Monday, December 16, 2019

The Impeachment of Democrat Hate A Tainted Process

Democrats having the emotional aptitude of a thirteen year-old girl with Asperger syndrome have let their feelings be known by demonstrable acts of rage, hate and spite.
The night of November 8th 2016 Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States of America. Immediately there when up plaintiff wails and sobbings heard from traumatized Democrats all across the blue States of America. Little did we know this was the first stages of a psychotic Left-wing break from reality Democrats began to suffer.

What happened? Voting grown ups around the country told the puerile voters of the Democrat Party, “No, you can not have an incompetent, corrupt, sickly, career political Grandma criminal who rigged the Democrat primary to be President of the United States, and we don’t care she does identify as a woman.”

Democrats having the emotional aptitude of a thirteen year-old girl with Asperger syndrome have let their feelings be known by demonstrable acts of rage, hate and spite. Democrats’ emotions can be seen from their Antifa allies in the streets of America continuing right into the very Halls of Congress where there is no discernible difference between street Antifa and resistance women and men of Congress. Democrat antipathy has led this Nation to an historic misuse of Congressional power and contempt of the American people as they impeach an American president purely driven and based on hate. Which is Democrat’s Hatred of the other.

Clearly this partisan Democrat impeachment is not about President Trump or anything that the President has done no matter what Democrats say. The facts and the evidence doesn’t support Democrats’ claims. No! This impeachment is about Democrat hatred.

From election night to the inaugural of Mr. Trump, January 20th 2017 noon. Democrats have howled at the moon, rioted in the streets, ‘pussy knit cap’ marched on Washington D.C., started a misandrist “Me Too” movement, shouted hate filled epithets at Republicans and Americans that didn’t vote for the candidate they wanted them to vote for, chased Republicans out of restaurants, participated in Antifa attacks against Republicans, spied on the Trump campaign via the FBI, lied on the Trumps via the FBI and media, media has reported negatively on President Trump over 90% of the time, they then started an illicit Mueller special council investigation.

And finally they have started impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Why? Because Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats hate America and they hate President Trump.

When Pelosi was asked directly did she hate the president her response was classic Pelosi. She wrapped herself in religion and the Constitution, both things which she has violated indiscriminately for years, while denying her hate. Yet she attacked the President saying he was a coward for not helping children, by ending gun violence. To Pelosi this would be supporting Democrat’s efforts to strip the Constitution of the 2nd amendment.

Pelosi when on to falsely claim the president is cruel for not giving amnesty to Dreamers. When we all know the president offered to work with Democrats and he offered several generous proposals for Dreamers that Democrats rejected.

Finally Pelosi’s big gun, she claimed the president is in denial about the Climate Crisis.

The President pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accords that where designed to steal trillions of U.S. tax payers funds and transfer American wealth to foreign control. Something that International powers have been scheming to do with the help of past U.S. presidents and Congressional and Senate elected members.

So in reality Democrats are impeaching President Trump not for the phony charges they claim he’s violated. Democrats are impeaching the president for what he has not done.

He has not given them what they want, which is, total submission to their anti-American Socialist agenda. President Trump has not acquiesced to Democrat’s globalists plans to confiscate guns and end the 2nd amendment. The president has not allowed open borders, he has not granted amnesty for all and he has not allowed the International Climate and Carbon robber barons to enact draconian laws over the American citizenry to siphon off American tax payer moneys.

Because President Trump stands between Democrats and their ultimate dreams of conquering America through a radical politically correct, socialist agenda they hate him. They hate him but more than that Democrats hate YOU.

After all you voted for him. You sent him to do exactly what he’s doing. So this impeachment is a F^%k you impeachment. Yes! F^% you to President Trump and F^%k you to YOU as well.

Democrats are impeaching 63 million plus of you F^%kin’ MoFos that voted to stop their fundamental transformation of America. They are impeaching YOU, Racists, YOU HomoPhobes, YOU misogynists, YOU xenophobes, YOU deplorables, YOU gun owning bible clinging, American veterans and patriots who smell up Walmart.

Just in time to meddle in the 2020 elections just like Democrats attempted to steal thee 2016 election with their Russian Collusion lies.

Democrats and Nancy Pelosi hate YOU! And they are going to impeach your President and will do it again and again and again! That is what they said because that’s is how much they hate YOU!

So because Democrats’ unbelief in God, the Constitution or America. Happy Festivus, YOU Racists,Homophobes,misogynists, xenophobes, deplorables and may you all find the present of impeachment underneath the giant Washington Christmas Tree a gift from the Nancy Pelosi hate filled House Democrats.

Just in time to meddle in the 2020 elections just like Democrats attempted to steal the 2016 election with their Russian Collusion lies. Signed, With much Hate!

The 116th Nancy Pelosi Democrat controlled Congress!

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