Monday, February 25, 2019

For the First Time in my Adult Life I am ashamed of my Country!

I am ashamed that we have a Political Party and it’s adherents that think nothing of sabotaging the greatest political system created by God and men and replacing our Constitution and our form of government with their "own values", their own apocalyptic dystopian dream of a Venezuela and European socialism
2016 will be forever remembered as the year American Liberals had a National group psychotic meltdown because they lost the Presidential election, an election which their elected officials and civil service employees rigged to win. An election in which they chose to run a sickly incompetent career political criminal for no other apparent reason than she wore various colored pants suits and it was a woman’s turn to be President after the Black guy! Amazingly, every subsequent year thereafter, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Liberals have wrongly and falsely, muled and puked about how Donald Trump cheated them out of the election that they themselves were cheating in to win. For this I am ashamed.

I am ashamed that we have a Political Party and it’s adherents that think nothing of sabotaging the greatest political system created by God and men and replacing our Constitution and our form of government with their "own values", their own apocalyptic dystopian dream of a Venezuela and European socialism.

Naturally the facts are, that even in Liberal’s best laid plans, their own assumptions prevented them from succeeding. As well as, there were unaccounted contingencies that blindsided them from achieving their dastardly goals. Another thing is, Liberals didn’t anticipate that America was not yet the America that they had so sinisterly attempted to fundamentally transform it into being.

Yet, in spite of the rebuke from America that Liberals suffered in 2016 they are charging ahead and have successfully this time employed the techniques, which failed them in 2016. Motor voter registrations, same day registrations, extended week long voting (early voting), mail in ballots, fraudulent voting, fraudulent Debolt vote tabulation machines, multi-millions of illegal non-citizens, flooding Red states with blue voting illegals, immigrants and asylum seekers, voting and the harvesting of ballots all aided Democrats to illegitimately lay siege to the House of Representatives in 2018. A feat they well intend to repeat in the 2020 election. In 2020 Liberals have already made plans to storm the White House with their non-sis gendered LGBTQBXYZ choice, Oh! But their choice can not be a White man, sorry Joe Biden. Pedophilia is not completely accepted yet. Though Liberals are working on it! Not to mention, you are a White man! Liberal bigotry won’t allow a White man to be President.

I am equally ashamed that after three years of the most transformative economic boost that America has ever seen as a result of President Trump’s leadership and economic policies, Liberals lack the ability to objectively look back at eight years of failed Obama economic efforts comparatively and admit that the man whom they elected merely for the color of his skin was out of his depth and an incompetent. Though, I must admit, the crease in his slacks made those two things; being out of his depth and an incompetent, look good.

I am ashamed of my country because we are witnessing in real time the attempted over throw of the President of the United States of America because Liberals are attempting to protect the illicit and ill gotten Social advances they have achieve by their corrupt Representatives. They call these advances, "Our values."

I am ashamed of my country because the real Russia colluders sit at home or in the places of their choosing clutching their government retirements while political prisoners Gen. Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, George Papadopoulos and others rot in jail or are awaiting a ruling from a corrupt judge or justice based on corrupt charges from corrupt prosecutors. Charges that have nothing to do with Trump Russia collusion. These charges are so much cannon fodder made to give the appearance of criminality surrounding the Trump presidency while adverting America’s attention away from the real criminality, The Clintons, the Deep State, Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Loretta Lynch, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, John Brennan, James Clapper, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Barack Hussin Obama and others.

Finally for the first time in my life I am ashamed of my country because when I speak to my Liberal family members, when I listen to Liberal cable television commentators and when I see media news, or entertainment I realize that the Socialism zombie apocalyptic is real. The left has successfully eaten the brains of half of America by miseducating the Alexandia Ocasio-Cortezes of the world. The AOCs are miseducated zombies who are attempting to eat our brains with their New Green Deal and Climate Change socialism.

Whatever the cure for Zombism is we must find it and apply it to these poor devoid beings. Lastly I am ashamed of my country because these Liberals and Socialists haters cloak themselves in the vestiges of Civil Rights and Human Rights when they are nothing more than promoters of hatred and divisiveness. I’m talking about you Al Sharpten, Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Jussie Smollett, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and all you haters that use your platforms to foment Racial Hatred and bigotry against Whites. Against America! That is not the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. And you all make me ashamed of my country!

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