Monday, July 03, 2006

The Paradox of Interdependence on the 4th of July

The Paradox of Interdependence on the 4th of July

As the United States makes preparations to celebrate Two hundred and thirty years of independence from Great Britain most Americans do not realize that the United States independence is at risk once again and by the year 2010 the United States of America is on schedule to become the North American Community.Interesting enough no one bothered to ask your vote on the matter.

Mexico’s Presidential election and recent illegal alien protest in the streets of America have strained U.S. Mexico relations however that doesn’t seem to be enough to stop the plans of the Consul of Foreign Relations and international business.

The leaders of Mexican, Canada and the United States signed an agreement on March 23, 2006 in Texas. This agreement erases borders between the three countries and creates a triune trade area and dependency of trade and citizenship between the three countries.

This is the latest adoption of the 1995 NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the important thing to know is that years of border neglect is not by accident on the contrary the lack of border enforcement is part and parcel of the plan to merge the economies and workforces of all of North America.

Pointing to increased competition from the European Union and rising economic powers such as India and China in the eleven years since NAFTA took effect, Pedro C. Aspe, former Finance Minister of Mexico, said, "We need a vision for North America to address the new challenges." A Task Forcewas commissioned by the Consul of Foreign Relations to study the possibilities and establishes a blueprint for a powerhouse North American trading area that allows for the seamless movement of goods, increased labor mobility, and energy security. The following would be the outcome of the agreement:

Make North America safer:
• Establish a common security perimeter by 2010.
• Develop a North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers.
• Develop a unified border action plan and expand border customs facilities.
Create a single economic space:
• Adopt a common external tariff.
• Allow for the seamless movement of goods within North America.
• Move to full labor mobility between Canada and the U.S.
• Develop a North American energy strategy that gives greater emphasis to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases -- a regional alternative to Kyoto.
• Review those sectors of NAFTA that were excluded.
• Develop and implement a North American regulatory plan that would include "open skies and open roads" and a unified approach for protecting consumers on food, health, and the environment.
• Expand temporary worker programs and create a "North American preference" for immigration for citizens of North America.
Spread benefits more evenly:
• Establish a North American Investment Fund to build infrastructure to connect Mexico's poorer regions in the south to the market to the north.
• Restructure and reform Mexico's public finances.
• Fully develop Mexican energy resources to make greater use of international technology and capital.
Institutionalize the partnership:
• Establish a permanent tribunal for trade and investment disputes.
• Convene an annual North American summit meeting.
• Establish a Tri-national Competition Commission to develop a common approach to trade remedies.
• Expand scholarships to study in the three countries and develop a network of Centers for North American Studies.

So please enjoy your Independence day, it may be one of last that you’ll celebrate as a citizen of the United States of America!

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