Friday, May 09, 2008

Gore Pimps Myanmar Cyclone Devastation for Global Warming

Al Gore
“And as we’re talking today, Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now being speculated,” Gore said. “And last year a catastrophic storm from last fall hit Bangladesh.

The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China – and we’re seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.”
—Jeff Poor
There he goes again, Oscar, Grammy and Nobel Prize winner former Vice President Albert A. Gore crawled out of his Saddam Hussein spider-hole recently to make his latest assault on reason by pronouncement.

According to Gore the horrifically devastating Yangon, Myanmar cyclone that ripped through Indonesia killing upwards of 500,000 people, by some counts, was a result of Global warming. (Well sort of. Gore like all politicians hedged on his statement I’ll explain in a bit.)(see here)

Gore’s statement completely contradicts what scientists are telling us. The oceans are cooling not warming, 100 years that’s one century of global warming has been wiped out in one year’s time, and there has not been an overall rise in Earth’s temperature since 1998. Those are the facts. So sometimes Mr. Gore a cyclone is just a cyclone attributable to the workings of nature not some anthropogenic cause and affect.

We know this because scientist tell us that the Earth is actually cooling they tell us global warming is on hiatus and won’t be back until 2015. (See here)

Global warming will stop until at least 2015 because of natural variations in the climate, scientists have said.

Researchers studying long-term changes in sea temperatures said they now expect a "lull" for up to a decade while natural variations in climate cancel out the increases caused by man-made greenhouse gas emissions.
--Charles Clover

Next Gore claimed global warming is forcing ocean temperatures to rise, which is causing storms, including cyclones and hurricanes, to intensify. Yet when scientific instruments were deployed to measure just how much the ocean temperatures were rising they found that the oceans were actually cooling and there had not been a rise in oceanic temperatures in the last four to five years. And there has been no increase in global temperatures since 1998.

Also scientists tell us that a complete century of global warming has been wiped out in one years time because of global cooling.

So Mr. Gore sometimes a cyclone is a cyclone no matter how devastating and destructive it is. And sometimes a Oscar, Grammy, Nobel Prize winner is just a liar

Yet Mr. Gore is a consummate politician when it comes to these matters and he knows how to suggest ideas to our minds without actually saying what we thought he said, a kind of assault on reason for example what Mr. Gore actually said, “The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China – and we’re seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.”

Mr. Gore said that we are seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted MIGHT be associated with continued global warming.

Might? That is my point Mr. Gore with what scientist are saying with regards to the planet cooling the Myanmar cyclone MIGHT NOT have anything whatsoever to do with global warming which in fact isn’t continuing and hasn’t continued for 10 years.

Mr. Gore you just pimped out 500,000 deaths to promote your global warming scare is there nothing sacred to global warming profiteers and their associates?

1 comment:

  1. It continues to amaze me, that in the face of the last two years FACTS, Gore still pushes his manufactured make another $25 Million!

    How low can he get?
