Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It’s not Gun Control it’s Control of Liberals that is Needed

If the plan is to pass a gun law and believe that will fix what is wrong with America, it won’t. If America is going to be fixed, we must look at the right causes for what ails us.

It’s not gun control that is going to fix America. What is going to fix America is regaining American values, love of the Country, the Constitution and the rule of law.
Forgive me if I do not easily fall into lock step with the anti second amendment furor that is besieging the national media and their allies the left wing Democrats of the government.

I just don’t think this is the right time for citizens to be disarming themselves with the most radical president in the history of the United States granting himself new executive powers. He and his personally appointed government agencies, EPA, DOJ, HLS, IRS and others bypass Congress, when he deems it necessary, putting them well on their way to implementing a fundamentally transformed America.

Now they have set their sights on the second amendment. And believe me there will be Gun Control legislation, that is a given. There will be a new gun law passed that is also enviable. What is also true is none of it is going to amount to any less violence and none of this is going to stop mass murder from occurring.

The new legislation will do nothing to save a single life. Fact is we already have more than enough gun control laws and not one of them did anything to save the children and adults of Sandy Hook.

What all the brouhaha about Gun Control is is diversion from America’s real problem. America’s real problem is that we are rotting slowly. We are unraveling. That putrid smell is the smell of the corpse of American values and morals, which have been tortured to death by forty years of incessant devaluation of Conservative values.

The passage of Marijuana usage laws and the passage of homosexual “pretend marriage” laws signal that this society no longer knows right from wrong.

No amount of gun regulation will teach young men that it is not okay to shoot up schoolchildren. There is something deeper needed than the new morals that are conveyed in music videos, movies and Liberal ideology.

Our society has unfurled. It is tattered at the edges much like the damaged flag, which was recovered from the World trade Center after the attack of 9/11.

As we progress toward the total deconstruction of Conservatism let it be forever known that the cost of such folly was the innocent lives of the children of Sandy Hook, the lives students of Columbine, the lives of movie goers of Aurora Colorado.

I believe the recent acts of mass murders plaguing our country were caused because we have become a valueless country. We have left behind the values that once made this country great.

If the plan is to pass a gun law and believe that will fix what is wrong with America, it won’t. If America is going to be fixed, we must look at the right causes for what ails us. It’s not gun control that is going to fix America. What is going to fix America is regaining American values, love of the Country, the Constitution and the rule of law.

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