Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pelosi Still Crazily Blaming Bush after all these years

U.S. soldier’s body dragged through the streets of Mogadishu Somalia in 1993

Here’s what the president inherited he inherited a deficit when this president inherited from the Clinton administration four budgets that were either in surplus or in balance and he turned it into a massive deficit. He brought us to the brink of financial crisis he brought us to the brink of deep recession ignoring issues related to climate change…so it’s a continuation of those Bush policies in the Congress but they had their roots and the problems were caused during the Bush Administration—Nancy Pelosi
It was a political strategy that served its users well. It won Democrats major victories in 2006 and 2008. So one understands why Democrats are so reluctant to let go of their “Blame Bush” cash cow. Nevertheless, enough is enough.

Americans were appalled at the images of Somalians dragging dead U.S. soldiers bodies though the streets of Mogadishu in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. And in like fashion, Americans are equally as put off by the incessant and puerile finger pointing by Democrats by which they drag the name of George W. Bush through the partisan political streets of blame still after seventeen months of a totally Democrat controlled government. This government, Democrats vowed, would do away with all Bush policies. Democrats vowed to end the war and course correct America onto what Democrats called the right path. Americans are asking, “Are we there yet?”

No we aren’t and something is serious wrong. The Fantasy Island that Democrats promised the America people to get Democrats elected has not materialized and things in American have gotten worse. What’s the problem? That’s right you guessed it according to Nancy Pelosi (drag, drag)—it’s Bush’s fault!

Here’s what the president inherited he inherited a deficit when this president inherited from the Clinton administration four budgets that were either in surplus or in balance and he turned it into a massive deficit. He brought us to the brink of financial crisis he brought us to the brink of deep recession ignoring issues related to climate change…so it’s a continuation of those Bush policies in the Congress but they had their roots and the problems were caused during the Bush Administration—Nancy Pelosi

Really, Ms. Pelosi, as Bill Maher would say fact checker please!

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is the preeminent Bush basher par excellence. The president learned what he knows about Bush bashing from Pelosi and Pelosi would like to place total blame for everything on president Bush. That is if we allow her too like Chuck Todd of MSNBC did without so much as a challenge of Pelosi’s selective revisionism. Without a challenge, she would blame everything that is going wrong with Democrat overspending and everything wrong with a Democrat controlled White house and Congress on president Bush. She did just that in this MSNBC interview. (see 1:44min video)

But au contraire, mon ami. Not so fast Madam Speaker of the House there are some of us that have a proper understanding of what actually occurred during the Bush administration regarding the deficits, the war and the financial brink as you termed it, even if your hapless interviewer, Chuck Todd, did not.

President Bush took office in 2001 at a politically bitter and divided time in our nation made so by Democrats who advanced the lie that Bush stole the election, a charge debunked by approximately 52 of our nation’s independent investigative newspapers. Yet Democrats continue to use that false charge to this day.(see previous post)

Because of Democrat’s bogus and divisive claims, the Congress became unwork ably polarized and partisan during the Bush years. Republicans held a small majority because the Senate was split 50-50 with Vice President Dick Cheney representing the tied braking vote but RINO James Jeffords sabotaged Republicans by leaving the party in 2001 to keep Republicans from gaining control of the Senate thus Jeffords threw control of Senate over to Democrats.

That action was thwarted by providence because Democrat Senator Paul Wellstone died in October of 2002 bring the numbers back in line 49-49 the Senate fluctuated much of year Republicans establishing a one vote majority but Democrats managed to maintain control of the Senate becoming one up because of Jeffords switch when Republican Phil Gramm retired. In the House Republicans held an equally small advantage of 221-211 however they were in consistence flux as well.

Though Republicans had a small majority as represented by the 107th- 109th Congresses from 2002 to 2006, Democrats were able to exhort control virtually filibustering and or blocking almost every Conservative agenda item or appointment that the directionless and feckless Republican leadership attempt to advance, causing gridlock and ultimately earning the name of “Do Nothing Congress” for those years.

At the same time, Congress went on a pork barrel spending spree virtually packing President Bush’s every request to fund the war in Afghanistan that started October 7, 2001 with pork and special projects for Democrats and Republicans alike. Of course President Bush didn’t help his cause by asking for and getting passed through Congress his Medicare Bill in 2003.

However, Bush was not in complete control of this Congress’ spending as no president ever is. Constitutionally Congress is charged with fiscal responsibility for the nation not the president. Harry Reid became Majority Leader in 2001, Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House in 2002, and the Reid Pelosi Congress passed three bills, huge spending bills over president Bush’s veto marking the beginning of Democrat controlling Congress’s fiscal irresponsibility.

The $23 Billion dollar water projects measure, the $300 billion Farm bill and the $480 billion Medicare all passed by Democrat controlled Congress over the veto of President Bush.

The bill[Medicare] authorizes the projects but does not appropriate the money for them. Appropriation of funds will have to be taken care of in subsequent legislation. -- DAVID STOUT

In addition to that, Democrats in Congress continued the fair housing programs under Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae first introduce by a Democrat Presidential administration.

Listen to Nancy Pelosi’s and other Democrats' bizzaro worldview of the financial crisis and then see how their views compares with the truth. The truth is Republicans attempted to prevent this financial crisis but their efforts were blocked by Democrats. (see previous post)

Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and the Democrats are responsible for Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and the current credit crisis as shown in 2004 intakes when Republicans where attempting to regulate Freddie and Fannie against Democrat opposition. You have this against a backdrop of Nancy Pelosi crazily blaming the Bush administration on the floor of the House in 2008 for the very credit crisis that she, Barney Frank and Democrats caused. (see 7.15min. video worth viewing)

It is the responsibility of the Congress to watch out for the American people and control spending Ms. Pelosi. How dare you say that fiscal irresponsibility happened during Bush’s watch while you were the one along with your Democrat allies causing the financial meltdown. --Continued tomorrow

Tomorrow: 9/11 commission reveals who in America to blame for the attack

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