Monday, September 12, 2011

The Circus Ringmaster calls for the Circus’s End Then asks for $447billion dollars to start it up again

The people of this country work hard to meet their responsibilities. The question tonight is whether we’ll meet ours. The question is whether, in the face of an ongoing national crisis, we can stop the political circus and actually do something to help the economy. –president Barry Hussein Soetoro
Democrats have the uncanny ability to throw rocks while hiding their hands. What I mean by that is one would think that no Democrat at anytime had anything to do with the present U.S. economic down turn, the subsequent credit downgrade from AAA to AA+ that the down turn caused or the chronic above 9.0 % unemployment rate under the current president that has devastated the U.S. economy.

For most of the Bush presidency Democrats had equal control or majority control of Congress. Democrats filled war funding under Bush with so much pork that Sen. Barry Hussein Soetoro vowed as a presidential candidate that he would simply end the practice. Well he has yet to end the pork but in spite of that the way we hear Democrats recant the history everything wrong that has ever happened was Bush’s fault or the Republicans’ fault. Simply amazing.

The people of this country work hard to meet their responsibilities. The question tonight is whether we’ll meet ours. The question is whether, in the face of an ongoing national crisis, we can stop the political circus and actually do something to help the economy. –president Barry Hussein Soetoro

Yet I think I have never seen what the president attempted to do in his last Thursday night’s $447Billion dollar Stimulus package request, which was disguised as a jobs bill speech.

This president attempted to act as if he had absolutely nothing to do with the last 2 ½ years of political big top three ring theatrics that were largely created by his Party. He the president, the hyper-partisan circus ringmaster told the Congress of the United States of America that they were a political circus and they needed to end the circus act. That my friends is throwing rocks and hiding hands.

Barry Hussein Soetoro has been every bit as part of the big government clowns piling into little green Hybrid energy saving Priuses as anyone else. He has been the Ringmaster directing our attention to the acts in each of the rings in which he has launched or signed into law trillions of dollars of stimulus/bailouts that has already failed.

The president’s recent $447 billion dollar Stimulus (jobs) plan is but the fifth installment of failed economy policies that have yielded no saved or created jobs and no economic stimulus. Other failed Democrat spending include but are not limited to the following under president Soetoro.
March 2009
$30 Billion Stimulus Package – AIG Bailout
The federal government intervened once again to help insurance giant AIG, this time in the form of a $30 billion loan from TARP funds. (See above in the September-November 2008 entry, for more information on other AIG bailouts.)

March 2009
$15 Billion Stimulus Package – Small Business Loans
The Obama Administration introduced a $15 billion economic stimulus venture aimed at the small business lending market to get money flowing into small business lines of credit again.

March 2009
$1 Trillion "Toxic Asset" Program – Banks Bailout
The Obama Administration launched a public-private economic stimulus venture (involving the U.S. Treasury and FDIC) to try to get toxic assets off the balance sheets of banks so that they can return to normal lending practices March 2009.

March 2009
$22 Billion Stimulus Package – Automakers Bailout
The Obama Administration extended another $22 billion in loans to Chrysler and GM, this time, with strings attached, including the firing of General Motors Chairman Rick Wagoner.(source)

And everything in this bill will be paid for. Everything.—president Barry Hussein Soetoro

The president claimed that this new stimulus request is paid for. However facts check disputes that claim. Where’s Joe Wilson when you need him? (see fact check)

President Barack Obama's promise Thursday that everything in his jobs plan will be paid for rests on highly iffy propositions.

It will only be paid for if a committee he can't control does his bidding, if Congress puts that into law and if leaders in the future - the ones who will feel the fiscal pinch of his proposals - don't roll it back.-- CALVIN WOODWARD and TOM RAUM

Others have voiced the opinion that the president is the Ring Master of his so-called circus and Thursday night’s speech was a part of it. Reuter’s James Pethokoukis called the speech a $447Billion dollar re-election plan. The National Journal’s Ron Fournier called the speech a threat to Congress. Reuter’s Matthew Bigg said that program which the president cited as creditable support of his proposal is deeply flawed. LAT’s Andrew Malcolm said the president dawdled 961 days that’s over 2 ½ years doing nothing about jobs and now wants to blame Congress.

If there has been a political circus in Washington D.C. the president has been and is it’s Ring Master. He is not the innocent bystander that he supposes himself to be in his own mind.

However like a typical Democrat the president is especially adapt at throwing rocks while hiding his hands. If Washington D.C. has been a political circus, the president has been it’s Ring Master not an innocent and not someone who had nothing to do with it.

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