Monday, August 26, 2019

Something is happening in America…

It is as palpable as hair dyed like Easter eggs or bodies crowded with tattoos like the graffitied walls of many of our inter-cities when tagging was en vogue in the Nineteen Eighties. America’s politics are changing and not for the good. One thing is for certain though, not all change is good change. We should stop pretending that it is.
In America today black suited masked thugs may “counter-protest” your constitutional guaranteed right to freedom of speech, and your right to peaceably assemble. When these “Antifa” thugs show up they are usually armed with clubs, “human waste bombs”, ”milkshakes” (liquid usually something vile and harmful), and an unhealthy heaping of authoritarianism. These domestic terrorists are always spoiling for a fight, which is the reason they show up. To the Left this is perfectly acceptable behavior, the “new normal” if you will. But it is not American behavior and we should stop pretending that it is.

We should also stop pretending that values Democrats present as “our values” are American values. They are not. Democrat’s values are Left wing Progressivism, which they are attempting to force on America and everyone knows it. Democrats reject American values while attempting to use sleight of hand to pass off their beliefs and values as inclusive. Democrats are not inclusive and they should stop pretending that they are.

Left wing hatred of America has zenithed to unprecedented levels of acting out. It’s bold and unashamed embrace of anti-Americanism coupled with it’s radical Social-Communist ideology is now aggressively pushed.

Which leads me to my point. Left wing hatred of America has zenithed to unprecedented levels of acting out. It’s bold and unashamed embrace of anti-Americanism coupled with it’s radical Social-Communist ideology is now aggressively pushed. We all stand now in the shadow of this in ‘your face’ tyrannous Social-Academic-Media-Government complex. It is accept their views or be destroyed. There is no hiding this fact any longer. They reach their fingers into their couch, scratch and then force their smelly fingers into our faces.

They don’t even attempt to hide the fact they are attempting to destroy President Trump solely because they don’t like the realness that he won and their preference didn’t.

The Left has redefined everything that has gotten in their way of fundamentally transform America into the Animal Farm of their dreams. A place where all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Yes, something is happening in America it has been happening progressively over time. Heat is slowly turning up. Unlike the false claims of Climate Change/Global warming these temperatures are increasing, first at an unnoticeable rate and now some of us notice.

Question is will we jump out of the pot of American Left-wing socialism or like the proverbial frog will we remain in it to be boiled?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Inclusivity is not part of the Dems way. Pretending it is may be, but it is not.
