Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump An Impeachment by any means necessary

"Our objective is complete freedom, justice and equality by any means necessary." --Malcolm X
Democrats’ objective is the complete overthrow of the 2016 election, the overthrow of the Constitution, overthrow of justice, the overthrow of the rule of law and the removal of a President by any means necessary.
Mere minutes after Donald J. Trump was sworn in as President the Progressive Left and it’s allies started the greatest scandal in U.S. political history, their objective? The complete overthrow of the 2016 election, the overthrow of the Constitution, overthrow of justice, the overthrow of the rule of law and the removal of a President by any means necessary.

That was January 20th 2017 at 12:19 est. Just nineteen minutes and the honeymoon was over. And almost three years later and after multiple investigations e.g. FBI, DOJ, Mueller and after multiple House and Senate hearings Democrats and their allies have not found a justifiable reason to do what they have always intended to do remove President Trump by any means necessary. Now they have officially launched an Impeachment inquiry why? Again to find a reason to impeach President Trump. But this is all wrong. This is not how this is supposed to work.

This is America we are supposed have peaceful transfer of power in this country. That has ended. In America if the losing Party doesn’t like the outcome of an election they suffer through the other Parties choice like half of America did through 8 years of Obama! Isn’t it the idea of America that we work harder to get our choice elected the next election? At least it was for two hundred and forty eight years until the election of November 8th 2016 then everything changed. Hmm... so that is the hope and change Obama spoke about.

We now know that Democrats overestimated themselves and underestimated the American people. We also know that Democrats had set multiple political snares and traps to ensure they would win, e.g. voter fraud, early voting, same day or day of registration, extended voting, ballot harvesting, encouraging illegal alien voting via motor voter registration, and busing Democrats to multiple voting polls to duplicate votes. Little cheats just enough to steal an election but just benign enough not to arouse sleeping Republicans suspicions of Democrat meddling, interference and tampering with the 2016 election.

Democrats were so confident in their methods they thought they could run a sickly, lying, coughing and wheezing career political criminal and defeat the Republican candidate they orchestrated to the forefront of the Republican field of seventeen candidates because they believed he would be the most easily defeated with one of their patented smear campaigns.

No matter what the Democrats call this event let’s all be clear this is a continuing and ongoing Coup d’ etat. First starting with the illegal spying on candidate Trump by the Obama administrations, DOJ, FBI, CIA and State Department.

We sit before the American people today in an unprecedented attempt to overturn 63 million plus votes. After countless attempts to frame, smear, trap, and put Donald J. Trump in legal jeopardy. Democrats have now dusted off one of the oldest acts in history, political assassination. Like the Shakespearean Play produced and enacted several years ago in New York’s Central Park, Democrat’s dreams have became real. Cesar will be surrounded not by the Senate but by the Democrats in the House of Representatives and he will be maligned with a thousand stabs of treacherous lies and false testimonies.

No matter what the Democrats call this event let’s all be clear this is a continuing and ongoing Coup d’ etat. First starting with the illegal spying on candidate Trump by the Obama administrations, DOJ, FBI, CIA and State Department. They used International Intel agencies of foreign governments to frame the Trump campaign with the intent of ending his bid to become President. But none of that worked because of the American people.

They then went to phase two, the insurance policy, where holdovers from the Obama administration, anti-Trumpers (some of the Republican Party) the Media and Hillary Clinton created one of the greatest farces know to American politics, Trump Russia collusion.

What is interesting to me is at several points during the campaign candidate Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the 2016 election. You know who was not asked that question? The media, the Obama FBI, the Obama DOJ, the Obama CIA, the Obama State Department, Democrats in Congress and the Senate, and Hillary Clinton were not asked if they would accept the results of the 2016 election. Nevertheless, we have their answer. As their colleague and member of the squad, Rashid Tlaib announced at her victory winning Michigan 13th district, she was coming to Washington D.C. to impeach the [Mo Fo] .

That is why we are here today. A virtual wish and dream fulfillment. One which Democrats didn’t like the outcome of an election, no worries, just spend 20 months and 20 million dollars and then hand the whole thing off to Democrats in Congress in phase three of the Democrat’s plan.

The curtain arises this morning and the New York City’s Shakespeare in Central Park dream where Democrats fantasies are all now being realized. They by pure partisan vote based on made up charges by which they will knife this presidency to death by the long knives of frame up. In other words they do to President Trump, what they’ve always planned to do… Impeach the Mo Fo, "by any means necessary!"

The difference between the treachery that be-fell Julius Cesar and President Trump is Cesar’s political assassination was not done in the open and it was not televised.

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