Friday, November 08, 2019

Conservatives are from Earth Liberal Progressives are from Uranus.

“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face,”--Barack Obama, speech from Elko, Nevada
Thanksgiving discussions

Thanksgiving a traditional time of giving thanks for family and God’s blessings has become since the Obama presidency political warfare and indigestion.

Since Obama gave the command to Liberals to “get in their faces...” Many Liberals have taken up the cause to verbally assault family members with partisan political views. These wanna-be Politicos feel the Thanksgiving table is as good a place as any. Often as a result of these zealots’ strident messaging families have separated along political lines. Whilst some family members have retreated deep behind walls of offense.

Why is it that we can no longer speak to one another about important manners? I think I know.

I’ll say it like this, Conservatives are from Earth, Liberal Progressives are from Uranus. Or the other way around if you come from the Liberal mindset. But no matter what your perspective, it is clear, intellectually, Conservatives and Liberals or Republicans and Democrats are not even on the same planet.

As an example, Democrats and the Left see everything that the President does as a reason to demand his removal. Yet they saw nothing wrong that at the very end of his presidency and just before he left Obama delivered an estimated $1.3 billion in freshly minted cash to our enemy, the nation of Iran. This was done as a follow-up after an initial and widely reported $400 million “ransom” payment, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. Did Obama consult with Congress before sending that money? No. But somehow Democrats and Liberals don’t see this as a problem.

What Obama did is wrong on so many levels. Paying “ransom” is something American policy prohibits. Authorizing and sending such an exorbitant amount of money without Congressional approval violates Constitutional authority whereas only Congress is given authority to allocate and spend money, notwithstanding certain exceptions. Obama’s Iran cash money delivery did not meet those exceptions. Any whistleblowers? Ahh No.

First you are from Earth your Liberal family member is from Uranus meaning, your Liberal family members have an alternative reality based in ‘politically correct common core social engineering’ received from Education, media inoculation and corporate indoctrination.

Like me, in the past you’ve probably opted to just silently push your Thanksgiving peas around your plate while Trump hate and Climate Change nonsense is raging all about you. Now maybe you feel this year you’ll attempt to reason with your radical family members. Let me warn you, don’t do it. But if you must here are some things to remember.

First you are from Earth your Liberal family member is from Uranus meaning, your Liberal family members have an alternative reality based in ‘politically correct common core social engineering’ received from Education, media inoculation and corporate indoctrination. Since your family member(s) is a part of the herd mentally. It will be virtually impossible to separate them from the ideology of the herd.

However if you insist on attempting on trying here is what I recommend. Before launching every topic define the terms. If you and your loved one can not agree on basic right and wrong, e.g. this is red this is blue, or this is a fact this is not a fact, your attempt at discussion will be pointless as well as fruitless.

For example, President Trump is the President correct? You’ll be surprised that even at such an obvious truth statement as such, your Liberal loved one will often not agree. If this occurs then recognize this is not a topic from which a fruitful conversation will result. Either come back to it later, after proper groundwork as been laid, or drop it completely.

Remember Liberals have gone to great lengths to create an alternative reality inclusive of their own set of facts. What this means is no matter how cogent and how logical your arguments may be your arguments will not be heard because your arguments are not the facts and not the logic that your Liberal loved one chooses to believe.

So defining common terms is a must.

Second, learn the ins and outs of your Liberal love one’s beliefs and arguments. For instance if your Liberal loved one hates the President. Ask, “Why do you hate him?” If they claim he has moral failings. There are many ways you may respond. But first asks about your loved one’s own views on morals and how important this subject is to them. Once you’ve determined the extent of their feelings about morality start asking how they feel about other important men with moral failing. For example, “it is reported Dr. MLK, Jr. cheated multiple times on his wife. How do you feel about Dr. King?” Use several pertinent examples.

This type of questioning a self revelatory way of having your loved one come to terms that sometimes what we base our reasons on are very limited instances that keep us from really exploring what is real.

It is vital to learn all about Liberal’s arguments and engage them in a passive non-argumentative manner such as questioning and listening. We will never change minds by direct confrontation because as with all fighting defenses are up and there is no listening. To borrow a Bruce Lee idea. Bruce said his fighting style, Jeet Kune Do, is fighting without fighting. In that spirit this is the art of arguing without arguing!

It is without a doubt America has become so polarized that it seems the two main political ideologies are on different planets. I believe this is meant to distance us planet miles apart and prevent us from speaking rationally and reasonability to one another in order that we might come to agreement and truth.

This Thanksgiving I wish you all and your families peace, love and joy as you celebrate and give thanks with your families for God’s blessings. And if you are extremely blessed then just maybe you’ll be able to liberate the hearts and minds of your Liberal loved ones from the planet Uranus and bring them back down to planet Earth!

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