Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Mitt Romney is no Alan Dershowitz

Any sentient human being that was been paying attention knows that Democrat’s partisan impeachment was a continuing criminal conspiracy to overthrow the Trump Presidency and by extension the Constitution, and the United States election process.
Mitt Romney is being disingenuously lauded by the Left for his betrayal of Conservatism and the truth. Historically Romney has set himself up to be the solitary Republican vote cast to impeach and remove a Republican President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. A member of Romney’s own Party.

At the same time Alan Dershowitz is being wrongly pilloried by the Left for his stand for the Constitution in spite of the fact that he is of the Left and is not a supporter of President Trump. Professor Dershowitz an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law. He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian. Professor Dershowitz claims his stand against impeachment is based on the Constitution. Further he maintains he would argue his same argument on behalf of Hillary Clinton, whom he voted for, if Hillary were accused of the same fact set by a partisan Republican Party.

So why does the Left champion Romney while at the same time they defame Dershowitz? Some perspective is needed.

Remember this is the same Left that denigrated Romney and his Religious faith, virtually destroying his 2012 Presidential run, now they are fawning all over the dissident Republican impeacher.

But make no mistake, the Left is not throwing palm fronds along Romney’s path because they respect him. No, they are hailing him because they are using him as a thumb in the eye of Republicans.

Conversely, Left-wing hate cast upon Dershowitz is not established on righteous cause. No! Democrats are subjugating Alan to Orwellian “two minute hate”. Why? Because Professor Dershowitz has committed the sin of independent thought.

Dershowitz dares to stand back look at the full scope of what Democrats have done by impeaching this president and he compared the House’s charges with the Constitutional standard and he found Democrat’s impeachment efforts wanting. This is contrary to what Romney has done.

Let me explain.

Any sentient human being that was been paying attention knows that Democrat’s partisan impeachment was a continuing criminal conspiracy to overthrow the Trump Presidency and by extension the Constitution, and the United States election process.

What Democrats attempted to do is mental and legal slight-of-hand. Ask yourself, how is magic preformed? The Magician attempts to have his or her audience focus their attention at a point of the Magician’s choosing and while our attention is diverted the Magician makes an object disappear!

But you see, we were not supposed to ask those fundamental questions.

How and when were the charges of impeachment started? Who is the Whistle blower? Are these charges of impeachment related to the over three year ongoing attempt and multiple impeachment charges filed multiple times against this particular President?

But you see, we were not supposed to ask those fundamental questions. In fact, we were supposed to do what Mitt Romney did. We were supposed to be mesmerized by all of the conjuncture and speculations of Democrat House Managers’ specious accusations. We were supposed to disregard that this impeachment was a Democrat Coup d’ etat.

The Left expected the rest of us to buy into their blind hatred of President Trump, which by the way is hatred for you and me. We were supposed to focus our attention on their newest bright shiny object, the Ukraine. And then we were to turn a blinded eye to the mass media, Deep State and Congressional conspiracy to negate the 2016 election and then to tamper with the 2020 election as Mitt Romney did!

Therefore, the Left is enraptured and enthralled with Romney’s embrace of their three year coup d'état, Voilà! It worked! But alas it is a conspiracy nonetheless.

A conspiracy which culminated into the attempt to remove the President from office and bar him from further holding any other political office for life. All done for Democrat political advantage and to aid Democrats in their quest for political power and help them interfere in the 2020 election. Wait… Isn’t that exactly why they’ve Impeached the President?

Mitt Romney fell for Democrat’s plot.. And in order to do that he had to blind himself to Democrat’s call for the President’s impeachment before Donald Trump was inaugurated and minutes after. Romney had to disregard Democrat’s calls for impeachment that never stopped and were continuous for over three years of his presidency.

Romney had to ignore the partisan and improper Congressional impeachment hearings. He had to blank from his mind the vanished Whistle blower. Romney had to stop believing that in America it is a Constitutional Right to face one’s accuser.

Professor Dershowitz forgot none of this. And in spite of the fact that he did not vote for the president, he is not a member of the president’s Party and he doesn’t support the President in most cases, the Professor argued against impeaching President Trump.

There are things Professor Dershowitz does support, he supports truth, he supports the rule of law, he supports American tradition and he supports the Constitution.

When Professor Dershowitz stepped back and took a broad look at the articles of impeachment presented to the Senate he unlike Mitt Romney saw what Democrats were attempting to do.

Democrats were attempting to make Congressional abuses of power disappear by legal slight of hand and make America myopically focus on spurious charges by which Democrats falsely claimed was an abuse of power by the President.

Not a Republican was fooled by this charade except Romney. Democrat Liberal Professor Alan Dershowitz was not fooled either. But then Professor Dershowitz is a Constitutional expert.

Truth is you don’t have to be a constitutional expert because we all saw it. We weren’t fooled either! But then...

Mitt Romney is no Alan Dershowitz! Neither is he as aware as you and me!

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