Monday, February 03, 2020

Impeachment: Democrat Hallucinations and Delusions of very Ugly Minds

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” --President Ronald Reagan
John Forbes Nash, Jr. (June 13, 1928– May 23, 2015) A mathematical genius Nobel Prize winner for Economics in 1994 was also a paranoid schizophrenic. In 1959, Nash began showing clear signs of mental illness, and spent several years at psychiatric hospitals being treated for paranoid schizophrenia His struggles with his illness and his recovery became the basis for Sylvia Nasar's biography, A Beautiful Mind. On May 23, 2015, Nash and his wife Alicia died in a car crash while riding in a taxi on the New Jersey Turnpike.

Those of us that witnessed the win of Donald J. Trump Tuesday, November 8, 2016, that election night we saw a psychotic break in the minds of Democrats and in the minds of Progressives throughout the United States.

We saw the weeping, we saw the mourning, we saw the wailing, we saw the Antifa street riots. And then we saw the hate. We saw the pussyhat marches on Washington D.C. and we saw the total mental breakdown of Democrats in this country.

But least we forget we also saw the murmurings and undertones of Democrat hatred of the other. And we saw their actions. Actions that were without precedence in the United States. we saw the prepubescent calls for the impeachment of the yet to be inaugurated president-elect Donald J. Trump.

For roughly four years the losers of the 2016 presidential election, plotted, planned and executed attempts to first stop, then impede and then overthrow the Presidency of Donald J. Trump.

The impeachment of President Trump did not start with the call to Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. No! The impeachment of President Trump started in the very paranoid delusional ugly minds of those in the Democrat Party.

Based on Democrat raw feelings and deluded psychosis Democrats bring forth a case that is only real in their own mentally ill minds. Democrat’s mischaracterizations, slanders, pejorative epithets against President Trump, against 63 million plus voters and against the Senate of the United States is clear evidence of Democrat mental illness.

This impeachment has been a window into the Democrat mind. This impeachment has been a contrast between the raw emotionalism of Democrats juxtaposed to the rational thoughtful reason of the American people. This impeachment has been Democrat’s attempt to bend reality to their will. This impeachment has been a Democrat attempt to turning away from U. S. traditionalism to turn to the embracing of the Democrat “new normal”.

Through this impeachment the American people discover that Democrat inclusiveness is exclusive to only Progressive ideas.

This Democrat partisan impeachment is an instance when ideology doesn’t match reality. What does that mean?

This Impeachment is the Climate change of Presidential politics. How is that?

The belief in the theory of Climate change is built entirely on computer models that have proven to be totally inaccurate and false in the face of the empirical evidence that temperatures are not increasing as predicted by computer models. Cities are not underwater as predicted they would presently be. And then there is the false claimed that Climate change would end the total existence of Snow on earth by the year 2005 yet it still snows, but we hear no apologizes and we hear no admissions that the consensus of scientists were and are wrong.

And so is this partisan impeachment based on the lies and false narratives of Russian Trump collusion, base on lies of “Whistleblowers”, base on the lies of Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat House managers, of the Democrat media, and based on the lies of the Democrat Party.

This impeachment is Democrat hatred dressed as concern for the country. This impeachment was inevitable, it was a Democrat mission to be accomplished.

The reason this Democrat coup d' état, dressed up as an impeachment, fails is because these charges are hallucinations and delusions in the minds and only in the minds of Democrats and others who have been deceived by their lies.

There are Democrat facts and then there is reality. The reality is this Democrat partisan impeachment is a Democrat coup d' état The reality is as President Ronald Reagan said, “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

The reason this Democrat coup d' état, dressed up as an impeachment, fails is because these charges are hallucinations and delusions in the minds and only in the minds of Democrats and others who have been deceived by their lies.

This impeachment reveals the very ugly minds of Democrats. All Democrats. Therefore Democrats all Democrats should seek help for mental illness and of they protest that they are not mentally ill then Democrats should be charged with the crimes of co-conspiracy and that of treason. Further, Democrat must be charged for their active attempts to subvert and then overthrow the government of the United States of America.

This impeachment of President Donald J. Trump is truly a heinous act. This impeachment is a car crash. This impeachment is a Hallucination in the very ugly delusional minds of Democrats and it must die !

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