Sunday, December 04, 2016


As you read this Democrats are convening in war council. They are plotting how to make the presidency of Donald Trump illegitimate. They are attempt to de-legitimatize the vote of every American that voted for Trump. Democrats ARE a direct threat to our Representative Constitutional Republic.
Republicans must face the reality that Politics is no more the Gentleman's, Gentlewoman's my friend from across the aisle situation. Democrats have declared WAR!

Until Bush vs. Gore U.S. elections used to be fought and won at the ballot box. Everyone knows the story of Gore conceding to Bush then later that night reneging on the concession. The Gore campaign then lawyer-ed up and dragged the whole election into recount. Recount is a Democrat tactic to overturn an elect through purely subjective partisan hand parsing of ballots. Make no mistake Al Gore and Democrats forever shattered the peaceful transfer of power in the United States of America.

Now this should sound familiar. Hillary Clinton's historic lost to Donald J. Trump was an epic fail in candidate choice and choice in campaign issues for the Democrat Party and the Far-Left. They now know this. So did Democrats and Clinton conceded honorably and allowed the American people and their process to go forward resulting in the peaceful transfer of power that has grace this country for hundreds of years until Bush vs. Gore.

No! Hillary through surrogate Jill Stein has hijacked the 2016 presidential election and is asking for hand recounts. The night of her election defeat Hillary was already plotting a coup d'état against victor President-elect Donald Trump. She sent her second John Podesta out to send her supporters home without a concession. Behind the scenes she was having her attorneys and campaign look at election results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. They were attempting to find anything they can to challenge the elect results but, according to them, they found nothing. In addition to that President Obama called Hillary and told her that she must concede. She called President-elect Trump and, as we now know, reluctantly conceded. But did she really?

So now enters Jill Stein who was the Green Party candidate for President. Jill received just over a write-in candidates number of votes in this election yet she mysteriously is challenging election results in the same states that Hillary and her campaign had previous examined. Allegedly Stein has received through a “GoFundMe” account millions of dollars to pay for recounts of those challenged states. Again, she has requested hand recounts. Remember hand counting is a Democrat strategy to overturn an elect through purely subjective partisan hand parsing of ballots. Hand counts is how Democrat “Senator” Al Frankken originally stole his seat in Minnesota.

So like her fellow sore loser Democrat Al Gore, Hillary Clinton through her surrogate, Jill Stein has dragged this country into an Election War! Only Hillary isn't woman enough to show that it is her who is actually the “threat to our democracy”. No Hillary throws stones and hides her hands allowing Stein to be the front person to this “direct threat to our democracy”.

Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election. He is the President elect of the United States of America. However, we have seen this scenario before. After conceding the presidential election lost to Bush in 2000 Al Gore never conceded after he reneged and declared war on the American election process. Gore still contends that the Supreme Court took the election from him thereby giving Democrats and the left the false meme that the Bush presidency was illegitimate.

It can not be denied this 2016 election was Political War. Democrats declared war on Republicans, Donald Trump, the American people, the Constitution, American law and now the electoral system. From this point on there will be War going forward.

As you read this Democrats are convening in war council. They are plotting how to make the presidency of Donald Trump illegitimate. They are attempt to de-legitimatize the vote of every American that voted for Trump. Democrats ARE a direct threat to our Representative Constitutional Republic.

Republicans won this battle and they are just realizing that the old political ways are defunct. Democrats have turned the Gentleman's game of politics into unadulterated war.

To Democrats all is fair in Political war. If Republicans are smart they will throw out their Marquess of Quennsberry politics and move into 21st century politics.

If Republicans refuse to learn to use the Political tactics that Democrats employ the very least they should do is learn the tactics in order to defend against them.

Because this IS war!

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