Friday, May 04, 2012

Barbarians at the Polls

In November Democrat Barbarians plan to release and dispatch hordes of illegal and/or misinformed voters to the polls, Conservative must beware Barbarians tend to rape, pillage and destroy anyone who is not of their horde. Romney should be warned and remember that Barbarians don’t fight fair. They tend to bring guns to knife fights.
Mitt Romney is going to have to deal with absolute Barbarians when dealing with president Barry Hussein Soetoro and the Liberal Progressives of the Democrat Party, which the president represents. These James Carville fanatics are toothy political piranhas. They attack in schools and bite with little lies, lots and lots of little lies. For instance Barbarian’s latest, the lie that Mitt Romney is a Racist.

Barbarians have no morals, no scruples and no limits. They will say anything. They will do anything. The president, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Harry Reid have all shown a predilection for political barbarism. There is nothing too unseemly, nothing too out of bounds for these Democrat political Barbarians.

Real Clear Politics reports that while delivering recent remarks outside of a New York City firehouse with former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was heckled by a woman yelling, "Mitt Romney, you're a racist!" nearly a dozen times. (see 1:51min video)

The woman also hurled several expletives at the presidential hopeful, including "F--k you, Mitt Romney!" As I said these Liberal Progressive Barbarians would do anything, say anything to malign Conservatives. Of course, there is no truthful or rational evidence with which to base the outlandish claim that Gov. Romney is a racist.

Yet that’s not going stop the Liberal Progressive Barbarians like the female who made a nuisance of herself by slandering a potential presidential candidate because he is not of her ideological persuasion, he is not of her Barbaric horde.

Romney is going to be attacked with unjustified specious claims from Barry the Barbarian to nameless faceless Barbarian hecklers in crowds that think nothing of the truth but everything of their ideological agenda.

In November Democrat Barbarians plan to release and dispatch hordes of illegal and/or misinformed voters to the polls, Conservative must beware Barbarians tend to rape, pillage and destroy anyone who is not of their horde. Romney should be warned and remember that Barbarians don’t fight fair. They tend to bring guns to knife fights.

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