Friday, February 14, 2020

Is America too far gone? (Bye, bye American Pie)

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other – John Adams, Second President of the United States and Founding Father
Is America too far gone to be saved from herself? What does “Trump hate” really mean about America? And why is the Left trying to change America and American’s Constitution?

Is America too far gone to be saved from herself?

Question, in general can it be said that Americans are moral and religious people? My answer is no it can not be said that Americans are a moral and religious people. What do I mean? You feel you are a moral and religious person right?

What I mean is this, for years the prevailing thought taught in our schools and universities, the thought accepted by our general culture is that America is a secular nation or a non-religious country. Religion, we have been taught, has no place in government. In addition it is also taught that there is a tall and impenetrable wall separating Church and State.

On the onset I want to be clear I understand that the Government and the people are not one in the same. Also let’s establish that when Liberals refer to “religion” they are speaking about Christianity exclusively. These points stipulated, we can say that it is undeniable that our government issues forth from the people. It is, therefore, my contention that the government is a reflection of the people from which it came.

Okay so if there are many moral and religious people in the United States (you and me included) how can I propose that we are not a moral and religious nation? And how can I say that in general we are not a moral and religious people?

This year’s Democrat Iowa caucus and Democrat New Hampshire primaries made it clear that some Americans’ are willing to consider choices for President of the United States that are beyond what other Americans, you and I, might consider to be moral and religious.

Consider this, if the moral and religious people of the United States can be convinced that religion has to be left at the door step of their government then it stands to reason that non-religious and immoral people can gain control of government and govern the country in immoral and irreligious ways.

To follow that thought up, if these immoral and irreligious people make laws and policies by which we all must abide, if we follow these immoral laws because these policies ARE THE LAW then by default the immoral and the irreligious will govern us in immoral and irreligious ways. By doing so negates our national as well as our personal morality, which negates our religiosity as a people and as a nation.

Here is an example. If immoral or irreligious people in power pass a law requiring all businesses in the United States to insure and fund abortions. By Law you are forced to comply with such a mandate though you don’t personally approve of abortion yet you tacitly support the law by working at or running a business that is in compliance with the law. Thousands of such laws are actively enforced on the American people daily.

Based on the above example, in general, it cannot be said that Americans are a moral and a religious people.

What does “Trump hate” really mean about America?

“Trump hate” transcends the man Donald J. Trump. Trump hate is about what the President stands for juxtapositioned to what the Left stands for. Simply stated the left hates what they believe the President stands for. In addition the Left believes that what they stand for will be hindered as long as President Trump is in office.

The Green New Deal, Gun control, unfettered immigration, unrestricted abortion, Climate Change legislation and international support of Climate Change are only examples of a few of the Left agenda items. They feel President Trump is hindering their progress on this issues. Because of this the Left feels justified in their hatred of President Trump and hatred of you and me who voted for him.

Securing America’s borders, reestablishing Law and Order, reestablishing America’s military and industrial strength are some of the President’s priorities which the Left opposes. No! What I meant to say is these are issues that the Left hates not only opposes. Therefore, the Left’s hatred for President Trump and his supporters means that the Left hates American values and Traditions. As much as an irrational adolescent would blurt out how much they hate mother or father.

Why is the Left trying to change America and American’s Constitution?

Why is the Left trying to fundamentally transform the United States? For years the Left pointed to Europe and said, the European model is the example American should emulate.

More recently, and in light of Europe’s economic and immigration problems, the Left has muted it’s calls for America to be like Europe and replaced those calls with calls for America to abandon it’s Constitution and its traditions. They now wish for America to become something fundamentally transformed.
Apparently they wish America to become some Green new third world vassal of the United Nations. They wish America to be subject to international law. They envision an America devoid of borders, rights and devoid of freedoms of speech and the right to bear arms.

The dream of one Global community, under international law, all subject to unelected authoritarians with power and control over that which one would eat, see and hear. I’m I being hyperbolic? You have only to look to California where over Democrat regulation, ie; gun control, sanctuary policies, high taxation, and Green New deal laws and policies have middle class Californians fleeing to adjoining States.

The Constitution was made by moral and religious people for a moral and religious people. Some want the Constitution to be remade in their own corrupt image from their own corrupt perspective.

Or look to Virginia where Democrats recently won majorities in both chambers of the legislature in this past fall’s elections, breaking the 20-year tradition of Republican power in the House. These new radical Democrats are advancing a mountain of legislation that would loosen restrictions on abortion, mandate a transition to Green energy, impose gun control, ease access (tamper with the election process) to voting and much more.(Link) (Democrats Fundamentally Changing Virginia)

The Constitution was made by moral and religious people for a moral and religious people. Some want the Constitution to be remade in their own corrupt image from their own corrupt perspective.

Is America too far gone to be saved from herself?

Truthfully the Left and some on the Right see President Trump as an outlier a mere speed bump in the road. After his second term many of these anti-Americans will continue their deconstruction of American traditions, values and institutions.

Unless the President is truly able to drain the swamp and unless we the American people are able to hand over the Trump legacy to a Conservative that is able to preserve and expand on the work we and the President has started American is in serious jeopardy.

Unless we are all successful in first stopping and then reversing the gains of the Left I believe it is not climate change that will destroy us. No, I believe the Left will be the end of all of humanity much sooner than the earth would destroy her own children.

Then yes, America is too far gone to be saved from herself. But then only you and what you do between now and 2024 will determine if America will remain true to our Constitution, our traditions and our values.

Question, are you willing to work to save America from what the Left is attempting to do?

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