists networks they, the Left, were absolutely convinced that no Republican would ever again be elected as president of the United States. And certainly not Donald Trump!

In light of this Left-wing Deep State corrupting of government by using, the media and Left-wing societal influencers it is now completely understandable why the Left vomited their sickening and vitriolic reactions to the 2016 election into the streets and on to the feet of the American people. They fixed the outcome of the 2016 election, or so they thought, and there was no way under heaven in their minds that Donald Trump could have won.

Donald Trump is most hated because he was elected a sis gendered straight White male. That in itself flies into the face of all of the Progressivism and diversity propaganda of the last fifty years.

But he did win, in spite of the best laid plans of Democrat mice,men and women, he won. His unexpected win produces the following highly unwelcomed consequences for Democrats. His win interferes with the Left’s march to synchronization with the rest of the World and their breaking down of nation states as is occurring in Europe. His win impedes the Left’s plans to disarm Americans of our 2nd amendment rights thus readying the American people to be submitted to the unelected ruler ship of the United Nations, the EU and the International Human rights Law of the Geneva Courts. These kinds of references used to be considered “conspiracy theories” yet one only have to look at the fight over Brexit in Europe to see that every bit of it is true.

Yet, Donald Trump is most hated because he was elected a sis gendered straight White male. That in itself flies into the face of all of the Progressivism and diversity propaganda of the last fifty years. Donald Trump is the twenty-fist century Jessie Owens! Trump out preformed and is out shining propaganda that showed modern day White men as Homer Simpson incompetents who can’t survive day to day without Marge Simpson, Lisa Simpson or any female since this is the age of #MeToo female ascendancy.

The election of Trump, no doubt, has impeded the Left plans. But don’t be fooled. His election has not stopped them. The Left is already working on hacks, work-arounds and election compromises to insure that a Conservative is never elected again; Computer algorithms, States changing election laws, continual open ended investigations of President Trump and now reaccusations against Justice Kavenaugh, etc. Why? Because according to every day Progressives Conservatives and Conservatism must be destroyed.

Finally, Progressive Democrats have turned their sights on you and me. They are attempting to publicly shame anyone who would dare contribute money or host a Trump fundraiser, or vote for any Conservative. Yes the radicals of the Progressive Left-wing are now coming after US directly!

Apparently we are the ones they've been waiting for! Only they've been wait on us to hate! We are the ones who voted for Trump. We are the ones that support him no matter what they throw at him. We are the ones who made them look foolish the night of November 3, 2016 when they where regaled in Party attire and awaited the celebratory bell of which the calumniation of all of their tampering, interfering, lying and cheating would have made Hillary Clinton the first career political criminal to ever so unmeritoriously reach the presidency of the United States based on her made up credentials and on her sexual gender. But mainly on her sexual gender!

Therefore we mustn't sit in the comfort of our homes and watch this unprecedented onslaught of hate and vitriol targeting President Trump and think, oh they hate him because he’s unfit to be president, or they hate him because he tweets, or they hate him because he is so drool, or they hate him because he’s a racists or any of that made up nonsense.

You and I know exactly why the Progressive Left hate Donald Trump. They hate him because he loves America and they hate him because he loves our American values. When they come at him they are coming after you and they are coming after me. They have said as much!

So, my Conservative friend, don’t ask why the bell of hate tolls for Donald Trump, because that bell of hate actually tolls for thee and me!

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